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Everything posted by casket

  1. We're on the same track! I'm at 7 shards for Sabrina after 40 something. I got all the villain girls last event with 4 days remaining, so I guess it evens itself out here. Although there's still a lot of time for the luck to turn around. Edit: also used both my event pachinko orbs plus 4 more rolls and got 0 girls. Just really wanted Desdemona 🤣
  2. Didn't pay attention to see if it wasted moves but I just can't place the last puzzle piece for the first puzzle. Tried refreshing a few times and then tried doing it on my phone, still can't get it to work
  3. Hari is a shame. Hedonia and Shade look great from their initial poses, though.
  4. I'll gladly admit that I was wrong in thinking this event was impossible without prior prep. I had only 7 tickets to begin with and actually managed to complete it with 2 minutes to spare, only spent the 7200 kobans for the second rewards. The tickets were 100% the biggest roadblock and had I had a stash prior it would have been cake. I did, however, have to babysit the game and make sure I did my arena fights as soon as they refreshed for ~9 hours in order to complete it without spending more kobans. Just glad I got it done, Salem was the motivator 😁
  5. I should almost definitely manage the first girl absolutely free. I didn't save up my tickets so it's not really possible for me to complete this event (which I understand is on me.) I'm fine just taking my one free girl and being better prepared for the next PoA. If anyone's curious, I had 7 tickets at the beginning of the event and I'm now at 37/40 on the first champion battles mission, spending all my energy on tickets and obviously doing the villain fights. All I have to do is just not do champion battles anymore outside of these events and I should be able to complete PoAs from now on.
  6. I goofed a bit by not stocking up tickets. I knew PoA was coming back, frankly I just didn't care because I'd rather play the game than save my tickets when I could use the money and the girls I'm still missing from the champs. I have 7 tickets right now so if I spent the 7200 I'd get 60 more, plus 10 with my leftover kobans. That still leaves me short 43 tickets. While I could pick up maybe ~half of that from lucky villain fights, I doubt I could get all of them. This just seems like a massive headache unless, like others have stated, you just ignore almost every feature the game has and hoard everything at all times to dump on these events. Gonna see how far I can go casually but definitely not pushing it.
  7. Depends on what you consider rare I guess. I started playing in December with 1 100x drop since then, so one per 6(+) months seems pretty rare to me Edit: I also assume I'm an outlier when it comes to shard drop luck though, as with just under 2 days left of this event I've only managed 17 shards for Levitya 😅
  8. Looking for some advice on a strategy. I have x12 Multi on Keira and x15 on Felicia. I have 17 crafts purchased, got sex tape souvenir but no mojo ring. Do I just upgrade idle/click/rewards/STS? Or keep buying charms to get mojo ring? And if I can just roll with what I have right now, should I be leveling Felicia at all or just Keira?
  9. I'm personally not participating in this event, but it seems some in this thread are enjoying it so good for them. I'm just gonna use this time to get some girls I'm missing from villains hopefully
  10. I keep 7 so that I never get mojo rewards, you still get 5 daily missions every day while holding 7 completed so I'm not losing anything (except mojo)
  11. Do you know by chance if enhancements share a spot in daily missions with mojo rewards? I've been holding onto 7 completed mojo dailies so that I only get affection, ryo and kink point rewards. Haven't got an enhancement since they've been implemented though
  12. Missed the first 2, failed Santa Claudia due to not having Felicia and not getting mojo ring. Completed the others
  13. I wouldn't worry, I'm sure you'll get Shehera. I'm going after her too. One lucky 12 drop can easily swing things back in your favor
  14. It's a tough situation because as someone else pointed out earlier in this thread, if we spend kobans on moves this event, we send the message that an event like this is okay. Some or most of us may end up with having to spend less than 9k kobans to finish this event and get Sabrina, which is arguably worth it, but on top of the extremely small room for error there's been a huge bug causing us to lose moves from the very beginning that they haven't fixed (wonder why.) I should have the kobans to spare to get Sabrina but I'm debating passing just so we never get another event like this
  15. Sabrina has strong perks and for you she's cheaper than a (chance at a) gacha girl, who could end up being weaker
  16. Just got Valentina after an estimated 430 fights. Feeling super happy to have my second legendary 5-star girl for my specialty helps that she's gorgeous on top of that
  17. More time added could be a solution. I know others have said it but I was asleep when the event started. It's a pretty bad feeling to know before even using my first move that I can't get the girl without spending because I was 2 hours late.
  18. Based purely on the girls, maybe. Alex is disgusting imo so that hurts this event for me. Also, I was able to get all 3 villain girls without spending kobans last event, and I'm not going to be able to get one without spending kobans this event.
  19. I believe I'm having abnormal luck then. I didn't count exactly but I would guess I've done around 20 or less 1x EP plays with orbs since they were added and I've got Kathy and Alpha & Omega so far
  20. Under maintenance now so hopefully they're working on a fix
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