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Everything posted by Benefuci

  1. As to the topic :D... I decided to play the game as it "should" be played, and ended up adding Athena to my Harem. I bitterly regret it, I can't stand her silly smug face, and have changed the order in which I collect money from the ladies so I don't end up clicking her last. Yes, really Yes, I know
  2. I wish followers of "Active religions" (struggling not to LMAO at that) would take a moment, consider this, and realize that their religion is nothing special and will eventually go the way of the dodo as well. Or, in this case, the way of Thor and Zeus. Get a bit of perspective. . More importantly because I don't agree with the "better safe than sorry" approach. In this it doesn't matter, the game is the same if she's called Kali or Kootra. But recently all to often restrictions have been put in place because something was "Holy" to someone or other. All while considering "Better safe than sorry". If you think people should not climb Ayers Rock because it's the birthplace of some god, proof it. There are several wise quotes about a falsehood not becoming truth based on how many people say or believe it. If we keep giving in we risk a world where we'll have to treat flat-earthers with respect. (apologies for derailing!) As for Kootra, google translate says it's Tamil for "claim". That *might* be accidental though
  3. She was, wasn't she? Goddess of warfare, how to use wisdom in planning your war. There's another (male) god who's the god of war, but then more like god of battles.
  4. Whatever the next event will be, there'll be at least one girl i'd like to add. 😮 for Fabienne! Hentaiheroes 2818481
  5. Meanwhile, the Morrigan goes "And.. check! That is dr. Lust added to my Harem. And the guy thinks he's added me to his. This game is *so* funny!"
  6. LOL! Maybe you've just gone full circle and explained how and why she became such a feared creature in the first place
  7. Thanks, I was only very vaguely aware of the originating mythical creature. And gratz. You somehow managed to make her *worse*!
  8. I guess there's 2 ways of looking at it. OMG! The Morrigan leads in poll, how did that happen!?? or less than 20% voted for the Morrigan. Also, as there was no "None of the above" option, this poll is seriously flawed and I reject its result!
  9. I call BS. Just the boobs, ok, maybe? But a woman who has a front and behind like Morri, and also the thin waist, the very small chest with hardly enough room for those ... things, the slender arms, the shapes of the legs of Morri? Without loads of "cosmetic" surgery? I call BS. I honestly don't believe a woman like that exists.
  10. Ah, but you're already here, you're already hooked. Why give you something for free if no one can see them giving it away? That's not what a weekly contest is for. KK wants you to participate as an extra in it's add campaigns on facebook and twitter. Clearly the security of your account or your privacy are irrelevant.
  11. Yeah, I read yours after posting mine, and had to laugh. I guess there really is no accounting for taste. I'm happy you're happy with the new art.
  12. What the <beeep>. This is what new girls look like? These girls make me want to quit playing. They make me weep when I compare them to old girls I don't have yet. We've left Hentai, gone straight through cartoon right into caricature. I'll do the missions, Ishtar might be nice to add. I have the boss for Athena unlocked, so I'll be avoiding that boss (and Athena) for the next 10 days. And I'll definitely not roll any Pachinko for fear of getting some of these girls. The more new girls look like this, the more important it becomes to add a feature to the game to blacklist/delete a girl from a harem. If all the old girls looked like this I wouldn't even have bothered starting with this game. I'm seriously considering if I want to keep playing. Edit: Is it normal they don't show if they are 3 or 5 star girls? Should I assume they'll be 5 star because they're new?
  13. I am pretty sure the champions are intended to be taken slowly, over months. That is what the wait timers are for. And it's fine as is, I like it. The problem comes for new players like you and me, when KK suddenly throws something meant to be taken slowly over months, into a 5 day event, and we try to catch up quickly. Players who have unlocked all champions have no problem doing this without spending. I spent kobans and made it to the next phase. Losing 27 times on one level helped with the 24 hour reset, but it's ridiculous when losing is the smart strategy. Afterwards I realized I spent 30 tickets getting a really low payout. The money that cost me might be a worse loss for my growth over the coming months than the kobans. I think that unlike other events where there is something to do for new players and up, this event is geared toward established mid to high level players, and I should have simply ignored it. I like to try new things, so that's OK, next time I will know better.
  14. hehe, I have like 80 tickets, but only 1 champion to spend them on. Then the cool-downs start to bite. Speaking of, must hurry back for the next round!
  15. This is not a shift towards whales. Whales are people who spend real $ regularly and in large quantities because they simply want everything (and have the $ to spend). Whales spend their kobans no matter if it's on a few more expensive or a lot of smaller transactions. As long as the whales spend, they nor the devs care if other players get some stuff cheaply. They are an accepted part of a f2p eco-system. And those players accept they don't get everything that the whales are getting. That is the whole idea behind micro-transactions: none of few for the f2p, some more for the infrequent buyers, and all of it for the whales. Having the micro-transactions within reach of the non-whales is essential, or you'd have a game for only a few whales and that doesn't work. The difference between whale or non-whale is in how many micro-transactions, not in the size of the micro-transactions. This event is the opposite: it looks to me to target those non-whales as an attempt to get those players (f2p or infrequent buyers) to lay out a larger amount than they are used to. It can be simply a feeler by KK to see if the players are ready for a bit of koban-inflation, or it could mean the whalers don't bring in enough $ anymore. In that case this is a last, desperate money grab phase that can be seen in all games about to end. However, unless long-term players confirm there has been a down-turn in player activity, I see no reason to assume whales changed their behavior. I'd put my kobans on a bit of experimentation by KK.
  16. I would say it's possible for some, depending on your situation. It seems the 30 performances, and giving XP to girls are the biggest potential stumbling blocks? Apart from simply time to play.
  17. Thank you!! Those are useful tips! I did use the draw to get as bad a team as I could manage, and I got most know-how girls out. Unfortunately Mizuki and Bunny seemed to swap each other out with every draw. I did *not* think about changing my gear, or leaving the club. As it was I still did 130k/900k, even if I lower that a bit more I'll get to 8, 9 tickets until a win. And then I'll have to wait 24 hours. I'd have to buy off the 24h cooldown at least twice to get enough time for everything else. If the objectives were parallel, I'd likely do it and spend the kobans. As is, I'm going to give it one more try to see how low I can get but I can't really see me bothering to finish this event. Shame, as I was looking forward to something new. BTW, playing to lose, up to the point of leaving a club, is a very odd effect of an event. Edit: I did 0 to 138k on the first ticket with only a bad draw. After changing gear I went from 138k to 192k in the 2nd ticket. This is getting within reach if I stay up late tonight ;).
  18. My quote from Magic is a bit random, I could have quoted from a number of posts, so don't take it personally Magic! I'm basically in the same boat as Lonk. I'm fairly new here, lvl 110 now, and from reading the forum I originally got the impression champions was "end-game" content for after the quests. I only recently have started on them, and have only the first available. That later villains are not accessible to me because I have not reached them yet in questing is sort of meh, but understandable. It's because I'm new and have quests to do. I can at least focus on the bosses I *have* unlocked and so I can at least participate in the event, even if *part* of it is out of my reach. This target of 30 performances against champions can only be done by people who have multiple/all champions unlocked. Unlike normal events, this is binary. It puts the whole event completely out of my reach, not just part of it. And out of reach of any other new-ish player.
  19. About Path of Attraction: any objective that involves a daily contest is giving an advantage to those in time-zones that has them awake at the end of the contest. They can see how much, if anything, they are missing and can decide to throw some extra kobans, ymen or time at it to reach a favorable position. I don't know about y'all, but I'm not going to get up in the middle of the night to check on my contest position. These objectives should be removed from the event. Personally I'm not going to waste any effort or Kobans as long as that is in there. I don't want to be a downer on something people spend time and effort on to develop, and I appreciate the wish to try something different, but this is a mistake :(
  20. I know, i'm not complaining! Just saying that moving from max 3 hours (I think?) to max 8 hours is a big difference.
  21. Wow. I had upgraded girls based on the longer timers because I can't be online that much. But even just at 3 stars Jennie now has an income timer of 5h and a bit...
  22. AFAIK said member was reattached, and as an odd result of his fame had a bit of a career as porn star. As for the girls, I'd love to add Jackie, but as a newb I can't . Wouldn't mind Holly and Belissa, I'm pretty indifferent about Celeste and summer spirit. Lima... I should want her because I'm playing hard-core (at least for now), but I'll do my damnest to keep away from her. There is some really nice artwork in the game, but sometimes if seems as if the artist went "Oh well, I'll just give it big boobs and a big ass and then the rest doesn't matter". No depth, ridiculously small chest behind those boobs, just...no!
  23. Join a club (or start one) with an XP bonus?
  24. Please explain to me how or why Jennie, who it turned out didn't need to be rescued and is going to marry her lover "soon", is in my harem, and how that fits the story line? You're given far too much weight to the story line. As for the rest of your remark, I can easily write a similar remark where I turn everything around. At the end of the day, Kinkoid can do whatever they like, but *the players* will decide if they like the game enough to keep playing. I'm pretty sure Kinkoid will change when their bubble doesn't fit the concept of the game for enough players. As for the actual question: do I want to be able to delete a girl? I just learned more about fighting champions, and how they randomly select 10 girls from my harem. That means when I have a girl I don't like (Natasja <shudder>) I can't simply ignore her, I'll have to put effort into building her up too. For me the option to delete a girl (and auto-add it to a blacklist so she doesn't come back again) has just become essential to prolonged play. I don't even need a return of anything, I don't want to trade her, I want an option to remove a girl I don't like from my harem. PS Yes, *my* harem. Not "the hero's harem". I guess we have different personal bubbles
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