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Red Rudy

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Everything posted by Red Rudy

  1. I play at Newgrounds which isn't on the list for question #1
  2. LOVE the way her big titties bounce when the bangs her staff on the ground. That's absolutely magical, and my sincere compliments to the artist. Finalmecia has always been one of my favourites, ever since her first appearance. But this version of her, mama mia!
  3. Today's daily mission, the purple one, is 7 hours and 55 minutes. Not to be rude, but that seems excessive.
  4. I was away for a while, just returned, and I find the interface when I go to the Market is completely different. I understand most of it, the Buy All button is very nice, thank you. But I had a hard time figuring out how to equip boosters. I click on Boosters. I see the available stock on the left, the stuff I have in Inventory on the right. There are buttons to Buy, Sell, and Restock, but that's it. I had to click on the round blue button with the white exclamation point and read the instructional blurb very carefully to find out that boosters are equipped on the My Hero screen. Even after arriving at the My Hero screen, I had to look hard to see that there are in fact two other tabs to that screen. I have it figured out, but I would respectfully suggest that it's far too difficult to find. If people can't figure out how to use boosters, you can't expect them to buy boosters.
  5. Thank you for the explanation. It is appreciated.
  6. Been seeing a new reward item, and I don't know what it is. It's a purple rectangle with two lines of white dots down the long edges, looks like maybe supposed to represent a short piece of old-school movie film? (that had holes along the edges to engage a sprocket that advanced the film through the projector) Any clues?
  7. For the new tab under Activities, "Daily Goals", there is one called "Upgrade any girl grade", and this is a very unclear description. Through trial and error, I have discovered that you need to increase her affection to the next full star, and pay the fee in cash, but it desperately needs to be more clearly explained. At the very least, use the word affection, please. Thanks for listening.
  8. Thank you very much, Slynia. It looks like she is from "Pantheon of Love 2020". Do you think this event will return in 2021?
  9. While I was doing Tower of Fame just now, I saw an opponent of mine had an Epic Girl called "The Morrigan" that I really liked. OMG those hips! How can I look her up and see where she comes from? I know that in theory I could scroll through the list in "Harem" and try to find her, but that's a long, long list. I'm hoping there is an easier way...
  10. Yes, the problem cleared up within a few hours yesterday
  11. Several places in-game I am seeing missing graphics and instead a black square with Cloudflare error message. I noticed it first while dueling Club Champion, the black square was in place of the girl's fave position.
  12. New Years Estelle. A Mythic girl, obviously going to be very hard to get, I understand. But one shard at a time? On four occasions I have gotten shard, but each time it was only one. How are we supposed to have even a ghost of a chance to accumulate 100 shards in just 2 days if we only get one shard at a time?
  13. The problem I am having is that there are just too many avatars. I have several options available to me, but paging through every single avatar in the game looking for the ones that don't have a price below is just unbearably tedious. is there a way to see just the ones I already have?
  14. That was harsh, and entirely unnecessary. As an expat, I can't get Skrill to accept any method of payment available to me. Apparently they just don't want to do business with anyone who lives outside their own country.
  15. When I click on the Legendary Days banner, the resulting popup window is blank. Also, the flags on the various activity areas, like exclamation point when there's something new, or treasure chest on Activities when a project is done, those are all missing. Anybody else seeing this? Or, uh, not seeing this...
  16. Ugh 7 hours to go, I have 91 shards, and I'm all out of kobans, after spending 1000+ (/me bangs head on desk) The game hates me ***************************** W00t! I got lucky at the last minute, last of my points, last of my kobans, managed to get the final 9 shards I needed for The Twins!
  17. Pfft, my experience thus far has been exactly the opposite. I keep getting one lousy shard at a time, over and over, and it's starting to get aggravating, ESPECIALLY when I spend 200 kobans to recharge Combativity, and then only get one stingy &^%(** shard.
  18. Thank you for that useful information. Much appreciated
  19. This is my complaint right here. Of the 4 or 5 positions available to the class of a given champion, far too often it's just two positions repeated, such as - sodomy, sodomy, missionary, sodomy, missionary Thank you for listening.
  20. There are many comment in this thread, but all seem to be between veteran players. Will someone kindly explain to a n00b what this is about, and how to best take advantage of it? Thank you in advance
  21. I know the basics. I am level 60, have 16 girls in my harem. I have looked carefully at the Clubs window, sorted the listings by various criteria. I can see that some are closed and some are open, I can see how they have a level equal to the combined ranks of all members, etc. What I am asking is, what do I need to know aside from this, aside from the obvious. Hablo tambien el Castellano.
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