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Everything posted by Magic1986

  1. Those two are my biggest concerns about this event. I am not hoarding ticket because im still farming the Champs to get their Girls (i got the Girls from the first three Champs). Also im spending money on my stats because i promoted way to early in the next leage and im getting stomped. Played 6 or 7 leagues in the new one and never placed hihhger than 55th. Im way behind with the champs because i was around level 100 when they got released. It took me more than one week to even win the first fight at the first Champ.
  2. Both are nice. If i could choose which one to get from the Pachinko i would pick Darla
  3. im not using twitter or facebook or instagram, saw to code today while i was looking for the event calendar in the forums. So there is no way to find things like that if you are not using the data grabbers
  4. code is expired.... too bad that some people have to sleep
  5. me too, i never had an account on either of those platforms
  6. 120 fights vs karole ( i don't got the three girls from her as im still progressing in the main story) and i got 12 tickets. 32 Hours left for the campaign and i have to do two more champ fights. After the free tickets tomorrow i got probably 20 hours (-10 because work) to get 60 villain fights (not possible) and 100 pvp wins (not possible because of 30 mins cooldown). So yeah either i was extremely unlucky or this event is desinged for spenders an people who got the story finished and can 100% focus on doing events i didn't had sockpiled tickets, i am still fighting the chmpions. got the first three girls from them. Wehn the champs got released i was around level 100 and it took me several months to get the first girl, champ 2 was literally not doable for me at this point.
  7. i have 6 champs unlocked but i don't get tickets. i did 80 figts vs karole yesterday and i got 5 tickets from her
  8. Same for me 100% free to play and i managed to get 2 or 3 out of the 4 or 5 girls every event. now it will be maybe one girl every throid or 4th path of attraction. Im never going to spend those 7200 Kobans to get the second set of rewards. Way to expensive. If the game turns into pay to win like every other browser games does sooner or later im out too
  9. This would be good. The 30 Champion fights are blocking me out. i see that i will have around 24 hours left for 100 pvp wins. Thats not doable without massive spending
  10. that sucks indeed, but again there was no reason to wait, since oyu can beat them as often as you like and get items everytime. the only thing you get once is the stuff from the last fight of each champion, after that you get items from them aswell.
  11. This feature is out for roughly 9 months now. If you were at 10 tickets or more beginning from the first week and never used any of them you just missed ~820 free tickets. Thats massive.
  12. Well it has never been a good idea to ignore a feature completely. Especialy in Free to Play or Pay to Win games. You always need everything in this kind of games sooner or later.
  13. oh, i thought i could use those 3 single orbs for the 3 orb option as well. ok thats the problem then
  14. either you can't play the mythic pachinkox3 by paying with orbs or i am not able to figure out how to play it with orbs
  15. did 30 fights vs villains today and got two tickets.... so thats a no
  16. Dear Santa, 🎅 My ID is 2128413 I am playing Hentai Heroes This year I have been really naughty because every day i fucked EVERY girl i met I would be very happy if you bring me some shards for Travel Gwenaelle
  17. Well i like this game and i also like Harley Hentai Heroes ID: 2128413
  18. Well i got 50 shards with the first 20 fights at the first day and unlocked her yesterday. im at 44 shards for gwenaelle currently. i got really good rng in this event
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