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Everything posted by Albert80082

  1. All the girls look very nice this time around. My personal best in this event is definitely Haya. For some reason i find this artstyle very appealing. Does anyone know names of girls, that this artist worked on? I would like to look them up on wiki, possibly without having to browse through all of them . Edit: Also a huge + for Haya being a reward for daily missions
  2. Just noticed this, but literally unplayable:
  3. Someone correct me if i am wrong here, but i see no possible way of cheating in a fight: 1. If the calculation for fight is done on server side, your opponent has no way of influencing it (the only stuff that matters are stats and RNG like others said) 2. If the calculation for fight is done on client side, your opponent MIGHT BE able to influence it, but he must be the one initiating the fight (because the PC of the initiating player is responsible for calculation). So if you started the fight, there is just no way. Now maybe it is possible to cheat in such a way that you make your stats much higher BEFORE the fight, but as you said, their attributes were similar to yours.
  4. Got my first 100 girls in just over 3 months 😃. Forgot to screen at the exact number because i claimed 2 girls from PoA right after. I am not f2p though. In june i bought first 3 adventure scroll bundles and starting from september i have a silver membership
  5. Sorry i did not mean it in a mocking way, we just had a lot of the same comments last PoA But since you already caught up to latest adventure, i wouldn't call you a newbie, that is just your forum rank. I also don't see myself as an "Advanced Member", right now im in middle of Plain of Rituals scroll.
  6. Oh boy here we go Yes you can go to champion reception desk and buy champion tickets 60 energy per. The tags aren't helping after all 🤣
  7. Guys, the poll came up after we received September schedule and they probably did not want to edit it anymore. I think if anything changes at all, we will see it in October.
  8. I mean the event is by definition a specific occasion happening at specific time. If it would be permanent, i guess you wouldn't be able to call it event (maybe rather new feature). I know i am nitpicking but i dont think the poll was taking 'permanent' events into consideration.
  9. I actually feel so salty right now 😂. I have rank 8 and was just about to collect my reward, but Kinkoid was like "No, i don't think so".
  10. Filya and Bellona have very little variety, on that we agree. The poses of Bellona actually have nothing to do with Kratos from God of War. As far as i know, they are poses of a female Kratos cosplayer . Because the stupid vague forum rule about spoilers, i dont know how much i can mention, so mods please take it with a grain of salt, but there is a wiki with all the girls and their poses (+ you can see where the pose originated from, if its not made up by artist)
  11. So this "Ghost" guy popped out of nowhere and gained 250k points in under 30 minutes, in a 200-240 bracket 🤣 I don't know why he would use so many champion tickets, but this seems to me like an overkill and giant waste of kobans. The rest of the group summed up has less points than him
  12. The artist took her iconic poses out of her dance in the anime ending so in my opinion, artist did a good job there. What i don't like however is that she does not look like the original character (you wouldn't be able to even recognize her if she did not have the bow on her forehead). And you could very well argue that all the girls come from different anime/cartoons and making them look like the original would be a mess of art. But we already are in this mess because multiple artists working on the same game are drawing in their own styles 🙄 Also why make her boobs so big? 🤣 Just for reference, here is the ending dance that i mentioned:
  13. Yeah that is definitely the reason, however not a justification. If Kinkoid servers cannot even handle the event that punishes you for not sniping the same way like your fellow bracket members, then that very event should be either changed drastically or straight up removed. We all know what's going on here. Competitiveness between players is supposed to push them more towards spending real money (as you can see on the bundles containing pachinko orbs, that conveniently appeared right after pachinko daily contest started). Now i don't care if this is how they want to monetize the game, but the bare MINIMUM they could do is keep their servers stable.
  14. This is how my group looked like at the end. I am in the bracket 201-240. I plain out refuse to waste money on legendary contest, because its a bad event, but i still managed to get 50 shards by doing the same daily stuff.
  15. I don't think he confessed to anything though? The way i understood it, the script that shows future content was mentioned somewhere on the forum and that post was fine and there was no infraction. Mod Edit: Deleted your statement here because: This does not count as spoiling, but this is something KK doesn't want everyone to know about! Do not speak of this publicly.
  16. To be fair moderators probably cannot change those rules, only make sure that noone breaks them, but still double standards yeah 😃
  17. Trust me, i have Charm as main stat, and i don't want anything to do with her 🤣 The only reason i want to obtain the girl is that i will be able to participate in mythic orb contests locked behind her.
  18. Wait a second, the portrait on bottom left is how she looks in the latest adventure?? I am in Plain of Rituals right now, so i guess it will not impact me for like a year, but why make such a drastic change, and to your iconic character to boot?
  19. Yes, you should be able to receive some multipliers to click/idle etc. from chat. I didn't play the test version but someone mentioned this mechanic in their discord. I agree that this forum is totally obsolete, why even have it if there is no communication from their side 🤣 Also you guys have it much better than on nutaku, we dont event have the new version yet
  20. So based on the bow, i guess this is parody of Chika Fujiwara. The face looks pretty weird though. I know we wanted the "butcher" artist to focus on new girls only instead of ruining existing ones, but this one hurts the same (maybe because i finished watching Love is War few days ago). I hope other poses are better. Edit: Also hoping the servers can withstand the legendary contest
  21. Yeah, this is why i chose level 8 Also i need to stockpile on orbs before Legendary Contest begins, because someone always sells their house to get 2 million points 🤣
  22. From what i understand, you can pick as many girls as you have in your harem in order to start PoP and the minimum time is always 7 hours. Auto Assign function automatically picks 10 girls for me and with that i easily reach 18k power (which is the power needed on level 8). You most likely played for a lot longer than me so you should have enough Also i agree with the shards, no need to rush there. Kinkoid has already 2 new PoP planned, so i dont think they will be able to make a new girl for each PoP every month.
  23. Max rewards (level 10) are : 10 shards / 4 tickets / 2 Mythic orbs / 2 Green orbs There was a post about each respective rank, i will try to find it, meanwhile i would like to point out that at least for me, rank 8 seems to be the best for now: Rewards for level 8 are : 8 shards / 3 tickets / 2 Mythic orbs / 2 Green orbs Level 9 gives you a whopping 1 shard upgrade and level 10 gives you the same thing + 1 last champion ticket. In my humble opinion totally not worth it. Edit: Here is the full table (originally provided by mr. @Antimon, but i don't know how to do a cross-post quoting, or if that is even possible)
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