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Oda last won the day on July 20 2021

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  1. Using x10 battles (hence the additional 5 shards I guess)
  2. oh wow oh wow it looks well done as well - is it something that they did today? or an update of an older doc?
  3. thanks @windia , I don't have any "discreet" upload side (unless you're talking about something that can be done in forum that I don't know about yet in which case please enlighten me haha) in any case before taking your hard work's fruits like that I think I'll check in my club to see if anyone came up with anything first, seems reasonable to me
  4. at the moment I am not sure what is more time consuming : go through harem's girls (sorted by grade and rarity) and look at each of them, or do search in wiki and then CTRL F for "HH" (Harem Heroes'/Hentai Heroes' wiki tag), open a bunch of those found in new tabs, then check if it's actually talking about the part you're interested in (eyes vs hair, mainly) or eventually just look for some spreadsheet of all girls' characteristics, surely it's out there
  5. also Lapis https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:Lapis
  6. will we end up with something like this, but 3/4 different ones running in parallel/at same time, if they keep at it? (Just a jest, just a jest)
  7. wait wait wait that's a lot I guess I need a second morning coffee
  8. new mechanic appeared in test server
  9. In mine I see "Defense against [class]" (there is the possibility having my test account is in my own language influences it? dunno honestly) EDIT: test account's class is charm
  10. From the new posted on Kinkoid blog, among other things, I see whole post is here https://blog.kinkoid.com/features/reworked-pvp-hit-the-test-server/
  11. Today was fighting Finalmecia for Madeline (using x50 fights each time), after it begun to "slow down" quite a bit in the number of shards I got each time I "spent" a x50 fight, then suddenly (when I was still at 52 shards total) I had a x113 shards drop (so I guess a couple "lower" drops and then a x100 drop inside the same x50 fight!) Can't really remember it ever happening during the Legendary Days ever before, for me I mean
  12. A classic case of Sorry Kenrae 😝
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