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Everything posted by Z-Wave

  1. Nice girls! Is it just me or are they a totally different design though? Well... I don't mind going with their art style from now on. 🙂
  2. I wonder why I can't want and have both: A top-level club and a lot of fun with great, helpful people. I don't want to decide between the two, so I just take it all 😉 How exactly does it come in handy, or better asked: What is the advantage of your mixed club over a top level players club? You once mentioned that when we can have more players, it will be easier for you to convince new players to join. I agree since you'll have a much larger pool to pull from, but I'm also optimistic to find enough high level players myself to join in all the new available slots in our club. So if we assume the club will always be full, I'd rather have it filled with high level players because it will be more competitive and probably gain better rewards. Here's a quote from "The Future of Clubs" post back in November: That sounds to me like clubs with high level players (and therefore most likely much more overall resources) will be able to level their club quicker, hence be able to host more members than low or mixed level clubs. Rewarding high level players better relative to low level players is a common pattern in F2P games (and also very much so in HH if you look at leagues, contests, the ToF and the arena). Nothing of this is confirmed as of now, but in the end I see only advantages in striving for high end clubs. I don't mean this as disrespect towards lower level players. On the contrary: I want to invite everybody no matter the level to be part of the community and share their thoughts through this forum and on Discord. As I said before: If it was possible, I would like for everybody to join our club. Since it's not possible, I'll stick to what seems to be the most beneficial club setup without losing out on the fun, vitality and great spirit that every well-conducted club provides. I'm happy we disagree on this topic though. This way we can have this discussion and benefit from it. I'm looking forward to your reply, wouldn't be the first time I learn something new and even change my opinion. 🙂
  3. That's exactly what I'd like to achieve as well. It's actually the main reason for creating this thread and the discord server, because in the club you can only share content with 19 other players (no matter their level, clubs as of now are restricted to 20 people). But here and on discord you can share thoughts and strategies and have fun times with basically every player of the game (even if they play on another server). I hope this attitude is visible, otherwise I sincerely screwed this up. 😂
  4. Thanks for the feedback @Chthugha Well... the way I see it we let anybody in (e.g. in this thread and in the Discord Server), but since we're limited to 20 members in the club (and full since November) how could we let anybody else in there? As soon as we get to have unlimited amount of members, be sure anybody (also the ones you call normies 😉) can join the club (if they obey the Code of Honor of course). Until then we as "elitist" club have to be selective somehow in case there's a 21st slot available, and I wouldn't like to set the club to "restricted" and have people ask for permission to join, so we're rather "open" but only to lvl. 320+ players (or whatever limits apply in the future) who can join us instantly. Please don't get me wrong: This is not perfect by any means, it's just the best idea I was able to come up with for now. The "restricted" status for me comes with this connotation of "you need to beg to join us", but this could also just be me being biased. Right now no way of dealing with club settings really satisfies me. From every available option this might however be the best. Do you think there's a better way to deal with the limits the game has right now? This question goes to everybody, especially members of high ranking clubs like Club non officiel, Les Rois des Reines, Kirito Harem, dorcel and all the others who I'm sure are dealing with similar thoughts here. 👍 Looking forward to your feedback, I'm happy to learn whatever better strategy there is!
  5. Thank you @Chthugha for your constructive feedback and the hard work you put in. 👍 Hope you'll stick around as an active member, would be a loss to the community otherwise.
  6. Hey everybody, the Peaceful Warriors now have a discord server over here: https://discord.gg/rmTxhg8 You're all invited to join and discuss strategies with us there. 🙂 Have a great time everybody!
  7. Wow it's nice to see all the activity around here! Keep it up mates! Special thanks go to @ZackMacKenzie who I assume put a lot of time and thoughts into his detailed post while at the same time being very respectful. Btw. I read your post twice and wouldn't call it preach mode. 😉 At any time it was obvious to me that you state an opinion and don't intend to dogmatize, claim to be right or forcefully change other people's behavior. This is a great example of good communication right there and I hope to meet many people like you. You don't violate any of the rules in my opinion, especially not rule #3. And regarding the Code of Honor (which I created, I'm the leader of this club): Thank you very much for calling me out on the Code! Looking back at my post that provoked this discussion about exploiting the game I see that I was doing something wrong (it was poor choice of words at least). I did report the bug on Discord the same day I posted it here, so your assumption is correct that I know the very nature of it being an exploit. I too want the game to work properly and to help fixing unintended errors. My post didn't show any of this though and today it rather looks like a conceited call to exploit the game to me. Sorry for that! I also totally understand your take on the mindset you see/saw your students apply in which something is not illegal unless you get caught. I agree! Illegal activity for me is defined as behavior against the law or any other set of rules you agreed on in advance. I don't like that and I don't want that or encourage people to do it. Illegal activity is illegal no matter if you get caught and punished for it or not. My idea towards life is all about obeying the rules, but only the rules that are clearly defined and written down. Everything else for me will always be interpretation and selective perception. For example words like "fairness" or "sportsmanship" have many meanings to different people. To use a less controversial example: Is it "fair" to use your browser navigation to save some time with villain fights? Not everybody does that, so you gain advantage over those who don't. It may even cause you not to spend Kobans on the 10x fight button which effectively hurts Kinkoid's wallet. They probably don't intend for people to do it, so is it fair? But what if nobody is directly or indirectly harmed by this? What if I used the time and money I saved to help people in need? Okay the last one probably sounds hypocritical. Yet it's very interesting how discussions and whole philosophy books can be filled here (btw. I'd buy and read a book about the philosophic questions raised by Hentai Heroes, if anybody wants to write one 😁). All I can say for sure is that it is not illegal by my definition I stated above (which I hope is somewhat correct). It's up to everyone of us to decide how to treat those "opportunities" (for the lack of a better word) when they present themselves and whether we actively search for them. That said: I see there is a difference between exploiting bugs that are obviously not intended to be there (e.g. the token refill bug) and outsmarting intended systems in place (e.g. the browser navigation vs in game navigation). I understand how bug exploitation or not reporting on bugs is harming the game and thanks to your post @ZackMacKenzie I'm reconsidering a lot of my actions. I'm very happy you took the time to tell us about your background and your thoughts, and I highly appreciate your call on the Code of Honor. It's exactly posts like yours that will keep the rules in place and cause us to remember and reflect on our agreements and principles. This in my opinion can only strengthen the team spirit and leadership we should represent in order to be the great club we aspire to be! I'm glad you considered joining the club because of the Code of Honor. Actually there is still the idea of finding or founding another club to cooperate with based on the same principles. If you found a great club with a code already, please let me know. And if not... maybe you want to consider creating your own club with a similar (or even the same) Code of Honor and work together with us on a bright future in which it's possible to extend or even merge the clubs. I'd happy to be in one team with you, even if for now it only is a team on this forum thread. Have a great time everybody. And if you read all of this... wow, thank you! Now get up and enjoy some real life outside, please 😉
  8. Can you provide a screenshot please? Also: SIII or SII league? 🙂
  9. I forgot to mention that I never use Kobans for tokens, so no harm done 😉 OMG EVERYBODY RUN!!! 😂
  10. Yeah maybe I'm overestimating the numbers of players who discovered the bug. It's all selective perception: I wondered about this strange token behavior at day 1, realized how it works on day 2 and discussed it with about 10 people who figured it out independently themselves on Discord via pm. This way I got to the conclusion that many players must know about this. Plus playing in 2 sessions is a nice trick to save some time with arena pvp or villain fights, so I also assumed many people are doing it. And finally: After doing the bug report yesterday I got confirmation that indeed there have been private reports before and Kinkoid does know about this for a while, so I apologize to all the people who reported it in case you feel attacked by my bold claim that nobody is mentioning the bug. Selective perception can be a bitch sometimes... 🙂 I can understand how people might be upset about how I circumvent mechanics to gain an advantage. It's what I do in life all the time: Figure out how to play by the rules in ways that are better/easier/beneficial no matter what people think about it. As long as it's legal and not physically harming someone, I'm basically okay with everything. Here are some examples: - In school and university the first thing I figured out is how to get good grades without a lot of work. One teacher was asking for homeworks only from silent students, so I participated a lot in the class and never made my homeworks (still got an A). At my university nobody checked whether I attended the classes, so I just went to the first class (to get on the list) and to the last class (to get the content of the final exam) and used the free time to learn all the techniques on how to efficiently prepare for exams. Again I got straight A's. - I negotiated a home office agreement with my employer and made sure that I got paid by results and not by time. Now I get paid the same amount as my colleagues, but I'm working about 8h per week instead of 40. Everyone knows about this and my employer is okay with it (as long as the results are good). - I'm living in 3 countries and I stay less than 182 days per year in one residence. Combined with some other laws I managed to not pay income taxes at all (instead I voluntarily give 40% to charities of my choice where I think my money is much better handled than by any government). It's totally legal, but for sure not intended by the people making tax laws. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Nothing about this is "fair", but everyone can do this without causing harm. Prepare for a lot of critic though, because it's a very unpopular approach towards life. If you are interested in this kind of mindset and what you can do, I strongly recommend reading "The 4 Hour Workweek" by Tim Ferriss which was a huge inspiration for me. To sum it up: It's not my intention to harm anybody or play against the rules. Just when there are opportunities within the rules, I'll be the first one to take advantage of them and tell you about it here. This thread is supposed to be about tricks/hacks/exploits/strategies or basically about how to play this game in ways that are most beneficial to you without breaking the ToU. You're sarcastic, aren't you? 😉 Because Occam's razor is the idea that the simplest solution tends to be the correct (or best) one. Also I can't imagine shaving my head since I've got such a square skull 😥
  11. @Chthugha I totally agree with you: Reporting a bug is common decency, but many people don't (for whatever reason). Take this bug for example. I'm pretty sure hundreds, if not thousands of people are using it consciously (and probably many, many more wonder why they get more token refills lately, even if they don't know why). And yet... there isn't any bug report (neither on Discord, nor in the forums) about this until now. Please correct me if I'm wrong, I didn't find any though... My approach towards this thread is to share high end strategies and hacks/exploits with everyone so we can improve on our gameplay. I guess most of the active community around here put hundreds of hours into the game and paid a good amount of money so far. I hope posting hacks like e.g. refresh, top-level-window browsing, the tab-enter shortcut for income collection (that doesn't work anymore unfortunately) and now the multiple-session strategy will help those high level players to have a better experience and faster gameplay. And of course I hope those people therefore share their hacks and strategies to allow me getting an advantage and saving time. I guess none of these hacks are wanted by Kinkoid (because it might indirectly cause people to buy less Kobans and spend less time in the game). But with all of them collected in one place (here :-)), it's easier for them to decide whether they want to tolerate a hack or do something about it. One could also make the assumption that people who are interested in hacks are more invested (figuratively) in the game and want to get the best experience. If using a hack makes the gameplay better for them, they might stick around for longer and eventually give more money to Kinkoid. Maybe there are statistics on Kinkoid's servers to verify or falsify this thesis. Btw. when I talk about "hacks", I mean either bug exploits or smart usage of the tech and systems in place (like refreshing a website). I'm not talking about unsanctiond scripts, macros, autoclickers, account sharing or anything else that clearly is forbidden by the ToU (and by common sense :-)). If any of the game developers is reading this: Please let me know if you got a problem with this approach.
  12. Why do you think they'd do that? That sounds like a rather shortsighted strategy and I hope Kinkoid doesn't think the same. I checked the ToU and didn't find anything pointing in this direction. For entrepreneurs like Kinkoid it's in their best interest to animate their users to look after bugs and report them (maybe even reward them for going the extra mile and taking action with the intend to help). If Kinkoid would actually threaten users to ban them if they don't report bugs they found in Kinkoid's very own code, they end up with a clientele that is either incapable of or not interested in supporting them. As mentioned: There's nothing in the ToU that indicates this and all companies I've seen so far rather reward the people disclosing a bug or security breach (because they know that those people are only a minority among a much larger group of people who knew about the bug, but didn't take action). This way, they encourage people to help them. I'm looking forward to your reply. Is there a good reason to try to force people to actively disclose bugs? Because if there is, I don't see it yet (because I don't think it would work any other way than with encouragement and reward).
  13. It's debatable whether using exploits like this is cheating, but I sure get your point. This way or another, we will face bugs all the time and everyone has to decide for themselves what to do about them. I'm interested though: What are you guys doing in such a situation? Do you tell the devs? Do you keep it for yourself? Are you using it to your advantage? I'm looking forward to your feedback!
  14. Okay I think it is common knowledge by now, but at the moment there is a bug that allows you to get league tokens much quicker than before. If you run the game in multiple parallel sessions (e.g. in different Browsers or on different devices like PC and Smartphone), you'll get 1 token per 35m in every session. So if you just keep the game running in 2 different browsers, your token refill speed will effectively double. Unfortunately that doesn't apply to energy, combativity or arena fights and you also won't be able to use more tokens than 3 per opponent in your league bracket. It's still a nice hack if you're in a large bracket that otherwise would cost you Kobans in order to fight everyone. If we're lucky, it won't be fixed before the next season.
  15. @johntrine yes the image shows 4 possible rewards (like the patch notes suggest), but we just don't know whether we get a single reward per spin or more if the girls are guaranteed drops (in case we get more than one reward per spin) the general drop rates per reward All those factors can have a huge impact on whether we love the new system or not. If a girl is guaranteed or even if the chance of getting one is 40% or more, I'd be grateful for this. That's a good point and indication towards the "worst" case scenario of 1 reward per spin and 10% (or less) chance to get a girl. Although as far as I remember Kinkoid has always been quite unemotional about their patch notes, even when they were adding great stuff like the recent Event summary. Those patch notes seem to be solely informational and therefore I still hope for a great update. Only time will tell...
  16. I'm not sure about it, but did anybody get definite confirmation that a girl is not guaranteed in the 1.800 Kobans Pachinko (or that you only get one item per roll)? Because if a girl is guaranteed... this would be pretty awesome and we'd complain about getting 3 times the value for our money. 😂 Let's see how this turns out in the end. I'd be okay if it doesn't make things worse. From what the Patch Notes state, it could just as well be 5 rewards with a guaranteed girl as it could be one reward and a 10% chance of getting a girl (or anything in between). I'm looking forward to the clarification. Until then let's have fun with the game.
  17. @BoogerStick we are 19 atm. If you want to be part of the Peaceful Warriors, just join (no application needed :-)). I'm looking forward to having a great community around here. Thank you all for being active!
  18. @BoogerStick cool to see you around here! You and I are competing in the same league bracket right now and oh boy there's no way to win in PvP against you. You have great stats and a very good setup. Also I see you're not in a club yet (as of now). If you are interested, we can probably make it happen for you to join. There's one inactive member that doesn't seem to develop his stats and therefore causes me some worries. I try to get in contact with him but it's likely that I'll kick him soon anyway. Just let me know if you want to be part of this club, because I'd welcome a legend like you any time (be aware that we are #2 behind the French Club non officiel though). If you found another club in the meantime or are not interested, no hard feelings. I hope you stay active in this thread and provide us with further tips like the page frames, it's quicker than what I considered the best strategy before! 👍 @Chthugha @jelom @casey @Habi Your feedback is very appreciated! We are all about becoming a great community of good people and I'm doing my best to be a worthy leader. For now, my means are limited and therefore I chose a high level restriction instead of being a "restricted" club. I can see that we find a better way that fits our philosophy and Code of Honor better when club creators have more ways to set up their clubs. Also I totally agree: the level count is not the only important factor to consider (probably not even the most important). I hope to be able to have a community that includes the finest and strongest people in both personality and playstyle. We'll see how successful we are in the end, and I'm very proud of what we've achieved so far. @Daniele @Habi Thank you for keeping us up to date with the league bracket predictions. It's very valuable information and I hope Kinkoid will include this in a future update so you don't have to put your efforts towards researching. I'm glad that there's likely no D1 league next week, because it will be hard to score top 15 in my current bracket with people like @BoogerStick, @Habi and @syncma (and multiple others that I'm not capable of mentioning anymore). Have a great time everybody. And thank you for keeping this thread so vivid!
  19. Thanks @Daniele and @mot_131 for the feedback. It's a controversial topic and I'm happy we're discussing it here respectfully and with good arguments. I'll stick to the "open club high level restriction" strategy for now since it fits the spirit I want to create and maintain. Btw. we are now restricted at level 315+ without me and 9 other members currently being there. For me it's important to know whether any of the Peaceful Warriors Club members doesn't agree with the strategy. I won't be able to satisfy every player out there, but as a team of 20 we need to have a strong foundation which includes a mutual strategy. I'm looking forward to further feedback!
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