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Everything posted by BoyTopper

  1. Does that rankings influence on anything except knowing who have most long and thick... wallet? 🙂
  2. The problem is that this PoV is actually 13 day, not 14 coz it wouldn't count 14th daily Contest result. It doesn't count result from previous day and can't count result of the last day. And nothing changed
  3. Claiming (yes, Claim Reward button was pressed) my reward for 1st place in regular daily Contest and... nothing cnanged in PoV progress. Again. I told it support team at last PoV of this kind and nothing changed.
  4. To what PoV? To current PoV? To some other PoV (which one exactly)? As a new PoV with PoP objective only? What is his class?
  5. Much ado about nothing, IMHO. Just a couple of 5-star guys. We could get another one or two every month in another events.
  6. Send the children back to primary school! 🙄
  7. I wish it too. I have enoug guys for comfortable play and don't need about half ot them as they are weak or/and ugly (poor drawed). I want to get rid of 1 star guys and other trash.
  8. Oh, I see: basically... it explains all 😄It reminds me 'discounts up to 90%' while 0 is also up to 90% 😆Would you mind to highlight this 'small' detail while fixing the grammar? 😉
  9. Menu (top-right button with 3 horizontal lines)/Settings/enter your code/OK - enjoy
  10. Thank you for your great work! 👍But it have some errors, the most upset as for me is the following: My experience shows that opponents chosen in smaller interval of approx +/-10 levels. And what is more upset that you can get opponent with 1 mojo while there is available opponents with much more mojo. There is some algorithm that prevents you to earn mojo 'too fast'. Lets say you get 10-15-12-7 etc. mojo in a row - no problem. But if you would get 10-15-30-35 mojo, next battle you'll get all 3 opponents with 1 mojo and next you'll have a row of something like that: 1-30-1-32-1-35. I've get this pattern every time I get 'too much' mojo within several hours.
  11. It's not stat but some kind of derivative from real and known stats. We don't know how this derivative really calculated. I'm already proposed you to try to beat some Champion with legendary and regular clothes on your character and compare the difference in outcome. I've got approx x2 difference but it may depends on player's and clothes' levels. Both times 'attack power' displayed as the same.
  12. AFAIK there is no such stat as 'attack power' in game, so it's some derivative from... something again. Ergo, numbers under the guys avatars is just bullshit numbers and nothing more. BTW, try to change clothes of your character, it's better to change legendary clothes for regular or rare - you would see the big difference in battle outcome but no difference in numbers. Few month ago changing the character's clothes immidiately reflected in 'attack power' but it were hidden now for some reason. Yesterday we done with club champion and his 150m HP within 7 battles. Today we had beat the same champion with 130m HP and approx 15 battles. The same club with the same guys, blessings, etc. Am I arguing? No! We have 'black box' here with only two inputs: some 'attack power' digits and champion's HP. So beating the champion within 1 battle or 100 would be unrepugnant to missed mechanics explanation. Good wiki but it's not an official source. Otherwise I would have much more questions on difference between statements and reality
  13. OK, lets start from simple question that require no screenshots etc: what are the digits under the guys on champion's battle page stands for? And why they not changes after I or you change clothes of your character in Shop? How they does correspond with real battle stats in Champion's battle? And how is total impression corresponds with Champion's strenght? In other words, total impression presented as equivalent of Champion's XP (not strenght), but why beating some Champion with 100m impression is much harder than beating Champion with 50m impression (not twice as hard but 3-5 times harder)?
  14. Look at the last row: the same player, the same harem, the same clothes, boosters, etc. The same champion ofcourse. All the same! 1st battle - 7,13m impression, 2nd battle - 2,21m. It's 3x times difference and - strange thing - other players haven't such wonderful RND. I require official commentary on this 'wonder' and want see official info on champion's mechanics, not blah-blah-blah on 'more your stats - more impression you make'.
  15. You may open the link to any ingame location in new window/tab and get real URL of that page instead of loading the page within the frame with 'general' URL. Lets say ypu want Activities page URL - here you are https://www.gayharem.com/activities.html Navigating from this URL to other locations also gives you real URLs of the pages as well. Don't ask me why they used frame and hidden real URLs, its out of regular logic.
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