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Everything posted by NYPup2Train

  1. So, #TIL that not only are our guys affected by the weekly "Blessing" buffs, but our opponents are as well. Not just the PvP matchups, but even the Pantheon battles as well. I'm currently stuck @ floor 1000, and generally not even bothering to try at the moment because the stats disparity is laughably huge. But, since it counts for one of today's contests, I went in and blew through my 10 chances despite knowing there was no chance of me winning. Well, if I'd thought that before, it was doubly true after I discovered that ALL SEVEN of the guys on the opposing side currently have green stats, meaning what I'm facing up against is THIS: A couple of days ago, those stats were something like 95K / 460K / 45K / 65K. (And I had no chance of beating them then, with a best-stats team that comes in around 57K / 405K / 26K / 50K.) I think it's safe to say I can sit this out for another month or three.
  2. Ah, foo. I was hoping your ranking could get us closer to an upper bound on that 219 count, but (unsurprisingly, if it's been a few months) you're at 838, which is in the top 1000. I'm at 2612, so we know the total number stuck at 1099 is somewhere between 219 and (219 + 1611 = ) 1830. 😃
  3. Yeah, really the only use for 1-stars is to pad out your count of maxed-out characters, when you're trying to move up to the next level tier. (Which is getting harder and harder, since gems are so hard to come by. At one point I had like 6000 red gems built up (where all the others were in the 0-200 range), but I even burned through all of those bringing the red-gem characters to level 600.) That reminds me: A lot of weeks ago, near the start of the year, the devs posted this image in one of the Patch Notes blog entries about upcoming features, showing the addition of a Gems store to the Market: But despite Market improvements reportedly being the #1 most requested change, it's half a year later and so far nothing has come of it.
  4. I was stuck on one floor for a while... it wasn't 499, because I remember getting the first reward character pretty easily; maybe it was either 500 or 599? And now like Eckos... was? (hopefully), I've been at 900 even longer. The difficulty spikes are really severe. If you look at the Leaderboard you can see the upcoming ones clear as day. It only shows the top 1000 players, but of those 1000, currently... Only two have made it to 1999, with a third on their way 6 are stuck at 1699 9 are stuck at 1599 64 are stuck at 1499 93 are stuck at 1399 141 are stuck at 1299 239 are stuck at 1199 And at least 219 are stuck at 1099. (Probably more; that includes the 1000th player plus an unknown number below them in the rankings.)
  5. This is just a post celebrating the fact that I finally got past the Hero University section of the Adventure. About time!! It's not so much that I found the storyline less interesting than the previous ones. (I did, but that's OK, not every piece of content is going to be tailored to my particular interests and I don't expect it to be.) No, the annoying thing is that it's a less interesting story (to me), that's also like twice as long as all of the previous sections! So. Tedious! But, it's finally over. Yay!
  6. Setting up teams for the Bang event, I thought I'd start by setting up my last team first, since it needs to be the strongest. So I clicked on the fifth "+" icon and selected a team. When I saved the selection, the team was placed in the first slot instead. Forcing the setup to be done from first - last team makes it almost impossible to set up a progressively stronger set of teams, unless you're prepared to work out all the selections offline beforehand. (Edit: Not sure it would've mattered anyway, since that strongest-team only had 44% of its $STAT remaining when I reached the first chest. Doesn't bode well for the remaining 80 performances.)
  7. When you're setting up teams from the League or Pantheon interfaces, you first get shown the team selection interface, and on that page there's an info icon that brings up what I'm calling a "cheatsheet": That's handy, because you can use it to plan your selections when you enter the Edit screen. Problem is, when creating teams for the Bang event, you don't pass through the team selection screen first, which means there's no opportunity to view the "cheatsheet" before setting up a team. Please provide access to the "cheatsheet" view directly from the Edit interface, so that it's available whenever editing a team, no matter for what purpose.
  8. This is kind of a general thing that happens in multiple places, but it's MOST obvious and annoying in the team-editing interface. (I'm almost tempted to post it as a bug report, since it's so frustrating, but I'll leave it as a suggestion.) When a list of items has a mouseover popup, like the harem list does on the team-editing page, it's INCREDIBLY annoying if it covers most of the list you're trying to view! I'm talking about this: 2/3 of the list I'm trying to view is blocked by the popup! Instead, why not show it next to the list, like this: That way, we won't be stuck having to choose between being able to view the list vs. being able to explore the stats of the characters in it.
  9. @zed_Kinkou MINUTES? I've never seen anything like that, no. The code was changed a while back (a few months or so), so that it no longer loads the entire list all at once. It loads in chunks, as you scroll down to the bottom of the list more will load in. So the whole thing doesn't load at all, unless you scroll — but for me, it never takes more than a couple of seconds for each new group to load.
  10. To the mod who edited my post (it's fine, I'm not complaining, I just have no idea who to address this to since it doesn't say): Fair enough, sorry about that. The reason I'd typically decide to add a new comment instead of editing, in a forum like this, is that anyone following the forum content by email notifications wouldn't see added content if it's made as an edit to the original post. But I forgot that's not an issue here, since email follows aren't an option. (Which is weird, actually, since https://forum.kinkoid.com/index.php?/notifications/options/ claims it'll send email to my address for content I've followed — but I never get any email.) Anyway, I'll try to remember in the future, on this particular forum.
  11. I don't know what would lead you to that conclusion. Is it based on any communication from the Kinkoid team, or just conjecture? Because, here's the menu function: function init() { var _this2 = this; this.$nav = $("#contains_all nav"); this.$menu = $('nav>[rel="content"]'); this.$surfaceOutsideMenu = $("#bg_all"); this.$pachinkoAnimations = $("#content-unscaled"); this.$nav.children('[rel="open"]').on("click", function() { _this2.toggleMenu() }); this.$nav.children("#language").on("click", function() { _this2.toggleMenu() }); this.$nav.find('[rel="helper"]').on("click", function() { _this2.toggleMenu() }); this.$surfaceOutsideMenu.on("click", function() { _this2.toggleMenu() }) } The last click binding, the one that causes this, is triggered on the whole-interface container, which is literally labeled "$surfaceOutsideMenu" in that function. That feels about as intentional as you can get. A bad idea, I think we can all agree on that, but doesn't seem like any sort of accident.
  12. I mean... yes, on rare occasions there might be a goal or two that you aren't in a position to complete, though that should be pretty rare, no? You mentioned League matches, which was the first thing that came to my mind too, and that's definitely occasionally a concern. Champions performances (are those ever Daily goals? I don't recall getting those), you can probably win the tickets you need in Seasons or PoP before the day is over, most of the time. It's not like the events, where you might need 30 wins plays to advance, and if you only have 5 tickets you're just done. And, that being said... I don't know if you've noticed, but the Daily goals rewards add up to significantly more than the 100 you need to open the last chest. So, you don't need to complete ALL of them — just enough to get to 100. There's no reward whatsoever for completing goals once you've reached that point. And I haven't personally encountered a day yet where I couldn't reach 100 if I tried. Of course, your experience may be different, maybe I've just been lucky.
  13. Fixed almost before I even reported it. 👍
  14. Ohhhh! I just call that "the art". 🤷‍♂️
  15. So, this is a weird new bug. No matter how I enter the Teams management interface, it always throws me out to Seasons when I exit. For example, say I'm in the Tower. I click "Change Team", and it takes me to a screen with the title "Team Leagues". I click "Edit", and I get the team-editing interface When I click "Validate" to confirm the new team, I'm taken back to the previous screen, BUT the title is now "Team Seasons" Sure enough, when I click "Select" to choose my team, instead of returning to the Tower interface, I end up in Seasons. Same thing happens approaching it from the Pantheon, too.
  16. Understood. 👍 (Am I right, though, about poses only actually mattering for Champions battles? That was my understanding, at this stage in the game's evolution.) (Edit: Oh, right, and sometimes for the Blessings, in certain weeks. Which does affect all combat. Forgot about those.)
  17. Does that actually matter anymore? I didn't think poses were still used for any PvP combat (supplanted by things like the gems). Poses only seem relevant in the Champions battles, where they can't really be "spoiled". No?
  18. I've noticed several weirdnesses that have cropped up in the Harem listing. Most of these started at some point after the switchover to an incrementally-loaded list — they were fine at first, and don't seem to have been directly caused by the incremental loading itself. Rather, some subsequent change broke things with how the incremental load-ins are processed. When the Harem list grows, the newly-loaded harem members have completely empty progress bars. Even though they should be showing some progress towards being able to collect their earnings, it's not visible in the progress bars. (I can't tell if the time-remaining display is correct, or if it's also reset to the initial time.) Whenever earnings are collected from a completed Harem member, their progress bar resets to what appears to be roughly 10%, rather than 0% as it (then) should be. Sometimes (surely related to #1), completed Harem members don't load with their earnings showing as completed and ready to be collected. Often, lately, the 12-Koban "Collect All" button will be showing, but scrolling through the entire list shows not a single individual "Collect" button. Reloading the page is necessary to get the Collect buttons to appear. I should clarify that this occurs after I've scrolled through and individually collected from most of the other Harem members. Most of them do load with their Collect buttons, but I'll reach the end of the list not having collected all of the earnings the Collect All button indicates are available. Invariably, reloading the page then causes additional Collect buttons to appear for the remaining "missing" earnings. Mod Edit: Don't double post => the edition tool is your friend.
  19. The doubled guy isn't random. It's always the 11th guy, who is displayed in both the 11th and 12th spots. It appears to be a simple display bug, at least I don't think anyone is missing or excluded by the doubled entry. The list is just one longer than it should be, because #11 shows up twice (assuming you have at least 11 matches for the current filter). Edit: Er, was. This particular bug does appear to be fixed now.
  20. Kinkoids, (Kinksters? Kinkoidenants?) I access GayHarem exclusively using a desktop web browser, usually in windowed mode sized to about half of my 16:10 widescreen monitor. IOW, with the browser page laid out in a decidedly portrait aspect. The forced landscape aspect of the game interface has always been a bit annoying, because of that. And while it may once have made sense, the fact is that as the game has expanded, your own additions to the interface have rendered the landscape configuration less and less ideal for the interface. A couple of months ago, after I finally got sick of unnecessarily scrolling up and down to see all of the game content, I went in and hacked up a userstyle with enough overrides to take better advantage of the additional screen height by displaying useful content. (The appeal of Bunny smugly waving his phone at me and telling me I should turn my 24" monitor sideways is not, shockingly enough, particularly entertaining.) So for a number of weeks now, this is how I've been seeing the interface. (These screenshots are about a month old.) It's not perfect since everything I do is fighting against your JavaScript scaling code, and I haven't tackled anything outside of the three Activities sections, but the no-scroll view of the entire "Places of Power" interface alone more than makes up for minor glitches. (I haven't extended the harem interface to full-height yet, but that would probably be my next target if I decided to expand this further.) Of course, an officially-supported portrait layout wouldn't have to fight with the rest of the site code, so the interface would be glitch-free and much more polished than my hackery. I genuinely think there are plenty of other players who would be interested in the added convenience of a portrait-layout interface. (And I'm sure most people would prefer being able to do it without having to resort to a deep dive into your the site's content structure and CSS! Unfortunately for me, I'm not most people.) Let your users decide what layout works best for them, don't force them to conform to your arbitrary design constraints! As I think I've just proved, some of us will have our own way regardless.)
  21. Well! this took on a life of its own, didn't it? No, but I previously had a selection of boosters I could purchase, depending what stats I needed to goose. When there are only 2 Legendary boosters on offer, at most I have choice of two types of boost, out of four total. (Yes, of course that could happen anyway by luck of the draw, no matter how many slots are available, but the odds of being able to purchase a booster for the stats you're looking to buff are immensely diminished when the number of options is reduced from eight to two. You mentioned that twice, seemingly on some sort of assumption that I didn't buy (or at least might not have even bought) boosters before the introduction of Mythics, so now I'm complaining about something that doesn't even affect me just for the sake of complaining. Well, that does happen in online forums, but thanks for the benefit of the doubt. The fact is, I didn't buy Legendary boosters very much, before the Mythic introduction. I bought Epic boosters. But now, I can no longer do that at all, so now I find myself "in the market" for Legendary boosters, even though I wasn't in the past. Yes, I am fully cognizant of how that works. I kind of feel like, in your rush to condescend to me, you forgot that the shop supply replenishes every six hours! So, yes, I re-assert that having Mythic booster "doubles" in the shop is useless. Especially compared to sub-Mythic-class boosters, since more than one of the same type of those can be activated. You're right that if I hoard boosters in my inventory and obsessively manage my stockpile of them like it's my retirement portfolio, then it doesn't really matter what's on offer in the shop. Not all of us are that competitive, for starters, or want to put that much thought into it. You asked way in the beginning "what point I was trying to make", and while I thought it was pretty clear, I guess not because you've made a lot of assumptions of things I never said or even hinted at. Which is never what I was asking. Here's my issue: In the Gifts shop, before the Mythics I'd typically see a selection of Rare, Epic, and Legendary options. Now, it's the same, but there'll be between zero and two Mythics included at the end. In the Books shop, pretty the same, before and after. (Though Whereas for Boosters, before this change it was a selection of Epic and Legendary (probably a 5/3 split, usually); after the change it's anywhere from one to seven Mythics, and however many Legendary fill the remaining slots. My entire issue here is that the change to the Boosters store — especially coupled with the removal of Epics for level 200+ — is so much more, and so unnecessarily more, drastic that the Mythic-incorporating changes to the other stores. And with the changes being made all at once, it created the impression that Boosters would largely or effectively be Mythic-only going forward. With Epic boosters, the 60 Koban price wasn't unreasonable — it was low enough that, if I got the 150 Koban for completing all of the Daily Missions (yes, "if"; I don't always put that much time into it every day), it would cover an Epic booster or two. Even now with the Epics no longer available, it still covers one 90 Koban Legendary. But buying Mythics is an investment of either real money, or time devoted over multiple days just to amass enough Koban for a single purchase. More effort than I want to put into it. Doesn't mean I want them removed, just that I feel the store offerings should be balanced a little closer to how ALL of the other stores are. Heck, I'd even be fine if the split just stuck closer to 4/4 reliably. But more than that is excessive, and of no practical use to even the hardest-core players. (Because, like I said, 6-hour restock. Even if someone is looking to stock up, they don't need 5, 6, 7 all at once.) I totally get that they're useful to other players, and I have no interest in interfering with that, despite my disinterest in them — poor strategy though it may be. (The idea that I have a "strategy" for an online sex game is laughable, TBH. Not knocking anyone who does, but it's just not my way. I've always known that the surest way to ruin sex is to overthink it. So my personal... approach — certainly not a strategy, calling it that would be an insult to strategies — to the game is to never lose sight of what the it's supposed to be about: More sex than violence... and even the violence is mostly sex.)
  22. This appears to be an evolution of this previous report — it's a completely different bug, but in the exact same part of the interface. The issue shows up when the Tower interface is compressed into its "smaller-screen" mode. (I use a desktop web browser, usually fullscreen but sometimes I shrink the window down to only part of the display.) Completely wrong own-stats are being displayed for the player themselves. Here's what I see if I unmaximize my browser window: But here are the correct stats, if I go fullscreen:
  23. I'm not as up-in-arms upset about the recent Booster changes as some other users; I'm a bit disappointed that Epic boosters are now un-purchaseable after level 200, and I still plan to ignore the Mythics, but they don't majorly affect my life and figure it's Kinkoid's game to structure how they please. HOWEVER, this I do object to: Mythic boosters can't be stacked. That's made very clear in all of the game texts. So what possible use could I have for three IDENTICAL pairs of them? And then being offered only 2 Legendary boosters (which can be stacked and therefore more of THEM would actually be useful!) because six slots are taken up by uselessly duplicated Mythics... that just adds insult to injury. (Or maybe the other way around. Can you add injury to insult?)
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