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Everything posted by garadron

  1. I had a pretty good luck with the drops. Using PoA, Season, last ME and both last and this week's free gift I think I reached ~400 stored CP and this brought me to 76 shards. Getting the last shards took 122 more CP from refills
  2. Any idea what happened to Ben? This is the 3rd Mythic in a row made by Toon Dude while Ben's last girls were the remastered starter girls and before that the Mortal Kombat Mega Event which was quite some time ago.
  3. need some advice. this is my current EP pool: only 1 permanent EP girl there and the new event girls. What's the play now? Should I just wait until the end of CE to see which ones I can get from villains/champion and then go ham on them with EP to hopefully get them all? I'm currently at 130 EPx1 orbs. I can also cross my fingers for a possible DD during CE but there's no way of planning for that
  4. Sorry for a slight story spoiler but this actually stopped me for a second. open at your own risk - The Harem Tournament scroll Hero to the Rescue
  5. nah, this quest had nothing to do with anything. It was Neono complaining about Hero not paying her enough attention, making him fuck her out of pity I guess and then they were outside the Weresquid shrine asking how did they got there. the end.
  6. OH! I see what you guys mean... damn, my brain isn't operating well even with a slight fever lol.
  7. nah, I have to do it today. I've pretty much given up on champion fights so there's no other way for me to reach that top 5% now I think I'll take the medium card, that'll be extra 720 xtals and 72 CP for extra points, so it should let me win this cycle comfortably.
  8. It would make sense for this 1 particual instance, but from what I've noticed on Nutaku, the score to be in top 5% each cycle ~30 minutes after reset starts with 900+ already. So even with my 800 points from the previous cycle, I always have to work hard to keep up with people who bought cards. Personally I decided to buy 1 card today after reset and another card during the next cycle - this should grant me super easy top 5% in both thanks to accumulated xtals in them.
  9. I have to say that staying in the top 5% is pretty exhausting at this point, especially if you have a life. I might just go ahead and buy the cards early and waste that sweet sweet CP from them just so I have extra 120 points every day. At this point I'm at 15k nubans because the only thing I spend them on is MD and DP, so I might as well be a bit wasteful, right?
  10. Done in 1x10EP and around 200x1EP orbs Girls remaining in EP pool + Orgy Days: Almost there!
  11. is it me or did they gutted the girl shards drop rate in PoP? All of the previous girls would take a month on avarage to get while the current girl is taunting me for... 2,5 months now?
  12. it's so nice to get another version of Ann parody (Persona 5), but it's also disappointing to get her as a cheap side quest girl
  13. offtopic: the current event widget has stupid layout with shards being shown on a girl in the background This is where I got with natural regen, weekly fists (last week and this week) and fists from the ME: No SP used. I'm guessing she's still a worthless shit CSQG with 2 affection scenes? If so, I'll just leave it at that
  14. what about the dopamine from opening a loot box though? I had to stop opening them now only because I'm at 80 and I really don't want to be at 90 with a girl when/if I get to 20x shards reward 😅
  15. Damn, I guess the game really wants me to have one of these girls in particular
  16. yes, I do mean Season. I was just pitted constantly against fights with <30% win chance and barely got the Mythic Gear last month. I didn't feel it in League that much although naturally I have better avarage now than before investing in skills
  17. I finally had to give up and start using my bulbs to keep up with opponents in Season but now I'm wondering - would it be viable to keep 1 fully skilled M6 in the first spot even if she's not blessed? Just to save the time and resources needed for respeccing the girls
  18. this is a sad lesson on why making multiple reskins of your game, making them more and more time consuming and hoping for the same audience to play more than one of them is a bad plan. KK really made a great game with HH (great when I joined 3 years ago, recently declining) and they're struggling to repeat that success. I'm not really into clickers but from what I've seen, it seems that HC was pretty much a copy paste clicker game with their art. All the other Harem games are just copies of HH with new jpgs on them. They should really try to come up with something new instead of copying other stuff. There's a limited amount of clones needed on the market if you want to make a living on them. I wouldn't mind if they made a game that let's you collect sexy anime girls, each with unique affections scenes, that is pretty casual and doesn't require a lot of your time, no RPG elements, some basic PvP and a funny story that is a parody of some well known anime series 🤔
  19. nomen omen, it was done by using the next/back arrows between 1st (classmates fucking) and 2nd (hero showing up in the window) part/scene/image/animation of the quest. The image with classmates just flew up with insane speed, so I guess the speed of image moving didn't reset and kept scaling up with each time I went back
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