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Everything posted by Kaitana

  1. No, but you can display all the girls by element, and the result is the same. Go to the change team screen and use the filter by element
  2. I said yes and no, and now I explain. According to me it's not worse than what we had before. People say they can't upgrade their girls, and that's true. But it was already the case when we were limited by the player's level. Now we are blocked far over the level we were blocked before. To me it's near exactly the same, only cosmetic details changed. With the old system, when I loose my fights, it was versus olders accounts. Now it's versus players who invest more resources than I do. But it's detail, defeat is defeat, and victory is victory. And I don't saw any increasing or decreasing of my victories (more important, I still earn the girls I like, because I don't play because of the experience system and I'm pretty sure neither are the other players), so I have no reason to refuse the new system. And I perfectly understand the need for money (that implies to be very nicer to those who really pay than with the others), KK is not a charity. If I just not answered "yes" in the poll, it's because "not worse" does'nt mean "good", and because I think KK would use their time and money better in fixing the bugs and developing something else than overcomplex systems.
  3. Are 5 stars legendaries becoming regulars, or is it only for this month we see one ? Yes it's very expensive in affection and experience, but it's worthy too.
  4. I think he wanted to say that he tried to fight the club champion. It was impossible because his club was victorious less than 24h before, but he did not know, or did not notice. Bad luck/timing indeed.
  5. Si personne ne l'a indiqué peut-être que c'est parce que ce n'est pas possible (et pas utile, en plus : quand eux se trompent ils n'ont pas toujours une solution, mais quand en plus ce n'est pas eux, il n'y a rien à attendre). Oui, ça a l'air incroyable, une raison aussi simple.
  6. Pour le nombre de gemmes, c'est dans le harem, en haut à droite (juste à côté de la croix qui ferme le harem). Il s'agit du nombre de gemmes possédées dans la couleur liée à l'élément de la fille sélectionnée. Pour le nombre de filles manquant pour passer un pallier, essaie d'en éveiller une, si tu as assez de filles au niveau le jeu lancera l'éveil, et sinon le nombre sera affiché. Il n'y a pas d'endroit où ces informations sont regroupées.
  7. I only saw a blue heart, I did'nt know it was Discord. My narrow logic find the word forum is clear, and a little heart is not. But we disagree and that's all.
  8. I don't go on Discord (I think it's too complex, maybe I'm wrong), so maybe the Discord community is bigger than I think. And nobody in my club go either on Discord, so if I'm wrong nobody can "unwrong" me. I have no hard evidence and think no player can have hard evidence. But I find logical if there's no link between HH and Discord, players can't go on Discord easily. But they can go to the forum if they want, there's only one clic to do. And I believe in general what's logical is true. That's all the backup I have. Edit : I see Discord as a gamer-only thing, and if there's only gamers on Discord, it explains very well why parts of the HH community are on Discord, and others are not. It explains very well too why there are only some sorts of feedback on Discord, especially those who turn around high level pvp subjects.
  9. Je n'ai jamais vu de champion de ligue (ligue et club ce n'est pas la même chose) mais il me semble que la carte platine est sensée fonctionner sur les champions normaux. En fait elle ne fonctionne même que sur eux. Le mieux est de faire un ticket au support dans l'interface du jeu, pour leur signaler le problème (dans tous les cas ils ne travaillent pas le dimanche, pour info). Pour faire un ticket au support, il faut aller dans paramètres, puis en bas à droite dans support. A ma connaissance il faut aussi que son compte ait été validé. Quand on peut participer au forum c'est que son compte est validé, mais s'il y a un problème pour envoyer le ticket il faut commencer par vérifier qu'on n'a pas été déconnecté (ça arrive plusieurs fois par jour)
  10. I think the second causes the first. If your only intel comes from discord, you avoid the majority of players and have no idea of what they want. I don't say all players are on the forum, obviously they are not, but much more are here than on discord. The first reason (but not the only one) is there is a link leading to the forum in the game, and no link leading to discord. It looks like near impossible nobody already reminds him this simple fact, and if he plays the game he can even see that by himself. Level 200-ish is not very high, maybe, but that's not the first steps either, he has connected and disconnected more than one time. If he does'nt care about the forum, as it seems, maybe he's not so looking for feedback than he said.
  11. Let's hope ! When you say something, you can be ignored, but when you say nothing, there's not a single chance to be listened
  12. Of course they have. It's called the main server. "Public" only means you, and all players, can test things without risking errors with your actual account. Do you believe devs fear errors with their actuals acounts ? I'm still not sure they even have actuals accounts.
  13. I was not saying this for girls, but for the player. Girls equipment is aberrant when you have more than 7 girls. Maybe it could be done in the labyrinth event, but never in the entire game, according to me.
  14. It's exactly what I imagine: equipment who doesn't touch the combat stats, and increase other aspects, like mythics boosters already do. HH has not to be a only combat game. Even if there are obviously people who like pvp, there are others who dislike, and the pvp should not be the only thing devs pay attention to. P2W does'nt exist if you are not in pvp things. If other win but you don't loose, that's indeed not P2W (and not pvp either...). For example, this crafted equipment could increase the amount of earned ymens, give items each day (free gifts are always liked, and market is too small to buy what you like without making it your full-time job), give a little bonus in a specific daily contest, allow to start at tier x in pov (that's already the case with poa), add chances to trigger the defense/heal/critic in pve fights (like the former classes were doing, and still do against champions, maybe in the future against villains and pantheon too...). A higher chance to earn shards against club champions could be very useful too, maybe a club set of equipment could be an valuable idea. With this set, the shards you are supposed to earn are given to other club members when you have already the girl. It's not only generosity, because it's very boring to wait for others to earn the girl when you already have her, and this time should be lesser (this is a club option I would find interesting, but the only one, because there's not a troll in each club, and there's a difference between members in time of play and levels in each club). Something I would like too is a bonus grade on certain girls, depending on their element or pose or zodiac sign (or other) when you have equiped this or that set of equipment. This grade would bring no change on stats or money, but another affection scene. HH is supposed to be a hentai game, or a catfight game ?
  15. Si tu découvres le jeu, ce qui semble être le cas, tu ne perdras pas ton temps en lisant ce site : http://hentaiheroes.wikidot.com/ Tout n'est pas à jour (en particulier tout ce qui concerne le combat a changé, surtout le pvp, et les niveaux d'expérience ne fonctionnent plus comme ça), mais la plupart l'est encore. A la décharge du site, les développeurs du jeu ont changé pas mal de trucs dans le jeu depuis quelques mois, et tant que ce n'est pas stabilisé, c'est dur de se motiver pour faire une mise à jour.
  16. that's right. But it does not explain why there are more legendaries than rares. I believe it's easier to understand very fast the proverb "what is rare is expensive". It tells you all you have to know about rarity in the haremverse. But as it's not what you see in other games with a rarity system, it's a little bit disturbing at the beginning.
  17. C'est une chose de voir ce qu'il est devenu plus difficile de gagner (je perd aussi beaucoup plus de combats qu'avant en saison, c'est même étonnant vu que tout se passe comme avant en ligue). Mais qu'on perde plus de récompenses à un endroit que ce qu'on gagne en récompenses ailleurs (par exemple avec la voie de la valeur, justement, mais un peu aussi les lieux de pouvoir) ne me semble pas évident du tout. Deux voies de la valeur par mois, ça me semble correspondre à peu près à l'ancien chemin d'affection (la plupart des récompenses sont disponibles dans la voie de la valeur, seuls les tickets, les bisous, la combativité, l'énergie et les kobans sont restés dans le chemin d'affection, même s'il y a quelques bisous et points de combativité à la fin de la voie de la valeur). Donc l'un peut remplacer l'autre pour la plupart des récompenses, et si on fait les deux on a encore plus de récompenses, mais en échange c'est plus long et plus dur. A chacun de faire son choix. J'ai rarement vu une activité moins gouffre à kobans que la voie de la valeur, donc ça ne me semble pas juste de dire qu'elle l'est. On gagne des trucs pour des actions qu'on aurait fait de toute façon, donc ça va vite, et sans rien coûter. Que le chemin d'affection soit davantage qu'avant un gouffre à kobans, c'est possible et même probable. Avant il n'y avait pas des trucs mythiques dedans, et pas non plus de gemmes, donc c'est plus dur maintenant, ça me semble logique. De nouvelles récompenses (voie de la valeur, par exemple) sont d'après moi un signe clair que les anciennes récompenses vont devenir plus dures à obtenir à au moins un autre endroit (chemin d'affection par exemple). Mais elles ne sont qu'un signe. Certains le négligent, et au lieu d'analyser la situation, ne regardent qu'un petit bout de truc dans un coin, au milieu de tas d'autres trucs qu'ils refusent de voir. Ce sont eux qui disent après qu'on est tous perdants. Et ça ne signifie absolument pas qu'il est devenu difficile de s'amuser quand on n'est ni le patron de Kinkoid, ni quelqu'un qui dépense x euros par mois dans ce jeu. Tout ce que ça veut dire c'est qu'ils n'y arrivent pas.
  18. L'argent demandé n'est pas le même pour tous. 76 millions c'est pour un niveau peu élevé (mais donc un argent disponible peu élevé aussi). Pour les hauts niveau le montant demandé est bien plus élevé. Et Rosso (le "producteur" du jeu, je ne sais pas quel est son titre exact) a dit il y a deux jours que c'était un test (un crash-test a priori, pour voir ce qui reste utilisable quand on crée un choc important) et que les défis redeviendraient normaux le mois prochain.
  19. Of course. Same happened with gems. The system was developed, so it has to go in-game. If there a players who don't like, it does'nt change anything. It looks like Kinoid was very surprised by the players reactions to gems, and want to avoid the same reactions in the future with other ideas. The way I see their asking for feedback is because they don't just know what should be the first. Nothing is finished yet, and there probably will some changes after the player"s feedback, but all the ideas will go live one day. Back to the main topic, thank you Molly, and I regret there's nothing about BDSM. The combat system is unfinished and it Rosso is silent about it, it will stay unfinished for a long time.
  20. Je trouve que l'actuel mini-chemin d'affection n'a pas d'intérêt. Les 4 premiers paliers sont faciles en 4 jours, même si ça fait beaucoup d'objets, mais payer plus de 100 millions juste pour un palier est délirant d'après moi. Je reconnais que les gain en argent ont augmenté avec le chemin de la valeur, mais certainement pas à un tel niveau. Et tant mieux, je cherchais un événement à ne pas faire pour alléger mon temps de jeu. Les autres fois cet événement sautait déjà deux fois sur trois, cette fois la question ne se pose même plus. Ce n'est pas grave, il y a bien assez d'événements pour ne pas se retrouver sans rien avoir à faire. Une des deux filles gagnables est désormais dans le chemin de la valeur, l'autre on verra le mois prochain si elle ne se gagne pas ailleurs, et si le mini-chemin d'attraction est effectivement devenu un événement exclusivement pour les joueurs qui paient (vu qu'il n'y a pas d'autre moyen pour avoir autant de ressources que de les acheter) ou si c'est juste le Noël de Kinkoïd. Pour les misions longues, ce n'est pas la première fois qu'on en voit, et c'est vrai que c'est un peu gênant. Mais qu'il y en ait de temps en temps ne me choque pas, la solution pour gagner du temps est de payer des kobans pour en terminer quelques-unes rapidement. A chacun de voir si la fille liée à ces missions a assez de valeur pour dépenser des kobans ou pas. De mémoire on a déjà eu pire, avec des missions de plusieurs heures : je suppose que Kinkoid cherche la bonne formule (le serveur de test, c'est ici, depuis le temps que c'est le cas il serait temps de s'en rendre compte ; celui qui a le titre serveur de test ne sert qu'à voir si ça fait planter le système, pas à se rendre mesurer les conséquences).
  21. The way I see events is that I do the ones that interest me and I don't do the ones that don't interest me. If the new events are more interesting than the old ones, I will do the new ones, and I see no reason to remove the old ones from the game. Not everyone has the same desires. My first three (exciting ideas) : 1°) Labyrinth : yes ! The principle reminds me Dungeon master or Captive, and that's good sign. 2°) Boss bang : I understand this as more appealing villains, and especially temporary ones. I think it's agood idea, there's too much long events, and hard ones. An easy, simple event, I already like that. 3°) Crafting equipment : I see it as a way to have more powerful equipment and that we got more involved in than just picking up something lying around on the floor. Seeing his equipment as a source of income, which it is now, does not seem interesting to me, the money can be found elsewhere. My last three (useless ideas or, worse, downgrades) : 1°) the waifus. I don't have a waifu, the current posting of 7 girls is fine for me. And I change one or more of these 7 girls at least every month, sometimes more often. Something permanent, as intended for this waifu thing would be very repulsive to me. 2°) the girl equipment. There are only 24 hours in a day. To have time to do something interesting on each girl's outfit, I would have to give up all the other events. I'm not ready for it. If these outfits are only for a special event, maybe I can listen, because I juste have to not play this event. And maybe if I broke my leg on day, I will be happy to find something like this. But if it's everywhere everytime, it's terribly boring. 3°) the club leagues. I am not in a competitive club. So if this league were created I would get run over every day several times a day. I accept losing fights because my team is too weak, but I do not accept it when it is others players' team that is too weak, even if I get along well enough with them. At no cost I can stand to be launched into this thing. The others (not exciting but not too boring either) : 1°) the club hierarchy : I don't like set-in-stone hierarchy. I understand that others may find interest in new functions, but me, it's very unlikely. If this system is developed, that's for other players, and then I don't care if it comes in 1 year or 40. 2°) the contextual league. I'm already doing more pvp than I really want. And I see no point in doing more. A national or continental league, that I can understand if it exists. A league for rare girls or capricorns, I don't see what that would bring, but not going there should be easy. 3°) New design : Uninteresting from my point of view. I see that some buttons are currently too big, which obliges to scroll down (I am thinking in particular to the places of power). Other buttons can also be too close to each other, so that if you want to click on one, you risk clicking on the other. But these are details, an entirely new design would not add anything. New buttons in market is a detail too, according to me. I will not use it, even if I understand others will. 4°) Elemental pantheon : It's a way to get rid of the current pantheon, which is pitiful. But it's not wonderful either. Maybe it will become interesting when BDSM will be finished.
  22. Is Christmas Arcana lame? His leg makes an angle that seems anatomically impossible to me. Maybe a magic experience broke her leg when she was an apprentice. But she has no cane, that's odd... Or not, if she flys ! Yes, that's the only explanation. And about the chest, I don't know what to think, it seems so useless to me I wonder why it was created. But I'm happy for those who will use it, I prefer by far a week without update than a week with a stormy update.
  23. Why not ? But according to me it would be of no great benefice, because money, gems and orbs have no use in little amount, and a few more will not change the day.
  24. Same in my league, scarlet bride and full affection grade (but still level 350, for now)... it allow to see the final grade before unlocking it, and that's great. Thank you greyson 😅 *edit* And before the x100 shards I had 8 shards with 20 combativity and a mythic booster (astral amethyst potion)
  25. Il est bien question de Scarlet bride (légendaire) et Starlight/Starbright (saison) ? Je trouve les deux de même niveau. Les goûts et les couleurs, ça peut se discuter à l'infini. Mais je reconnais que je suis peut-être traumatisé par les premières quêtes secondaires (et un peu la principale aussi), et que peut-être que tout me semble bien alors que c'est juste mieux qu'avant. Disons que les débuts n'ont pas étés très harmonieux.
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