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Everything posted by ShadowHaamu

  1. No, my complaint is that right now people think that planning and strategy makes a difference. But in reality, this new system relies on luck even more so than the old system. Nothing have truly changed as getting girls is still about plain luck. Good example of this was the recent epic days. I had two days of zero shard drops with over 100 fights (couple refills there). Now that might be really bad luck on my part, but it's the principle. If you have zero drop days in 4 or 5 days event, there is something wrong with the system. My final result was 52 shards for Evelyn with well over 300 fights. And let me tell you, getting those 52 shards is much more irritating than if I would've had the same about of fights with the old system. Do you know why so? Because every time you get the shards, it makes you believe that you have a chance to get the girl. But the truth is that your chances ain't any better than with the old system. Only event, were there is even barely there positive change, is the legendary days. But even that helps only heavy savers/spenders. That said, this new system do have one clear positive attribute. The fact that shards are saved, which helps greatly with revivals. Well, that is if the recent spring revival won't become permanent change. Because if that happens, then original event rotation is useless for revival, as revival will have first rounds pachinko girls dropping and your shard count will still be zero.
  2. That's the problem. Their profits won't be declining at all. Just look at all the legendary days events. There are lots of people here, who are quite clearly stating that they got the girl after spending literally thousands of kobans and they're proud of it! Yes, some people have probably saved kobans and used them. But there are enough fools that actually buy kobans to get the these girls. It's the same thing with league, pachinkos and even normal stuff in the game like TOF/bosses/arena. There are plenty of fools that give the devs all the money they need, so they can continue as they are now or even get worse.
  3. Well, he ain't completely wrong. This event shows the true color or purpose of this new affection system. It's to give a false idea of getting somewhere in the getting event girls and then force people to use/buy kobans, because they are so close or think they have realistic chances to get few more shards. At least with old system, you only needed to get lucky once....now you need to get lucky at minimum 30-50 times to have a chance for the girl. Frankyl, if they want to keep people actually doing these epic days with this new system, they need to either... a) increase basic drop range from 1-5 to 1-10. b) increase event duration to a one week at minimum. But as it is right now, these epic days are now purely to squeeze money out of their players. Edit: This is just like with this league fighting system. A half there good idea, but completely smeared by the overshadowing greed. Pretty much everything the devs had been since last summer had been like this.
  4. They might not live in right time zone, but that should be part of the competition. Top position should be for those that really make the effort to get there. If you want the top, you should be forced to play the whole league duration and make an effort. By then, you could actually talk about winning something and achieving any other place than the first place would then actually mean much more. Sure, you would be sad to not get a first place, but at the same time you can't do more than tip your proverbial hat for them as these people made more effort than you did. The next time you could do the same. As matter of fact, this is something you see more in lower level leagues as there is actually much more proper competition there.
  5. Ah, but if there would be no paid refills at all, then even weaker players has a higher chance to get in the first place with perseverance. There would also be more tactic involved, because you would really have to think, when it's good time to use boosters or can you afford to use them whole duration. And most importantly, this system would remove those last day/last minute winning sprees that are so irritating for many people. Also, strengthening themselves ain't all that easy in this game. Sure, basic stats and gears are available to all. But the legendary girls from legendary days.....getting at least 1 of those, with your battles stats, is necessity. However, getting those girls is and had always been simply about luck with rng. Yet, cashers have always had advantage here too, because they could have done more attempts than the free players and that way they had better chances to get the girls. So, while 1st place ain't literally locked behind paywall, there is still huge wall to be climbed on. It's just that cashers have this rope hanging on their wall to help them, while free players had to do it on their own. Besides, the real problem here is not that league is p2w. The problem is that there is paying aspect there in the first place with refills. It means that the free players are always at disadvantage. But of course devs won't really care, because they will get their money so much easier with
  6. Frankly, there is quite simple way to fix the league. Remove the ability to refill your league fight attempts. Then we could actually start talking about proper competition and it would completely fair to everyone as doing well in league would actually be result of your own efforts. Now League is just "half an hour madness". @everyone saying that free players are capable of doing the same as cashers with save tactic. While that is technically true, you guys are forgetting something important here. It's not just about kobans and saving them for month or two. You actually need proper battle stats to be able do that mad run for first place. If you don't have those, then no amount of kobans and boosters will help you there. And getting these battle stats and proper gear is something that free players will need much more time than a month or two. Because if you don't have the stats/gear needed, and luck ain't in your side, you could end in 5-15 category, which would means your months of saving was partially wasted.
  7. None of the girls and their income makes a slightest sense. If they would make any sense, then all girls minimum 3* income would be +2k something and with Legendary min +3k. Then those girls would actually resemble their supposed rarity levels. But right now the only sign of girls different rarity levels is their frigging affection cost for leveling them up.
  8. Spring Lola is legendary and only gives 1567 money?!?!?!?!? Now that's bullcrap.
  9. I think the next poll should add players level in the question. Would be interesting to see, if those levels affect 100 drop rates. After all, right now I'm leaning into idea that 100 drop are more common for lower level/new players.
  10. You might be forgetting something here. Some people might be willing to throw kobans/money on Roko, because he gives you money. And considering the ever increasing demands for money in this game, some people obviously sees spending kobans on Roko as beneficial strategy, especially if you first max it with free attempts. And if you look at TOF rankings and "money spent" section, it's obviously some people use kobans/real money to get ingame money form bosses like Roko. The only other explanation for how these people could've collect these hundreds of millions is that they are all heavy whales, who spends thousands of kobans on pachinkos and sells stuff they get from there. But either way, maxed Roko is the most sound option to spend your kobans, if you use them on bosses....outside of events of course.
  11. Now that the event is practically over, it's time for a feedback about this new system. Simply said, it's worse than the old one. First off, this new just relies even more to luck than the old system did. With old system, all you needed was to get lucky once. But with this new system you need to get luck over and over and over and over again. I'm not even talking about getting 100 insta drop, but basic shard drop. You can have +30-50 dry spree and then get 1 shard drop and then it's back to dry spree. This makes the old system of hundreds fights without drop and then getting lucky so much better, doesn't it? Not only that, but even if you do get both girls (which I'm not getting in any of my accounts), this new system practically forces you to play the whole damn event on low income bosses. With the old one, 90% of the time I was done with getting both girls in first 5-7 days. Now I have played the whole 12 days and I'm still not getting those girls. Yes, other people had had different luck with events of old in the past, but this is based on my experience and in my eyes this new system looks worse. If that ain't enough yet, then this new system is boring, tedious, frustrating, anti-climatic and again so utterly based on luck that it ain't even funny. And I think there is actually rather obvious reason for this latter one. Devs wants to maximize their players spending with this new system. Right now we seemingly got Event and Epic pachinko running along with both of them having these new event girls. That literally means than you can cash your way over this frustratingly tedious fighting and because of the new nature of this new system, many people are much like to do exactly that. Especially at the end, when people are missing only few shards. Many of them will either do refills or go for pachinko, hoping to get new events girls, even the boss ones. I can already hear people saying "but the old system made you spend kobans the same way, if you wanted the girls". While that's true, there is one obvious difference. With the old system, you had no way of knowing how many fights you needed. It could have been 1 or 1000. However, this new system seemingly tells you how much you need, yet it's exactly this that makes this system so deceptive. Let's say you are missing 25 shards from the one girl. That feels so little, doesn't little? Don't you think that "well, I need so few shards, that I get it easily with few refills?" But then you might need multiple refills and still not get it. You might get 5 more shards with 60 refills, then 10 with next 20 and then 5 in 40 fights and so on. But because you're missing so few of them, you won't be stopping your spending at this points as you will just think "I'm so close, so close. I'll get it with next one." Yes, I'm aware the old system had the this same thing. But it's worse with this new system, because you know exactly how much you're missing and it feels so easy to get, if it's low number of shards you're missing. It's like not many of the people reading this forum do anything like (except maybe with Legendary days or should I say especially with those), I can guarantee your there are hundreds of thousands of players of this game thinking like I wrote here. And this new system makes this outright gambling nature of this game even more persuasive to try or do. Sure, this new system ain't without it's good parts. But right now, with my experience of three events and many accounts at different points in the game, the bad is clearly outweighing any and all good parts. I'm not going so far as to say that this new system was "fixing something that wasn't broken" (like many changes in the past with this game), but it ain't too far away from that. And even if I still get lucky in last 19 hours or so, it won't be changing my opinion here. This new system is still as problematic as it is, no matter if I get the girls or not.
  12. Sure, you can do that...... but not if you want to get 1st place....even 2-4 position will be difficult. 5-15 rewards really ain't worth it. Especially when you're thrown in higher league, where you can't do crap. And other rankings are rather useless, when it comes to kobans. "First come, first served" rule sucks as it favors cashers.
  13. Indeed. And not only that, but you literally need to play 24/7, if you want to do well in high leagues. ....... or spend hell lot of kobans to speed fights.
  14. And that there is the main problem with this new system. With the old one, you needed to get lucky only twice. But with this new system you need to get lucky at minimum 50 times, most likely something between 80-150. That's because average shard drop is 2 or 3 shard. So, not good. It's much more frustrating to have 20-30 fight dry spree and then get 1 shard and back to dry again than having 100-200 fight without a girl, when you just needed to get lucky once.
  15. So, 4 and half days down of the event and I only got 57 shards for the one girl. At this pace I won't be getting both of the girls. Even getting one will be difficult. That's really bad as with the old system, I got both girls nearly from all the two weeks event, often even many days before the event ended.
  16. What I suggest is following. - First 4 win rewards can stay the same random selection of item/Exp. - 8 win will always be 2 combativity points. - 15 win reward will be random epic item or money. With this, it would be really worth to try to win max fights, even if single fight exp/money rewards won't be touched much. Of course it would be better, if they would at least triple single win/lose exp/money rewards. But at minimum they should make those 3 wins worth it. Having 3 white gifts as "reward" is really damn demotivating.
  17. No, you got it right, if you're a newer player. Older players could have gotten many of those girls from epic Pachinko still. Alas, at least all new 14 days event girls should be available on Epic Pachinko.
  18. There is both good and bad in this new attraction system. But when it comes to that bad, there is two things that irritates me the most of here. 1. You have to literally get lucky twice with the rng. First to get shard drop in the first place and then second time to actually get some good number of shards. Like this latest legendary system showed, it hard enough to get shard drops in the first place and it's even worse when you get multiple "1 drops" in row, if any. While at the same time someone could get much more with much less. This is worse with normal events (1-6) and revivals, where drop disparity is even worse with 1-12. This basically means that if you unlucky, you need to get shard option 100 times, which is just ridiculous. With normal 14 days events, this might be doable to get both girls, but definitely not for revivals. And before anyone of the older players plans to make comments like "it's revival, you already got the girls/or you have some shards for them", lets remember new players, who are potentially doing those revival events as a first time for them. 5 days is awfully little time for them to get both girls with this "lighting needs to strike twice" system. I know this from experience as my nutaku account missed both of the girls in this revival and it took me all 5 days to get enough shards for Lupa. My highest drop was 7 shard at once and couple 6, all the rest 1-4. However, this whole problem is easily solved. All devs needs to do here is to make minimum drop always 2 shards. Simple fix, but already halves even the god awful lucky streaks from 100 lucky times to just 50. This would also lower people frustration with Legendary days events and higher level bosses like Karole. 2. Second irritating part is lowered shard numbers with higher level bosses. Karole's 1-3 shard drop chance is utterly ridiculous. What makes this even worse is total lack of money from the boss, utterly abysmal gift drop rates for anything else than white and green and 10 fights to level up once. That said, this issue could alleviated by making the shards something like 2-4 for Karole and Shina. Lastly, just a little wish about extra gifts after 100 shard counter. Right now you seems to only get epic flowers. So, I wish devs would make it random epic drop. This way people could potentially get lucky with their extra shards and it wouldn't be huge change or balance breaking thing either as you mostly just get 1-5 extra gifts in the first place.
  19. While I agree with you, you do have to remember that the current event is revival from a time when pretty much all event had girls dropping from lower bosses (1-3). The same thing with previous sci-fi event. As for Legendary, it was there to give everyone a chance to get her. But otherwise, this is something that devs had actually improved things. All the new events had had girls dropping from much higher lvl bosses.
  20. Roko Sensei is definitely the worst, but also the most random. It took me 3059 tries to get my first girl (Mavin) from Roko. I was expecting it to get forever to get the last two girls. But Noomey dropped on 1607 fight and Venam only took 449 fights.
  21. Frankly, only thing legendary in these events is the amount of kobans people spend in them. While devs don't obviously give numbers to us, I would't be surprised if the player base would use hundreds of thousands kobans per legendary girl event. That's lots of money wasted on game of chance and some people still don't get the girl after thousands of kobans used. But guess it's time to wish luck for other people. I know I won't get this girl with the free daily attempts I'll use.
  22. While tests like this are good and give some information, it doesn't really resemble the reality of most players. If you really want to test it out, then you need to limit the your koban use to 5400 or 10800. First those are the amounts that free players and monthly card owners can acquire in couple months of playing. Secondly, this gives real indication of how good or most likely bad this new event pachinko is.
  23. Of course this would be the most logical solution. But naturally we can't have that and you know why? Because the devs not only want more money from everyone, they especially want to milk the people who are actually spending money on this game. After all, while sure 3x 5400 was nice for devs, this new system forces whales to potentially spend tens of thousands kobans before getting all of the girls.
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