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Everything posted by Z-Wave

  1. Here's the second D3 league, 142 players in total.
  2. Oui deepl.com est un excellent outil. Il ne supporte malheureusement que 9 langues, mais la qualité est si impressionnante ! Je dois encore apprendre le hongrois pour ma copine... eh bien... peut-être que c'est pour le mieux. 😂
  3. On s'est inquiété du fait que mon poste pourrait facilement être perçu comme un conseil pour éviter le Club non officiel. Ce n'est pas mon intention et je suis désolé pour tout malentendu ! Moi aussi, j'ai parlé avec eux et la fusion de nos clubs était sur la table à un moment donné, donc il n'y a pas de mal à tendre la main. N'hésitez pas à approcher les autres et à chercher des collaborations avec tout le monde...:-) Traduit avec www.DeepL.com/Translator
  4. Salut @SarahSvensonn, Je suis le chef des "Peaceful Warriors" et tout d'abord : je ne parle pas français. Grâce à la puissance d'Internet et des moteurs de traduction, j'espère que vous et vos collaborateurs pourrez lire ceci. Je partage vos préoccupations et j'essaie de comprendre comment gérer ces nouvelles fonctionnalités. Il y a beaucoup de chances dans ce nouveau patch (bien que KK aurait pu faire mieux à mon avis en ajoutant simplement une limite quotidienne de dons pour qu'aucun club ne puisse passer instantanément à 40 membres). Peu importe, nous aimons les défis, alors prenons celui-là. 🙂 Ce n'est pas une bonne idée maintenant de prendre des décisions rapides que vous pourriez regretter plus tard, mais il n'y a aucun mal à parler et à discuter des idées. C'est pourquoi j'ai contacté plusieurs dirigeants de club et leur ai demandé leur avis et leurs idées. Heureusement, la communauté est très ouverte à en parler. Après beaucoup d'échanges et de réflexions, la meilleure solution (mais aussi la plus difficile à trouver) serait celle-ci si vous me demandez : Trouvez 2 autres clubs qui ont les mêmes idées et qui sont prêts à coopérer avec vous. Trouvez maintenant un moyen de fusionner vos 3 clubs en 2 nouveaux clubs qui restent dans la même communauté (par exemple, avoir un serveur de discorde partagé). L'un d'entre eux pourrait être le club engagé qui veut marquer des points élevés au classement et qui est prêt à investir beaucoup de temps et de stratégie dans le jeu (mais pas nécessairement de l'argent réel). Le deuxième club serait le club "juste pour le plaisir". Vous pourriez finir par avoir 30 joueurs dans chaque club de sorte que vous êtes toujours présent sur le classement lorsque les 10 personnes manquantes par club grandissent naturellement avec le temps. Honnêtement, je ne sais pas si c'est la voie à suivre (ou si vous pouvez trouver assez de clubs pour coopérer en premier lieu). Je suis à la recherche d'une telle solution pour mon club, mais je suis très heureux de voir les suggestions d'autres personnes qui pourraient être meilleures que ce que j'ai trouvé. C'est une période intéressante qui nous attend, c'est certain. Je vous souhaite, à vous et à votre club, bonne chance et beaucoup de succès et j'attends avec impatience d'autres idées à ce sujet.
  5. @Fly J'utilise donc un traducteur en ligne. Je suis heureux de voir à quel point vous êtes ouvert à ce sujet. Cependant : Si votre club n'a pas l'intention de se séparer complètement, trouvons un moyen d'obtenir un résultat gagnant-gagnant des deux côtés. Si l'un de vos deux meilleurs membres (@Zak ou @joegland) est intéressé à rejoindre les Peaceful Warriors, c'est tout à fait possible car ils sont à un bon niveau. Je ne veux pas qu'ils quittent votre club sans que je puisse leur fournir quelque chose en retour. Y a-t-il quelque chose dont vous et votre club avez besoin ? Par exemple, nous avons rassemblé beaucoup de savoir-faire concernant les stratégies JcJ et aussi une simulation Excel pour que vous puissiez anticiper une bataille de ligue beaucoup mieux. Peut-être que cela vous serait utile, sinon faisons un brainstorming. 🙂 English Version: I'm using an online translator then. I'm glad to see how open you are regarding this topic. However: If your club is not planning on splitting up altogether, let's figure out a way to have a win-win result on both ends. If one of your two top members (@Zak or @joegland) is interested in joining the Peaceful Warriors, it is entirely possible because they are at a good level. I don't want them to leave your club without me being able to provide something in return though. Is there anything you and your club need? For example we assembled a lot of Know-How regarding PvP strategies and also an Excel simulation so you can anticipate a league battle much better. Maybe this would be of value for you, otherwise let's brainstorm ideas. 🙂
  6. Yes... indeed I am 😅 Oh you don't mean Club non officiel?!? Because I talked to them already 😏 But on a more serious note: Of course I'd like to talk to you, too! I was just too lazy to tag more than 10 people (also it would look really gross after a while), and my best measurement of club strengths is the leaderboard. So tell me, Chthugha... do you bleed? Uhm... I mean... do you want to talk about cooperation?
  7. @SarahSvensonn from Les Rois des Reinees @Kirito from Kirito Harem @guignol from CAPTAIN TSUBASA KNOW-HOW @Fly from 300 @GetOverHere from Shut Up&Get On My Cock @Smasher from Overlords @riker25 from Long Leg Lovers @bobpoto from Jouisseurs de l'extrême @pascalou69 from Team Harem FR @Osamaru from La Génèse You are the 10 top leaders that I haven't yet talked to about the upcoming club features. I'd be very happy if we could come together to share ideas and strategies on how to deal with this new patch. This is all about cooperation and win-win, not about poaching or other mischievous actions. I will never try to contact and recruit a member of any club, but I like to get in touch with successful leaders and figure out ideas that serve all parties involved. 🙂 So if you are interested, now you know I'm very open and available for collaborations. We can have an open conversation here on the forum any time. If you want to contact me directly, please reach out to my Discord account Z-Wave#0952 (I'm on both the English and French official HH Discord server). Have a great time everybody. I'm looking forward to both cooperation and friendly competition. It's a fun game, and these are interesting times...
  8. @isi@zonzon@Ichigo-Kun@MaxPain@terumy@toto I'll just tag you this once (at least for a long time now ;-)) but if you want to join the Peaceful Warriors (currently #2 worldwide with aspirations to #1) we can probably make it happen somehow. Just post here or pm me on the official Discord (French or English) to get in contact (or to tell me to leave you alone finally 😅). Happy fighting and good luck! Je ne vous marquerai qu'une fois cette fois (du moins depuis longtemps maintenant ;- -)) mais si vous voulez rejoindre les Peaceful Warriors (actuellement #2 mondial avec des aspirations à #1) nous pouvons probablement le faire d'une manière ou d'une autre. Il suffit de me poster ici ou de me pm sur la Discorde officielle (français ou anglais) pour entrer en contact (ou pour me dire de vous laisser enfin seul 😅). Bon combat et bonne chance ! Z-Wave
  9. Well @Chthugha in that case @natstar shall stay and kick our asses. 😂
  10. How dare you! Of course I don't get a Koban for every word (it's two Kobans actually 😉) @natstar A secret agent that neither can be named nor will ever be found out told me you're a good lad with a lot of knowledge. Are you without club and interested in joining the Peaceful Warriors? 🙂
  11. It's probably technically not entirely correct, but imagine that everything you see and do on hentaiheroes takes place in an invisible framework (just like your webbrowser window is kind of a "frame" for the website content you are watching). Besides some technical advantages (like tracking whether you have another session of hentaiheroes opened and permitting chat access there), it allows for the game to run entirely under the domain hentaiheroes.com. Check it out yourself, no matter what you click, the domain stays the same. The different content you see (like ToF, Arena, Market, Harem etc.) must be stored at different locations though and if you know their addresses, you can access them directly. Usually it doesn't make much of a difference and many websites don't use a specific framework and just forward you to the next domain when you click a link. With hentaiheroes you will see some small differences though: For example when you fight a villain (right after clicking the button "Perform! x1") and reload the page via F5 or Ctrl+R, you'll see different results. On hentaiheroes.com you will be brought back to the main area or the world map, whereas in the out of frame domain you're back at the villain and can instantly fight him/her again. This saves you a lot of clicks in the long run. Hope that was somewhat understandable. And thanks for the full combativity bar idea, I totally forgot about that (and I often forget to wait fighting villains before an event happens as well, although it would be the smart way :-D).
  12. Okay my strategy sharing post from November needs a serious update with all the patch additions and increased knowledge on my side. I think I finally entered the "semi-smart" realm with some good ideas, but many of you are a lot smarter, so please share your strategies as well for us all to become better players (or human beings in general :-)). Koban numbers apply to HH.com, but the strategies will probably work no matter the server you're playing on. Every day: Do all Daily Missions and Daily Quests (and get rewarded 150 Kobans), check whether a contest is running out soon, refill boosters (epic boosters are better than legendary at the moment in every scenario for me). Whenever the game let's me do it: Burn through all Energy and Combativity, do League and Arena fights, upgrade all stat points, buy all books from the Market (remember: Market resets either after 8h or when you level up). Upon every visit: Get Harem income, check Club Chat, check Market for single stat legendary equipment and valuable epic boosters. Money spending: Mostly for GP x10 to get single stat legendary equipment. Otherwise for every book and sometimes for gifts when a new girl needs to be upgraded Villain selection: Primarily villains who still have girls (e.g. during events), otherwise Roko for money or Karole for gifts (when leveled up she's "cheaper" than buying gifts from Roko money). PvP setup general strategy: Have the strongest available girls in your style (preferably shagger) and use them in descending order. Of course fully upgrade them and equip them with boosters (I prefer 4x Epic Cordyceps at the moment) and the highest mono stat equipment you can get. HC players would mostly use Golden Bunny, Levitya and Justine with maxed out stats right now. You'll find a sortable list of all girls here. PvP setup specifics: Depending on your enemies it might be useful to switch Alpha and Beta girl, equip one or two rainbow items or use Chlorella or Ginseng roots. Also the judge can be taken into account, but that's all only useful if you're fighting people at or above your level. Most of the times the general strategy will suffice, you might even be able to switch to a weak third girl in order to level her up during PvP against weaker competition. League Strategies: I always fight everybody because of the exp gain. In Dicktator 1-3, there are only 2 smart ways to deal with it in my opinion: 1. Be fully equipped the second when the league resets and if you figure that chances are good for you, rush to #1 while using the x15 button and the Desktop hacks mentioned below. If you become #1 with full points, it was worth it (otherwise you just wasted a lot of Kobans ;-)). 2. Take it easy and use your free Kobans and smart PvP strategies to get as many points as possible. You'll not end up #1 even with full points because somebody else most likely rushed there within the first 2 minutes. On the other hand: You didn't spend one dispensable Koban on your rank, so it was probably still worth it and you still might end up being top 4. Koban spending: Only for EP x10 and on villains on the last event day if I didn't get all girls (+ rarely when it's necessary to buy League Tokens to fight all opponents there). Also for epic boosters on the Market if I run out of them. Real money spending: Monthly Card and very special offers (like 800%). Lately I also contribute via Patreon, but that's only useful if you feel like you really need more girls in your harem. 🙂 Smart spending: Wait for respective contests before spending money in the Casino or giving Books to your girls. Save up a lot of money to become top 10 in ToF once per month Desktop Hack: Using the out of frame domains and F5 or Strg+R (or whatever works for you if you want to reload the page) to speed up Villain and PvP fights. For the right domains just start at https://www.hentaiheroes.com/home.html and you're good to go (you can't access the chat window from here, but also won't see that annoying popup when you're in multiple sessions of the game). Mobile Hack: Using Privacy Browser (or another Browser that allows image blocking) to save on mobile Data. Also use the out of frame domain and a reload shortcut (Privacy Browser allows swipe down to reload). A little bug fix: You might see that you can't scroll a list in ToF on mobile, but strangely it works on every second page so puzzle your way into getting there (e.g. when you want to scroll the first page, just go "Next", "Next" and "First" and voila, magic happens). Club management: Be nice and encourage people to play as good as they can, offer your help whenever possible. Open and maintain a club Discord server to access a much better foundation for communication and strategy sharing. I personally prefer setting my Club on "open" but have high level restrictions, so people don't have to request entry for up to 24h and can instead immediately become a member once they meet our requirements. Skript: Only use the sanctioned HH+ Skript that allows for stats and easy villain access. Manners: Be nice, respectful and appreciate others. Never blame, troll, shame or insult anybody, even if you feel like they deserve (because they actually don't deserve it and hating on others will tell much more about yourself than about the ones you refer to). Being nice not only feels better, but you're rewarded tenfold with information, help and loyalty. Communication: Be present on Discord and on this Forum to help others, stay updated and give feedback to Kinkoid (they often implement your desired features if you ask them nicely). Again: don't hate or behave disrespectfully. Okay that's the updated version, I hope I didn't forget anything. Thanks to @Habi@BoogerStick@casey@_shal_ and probably a lot more people that I cannot remember right now. Most of my strategies I actually learned from them. That's also why I'd like everyone around here to be open with his strategies and tips, because we can all profit from each other and become much better in the process compared to just playing alone and trying to figure everything out ourselves... What are your ideas/strategies? Is there anything you're doing differently or in addition to my list? Have a great time everybody! Z-Wave
  13. Awww thanks mate for your kind words. I don't get the NBA reference, but I'm sure Club non officiel will be happy with you. 👍
  14. Don't see anything wrong with that, especially when you're somebody with stats as good as his. 😉
  15. @isi@Maxfart@Ichigo-Kun Just tagging you to tell you that the Peaceful Warriors Club is one member short. Since you're all awesome players and without a Club right now, we'd love to see you joining (only if you'd like to be part of a nice community of pro players of course). We usually rank #1 or #2 on HH.com which hopefully meets your requirements. 😉 I'm looking forward to seeing you, either in our club or in the game (although... you'd all beat me up in the leagues or the arena, so maybe let's not meet there anytime soon). Here's a copy of our Code if you are interested: Our Code of Honor: 1. WE HAVE FUN! Why would we play a game anyway if there's no fun involved? We are an awesome community and experience fun together! We celebrate our wins! 2. WE HELP EACH OTHER! We are active warriors and don't hesitate to ask for support. If people have questions, we love to answer them with the intent to help. 3. WE ARE RESPECTFUL! We treat each other well and communicate respectfully and responsibly. There is no blaming, trolling or insulting. 4. WE ARE AUTHENTIC! We are true to our values and don't pretend or lie. 5. WE KEEP OUR AGREEMENTS! We are committed to this Code of Honor. We call people on violations of the Code and we know that breaking the Code will ban us from the Peaceful Warriors club.
  16. Hi casey, sad to see you go mate, but I wish you the best of luck! To everyone else I say: Take this guy, he's a good one and kicks serious ass. 😉
  17. @casey hey mate, sorry to see you go mate! I saw you are looking for a new club, so I wish you the best of luck and hope you'll find what you're looking for! 👍
  18. Hey shal, huge shout-out to you for doing this whole number-crunching so reliably and permanently. It's a great service for the entire community and I'm sure that I don't speak just for myself when I say thanks a ton for your great work! Your calculations are top-notch and make this whole experience more predictable for us. I hope for the sake of everyone that you'll keep up the great work! 👍
  19. Hey everybody, just fyi: I updated the club requirements to level 350. Not that it is necessary, we'll probably be all level 400 once KK allows for additional players in leagues. 😄
  20. @Gerald Great to have you by our side mate! Let's rock this! :-)
  21. Hey holymolly, thanks for your comment. And yeah, keep up the good work! Are you currently in a club? Because you don't have to join us in order to work with us. Maybe we can create Win-Win Situations outside the clubs, especially when the new features are released. 🙂
  22. @Ichigo-Kun @Gerald @terumy The Peaceful Warriors are 1 member short. We're an open Club and currently #2 worldwide a few points behind Club non officiel I. If you want to, you can join us at any time (no requests and waiting time required, we're open for all players with level 333 or higher as of now). Ichigo-Kun, Gerald and terumy I tagged you because the last time I could check you were without a club. If that changed in the meantime please apologize, I'm not here to poach you. Let's see how quickly we'll be back to 20 members. 🙂 Have a great time! Z-Wave
  23. It's gotten silent in this Dojo... so let's spice it up a bit. 😉 I'm lately wondering some clubs out there are interested in a Win-Win Cooperation with us to secure the future of our clubs. I'm of course not talking about exchanging members or such stuff, but real Win-Win. There will be more features added this year, and it's probably wise to watch out for potential partners. Maybe we'll find strategies that allow all participating clubs to gain strength. So my question is: Who is willing to rather search for true Win-Win situations than staying competitive at all costs? Hit us up here or on Discord and let's start talking. I'm looking forward to great partnerships! Have a wonderful time everybody. Z-Wave
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