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  1. @FinderKeeper@Sarvar thanks everyone
  2. i understood one thing by playing hh and ch it is far more easier to earn kobans in hh than ch because in hh you can win contest easily without any prep like this but if you come in top 4 of contest in ch that means you used kobans or you have to be prepared for many days or else you wont win
  3. i want to have her in my harem but i dont think i will get the girl in given time is there any way to upgrade my chances of getting shards like if i did 10 combat i will get 2 to 5 shards so is there any way to get her faster and which one is better 10 combat or 50 combat to get the shards if you do know please tell me
  4. @FinderKeeperbut it is done by games bug because by seeing the reason why 500 internal server error happened the only answer that comes to my mind is when i tried to login on my account loading page never ended it looped again and again i suppose this made too many request and my ip got banned. loading screen looping is the bug which happens quite often in my device.
  5. but my whole chrome lags when i use that my device cant handle chrome that is why i use opera only this is the one that doesnt lag
  6. which place can we get this for free i think there was a place we could get it for free
  7. there are many new events poping up right now but i dont have that many of kobans to handle this type of event every month. like i have to use 3600 kobans for path of valor then 7600 for path of attraction and i suppose they will be adding 6600 kobans event path of glory please before adding new events add a place to earn kobans. you can only earn kobans on league and contest and there is a big competition in this place cause if you want to win kobans in league and contest waste more kobans than you get by winning so what is the point of winning. at the starting of the game like in 2021 it was fun playing it was easy you could enjoy it without money but now its more like your not eligible to play the game if your not rich. i know you have to make money for making new games so add like challenges playing for 30 mins and other game challenges to earn koban like this way it is fun and if you dont want to waste money just do hard work to enjoy the girls in the game. this way there will be more traffic and it is profitable to you to because right now we finish all our work like using energy, fighting villain, league fight, season, daily goal around like 15 mins and only other time we open game is at when contest is ending son. like what i am trying to say is make us stay in that website by adding more challenges to earn money.
  8. after update it looks like the animation was added in activity i suppose because of it my game started to lag a bit and i saw a bug here is the photo i dont think it is a good idea to add animation in everything yes it will look good but to my low end device it is bad thing. also i hope you solved the login page not showing in opera browser i dont know why but it only shows white
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