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[CNO] BananaJoy

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Everything posted by [CNO] BananaJoy

  1. i didnt count how many tries i needed at my latest boss last time. but think it were something around 15 tries+ (for one defeat of the boss). he has around 10m life
  2. its not working anymore. but there was a market bug a long time and u could get with this as many free market refreshes as u want.
  3. yes u can. some ppl abused this methode for cheating.
  4. yes there r different ways to win tickets. boss fights, contests and daily reward (arena + missions) i have figured out till now.
  5. if u loose a fight there is a cd of 15 min than u can try it again (or pay 6 kobans). but it will cost a ticket/120 kobans/60 energy again.
  6. i am first since d3 was released the first time. so no worry. i was slacking off for a while too
  7. since a long time could win a league again. was always too late or messed it up with my boosters. also the new gear from yesterday helped alot. have 40k hc now
  8. i was bored, so i did a few more challanges
  9. the upper backgrounds r rewards from boss 1
  10. no, avatar pictures are not given out as reward from champions
  11. first boss yes. higher boss definatly takes longer. need already use 10+ attempts for my 3rd boss stage 5
  12. did u check ur profile if u have it? its only for ur avatar. same for the backgrounds
  13. u get a random special item. it can be a girl. but it also can be one of the other items
  14. it doesnt end at stage 5. look at my screenshot i posted. i am at stage 8 on the first boss. and you have to run throug lvl 1-5 at each stage. at the 5th u get a special item/background or even the girl. there r 4 background 3 items and 1 girl in total. so u will get at latest at stage 7-5
  15. its not really needed. youget enough tikets from dailys or contests. maybe u r right. i didnt really pay attention to this.
  16. i could replace some of my old gear too. and di my gp today so replaced all 6 items. and u can stock ur cash up really easily. each item i can sell for over 5m.
  17. that what i did today already
  18. yes u get free drafts too according to the rules (1 free draft for each 3 girls)
  19. each boss has his own timer. i do it in the opposide. using drafts is very important to get a good team. higher bosses r hard to beat and if u start with a weak team u need much longer to beat him. after each defeat ur team will mixed again and u can draft again.
  20. till now i only found 3 stars
  21. they r getting stronger anyways. nothing really to do with ur harem or stats. if u raise higher stage champions became pretty strong. anyways i think the rewarded ymen has sth to do with the dmg u dealed.
  22. ur draft will be resetted when u beat a boss (sadly also ur whole team get mixed again)
  23. i got this 2 beaties already. for the third i gave up. only getting stupid backgrounds it getting too expensive
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