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Everything posted by sanjkame

  1. First of all...You are not actually anonymous, unless you asked a friend to post this text for you, everyone can read that your name is Brav Bitt and based on that, ask for you at the leaderboards and see about the club you're refering to(Unless of course that you have left this forsaken club forever). I'm just saying this because you really don't need all this indirect references, the best you could do for the community is exactly expose this club and his leadership for people never join it. And just a hint: Never spend a penny to help any club you entered without be sure that the leader is aware of what happens at the club.
  2. Impressive how people have different and sometime totally opposite opinions. Me for example can't find nothing interesting about Yuko(Haven't seen her scenes yet, so maybe I get suprised), I was kind of neutral about Semana, but now that I got her and could see her scenes I can say I like her, while all the pachinko girls I consider awesome. Barell changed completely on that dress that I consider the most beautiful, really nice, Lupa is Lupa, she can be sexy whatever she uses. Abrael is not using any dress, but that T-shirt can be surprisingly sexy on her. About lilith, I don't know what to expect, I like her aff scenes(The ones from the original Lilith), but not her poses, so I will do the only thing I can and wait to receive her
  3. Nahh, I'm not a very creative person. But I just have to say that...I would protect my butthole, Justine is dangerous. ID: 404596 Hentai Heroes
  4. I don't have anyone of then, so judging by the initial pose, I stay with the majority and choose Halloween Abrael and Halloween Barrel, then I would choose Lupa, Lilith and the last preferable are the "free ones" So, I know this is not the topic for this kind of comment, but also I think it's not worth for a totally new topic. Wtf is this oktoberfest discont? Have anyone except me see a parallel event with girls at "traditional" german clothes drinking and serving a lot of beer and to get then you obviously need refills? Because if the answer is not, why put a 3 days discont in a 12days event with drop rate high enough to get all of then withou spend a penny?
  5. Só pra esclarecer, agr q vc está no club, n precisa mais vir aqui kkk. Pode falar conosco pelo chat do club ao lado do seu perfil Caso vc tenha clicado ali e ainda sim n tenha visto o chat, é provável q esteja aparecendo no lugar a lista de membros online, para trocar para o chat basta clicar no simbolo dos balões de diálogo Mas respondendo a pergunta sobre o discord, de fato ele leva um tempinho para se acostumar, mas é uma excelente ferramenta. E n é necessário procurar o nosso club, o Goku(líder) já fixou o link q leva direto ao server do Discord no club no chat. E caso mesmo tentando se adaptar vc n goste do Discord, sem problema. Dentro do Discord no canal de "Novidades-avisos" está fixado o link para um grupo no Whats app. Volto a lembrar q tudo isso, Discord, Whats app é completamente opcional, é possível ter uma ótima experiência só com o chat do club. Outra observação é q o chat do Club n funciona direito(até onde eu saiba) no app do Hentai Heroes. Ele abre normalmente mas fica dificil de digitar, pois a tela n vira no aplicativo. Porém se usar no navegador preferencialmente com o celular de pé, ele funciona perfeitamente
  6. This is not a good advice to give to a new player, since this inferiority of the charm class can simply change tomorrow, and then he will already have used his free change and will have to pay to return to his original class if the new class become weaker. The game is unpredictable, before Levitya HC was considered the weakest class or at least the most harmed, now is probably the strongest. Charm will have it's chance
  7. Ele provávelmente estava se referindo ao club kk.
  8. Apesar de a nossa taxa semanal ser baixa, a maioria dos membros acaba doando a mais. E basicamente, não gostamos da forma como muitos clubs agem colocando um lv mínimo altíssimo e só aceitando os melhores, esses clubs com o objetivo de estarem entre os tops frequentemente acabam sendo uma chatisse, pois não há grande troca de informações entre os membros, então estamos crescendo o club aos poucos, apenas expandindo as vagas quando já lotamos as anteriores com membros de valor
  9. Além do que o @Ensamdivu respondeu, tem a questão de vc estar em contato com vários outros membros muito experientes, que podem te dar valiosas dicas e técnicas para progredir no jogo. Além de estar sempre informado sobre o que acontece no jogo(eventos, atualizações, etc). Quanto aos custos, para entrar vc n precisa pagar nada, apenas solicitar a entrada, q deve ser confirmada pelo líder do nosso club depois(Da mesma forma como funciona os clubs/clâs na maioria dos jogos), e depois q vc entra nós pedimos uma pequena contribuição semanal de 60kobans que devem ser investido em qualquer atributo do club, e considerando q o benefício é passivo e vale para todos os membros, contribuindo com o club vc acaba ajudando à sí mesmo
  10. Yeah, on the other hand the 2x perk is something reeeeeally interesting, since the multipliers multiply themselves, I already tested it, using exciting flirt usually give you a 5x multiplier, after Estelles perk now I have a 10x multiplier. About the autoclickers, well, I don't think it's the kind of thing that can get you banned, seens a excessive measure to me. And you still can combine the autoclicker with the mojo forget robot to get much more click power, besides the robot alone don't make a huge difference at high levels so you will end up using kobans anyway But I would like to know if there is any kind of resolution from the dev team that explicitly prohibits autoclickers and other derivatives
  11. "Don't treat them as fact" obviously don't apply to the topic that were just announced at the patch notes that you just read. Everthing that don't appear at the patch notes's TEXT you CAN treat as fake
  12. And I really hope this don't happen...
  13. Yeah, I have to say that I was very lucky with Visor. Got Any at third try . Now I'm on the last stage of the 2nd level with Alban. I don't think my poor luck is enough to get two miracles in such a short amount of time, so I probably will get Shtupra on the 8th try. I have all the other girls and I'm KH so I don't actually NEED Shtupra, so I will just get her because I cannot leave Boa Hancock alone
  14. This is the girl affection meter, if I didn't have angela's perk it would increase 1 by one, not 1.1 by 1.1 so yes, after 2 more points it would be 11 points
  15. ❤️ I like plants...and wood elves ID: 404596 Hentai heroes
  16. I was almost sure that nothing would be better than upgrade girls which upgrade your gains so with it you would be able to upgrade other girls faster blablabla... But then I finally decided to make a test and upgrade just bunny at the office. Contrary to my expectations that I would stop at some lower level to accumulate money, bunny just went straight to the minimal reset stage(3006) just like if Stelle didn't need to exist at all. Now I really am in doubt and would like to see what you people think. I also think this questioning can be applied to Clara One thing that I need to add is that I since I was focusing all my atention to upgrade Angela I don't have Estelle' s multiplier perks(yet), so it's just her original state. And these are my reward crafts
  17. I think this image is enough to answer most of your questions. Well she's reeeeeeeally expensive, the last 3 grades are all above 1,5k aff to upgrade. But yes, even though it's a just a small increase I think in the long run you get 22 instead 20, 220 instead of 200, 2200 instead of 2000... make it worth. Me for example just upgraded some basic girls and went directy to Angela, now that I finished I went back to the initial girls to get her perks and it's exactly in the medium-low cost girls that you can see these benefits, yesterday I ended up with someting like 399/400 on Stelle after spent all the daily 200 bonus on her, if I hadn't angela's perk I would have to wait another 2 hours, and considering my timezone this would be like 3am, so I wouldn't wait I would just go sleep and spend these points on the next day. So angela save me a day and probably some sleep hours if I decided to wait .
  18. update: I also opened a ticket and they answered me saying that the devs are " aware of the issue and searching the cause to resolve it soon." I hope so
  19. yeah, of course KH and HC are much better to survive the champions but obviously nothing compare to the favorite pose. You probably know that but many people don't, so when you fight agains Matsuda for example, go check your KH and HC just after selecting your 5 charm girls with the correct pose
  20. Ok, now that the LD ended as well as the bugged images, can we make a little noise to see if they solve this damm bug? I mean, I bought some avatars that I really want to use at my club chat
  21. I used to defend a lot the devs because I really like the game. But the way they are acting towards the players, the new and the veterans, it's complicated at the very least
  22. On the arena equipment and stats are everthing, but on the champions, your girls stats matter a lot. If you don't have powerfull girls at a high level(So buy a lot of books), your damage is insignificant. I'm gradually upgrading all my girls' level as the xp girl contests come, having at least the Legendaries, Epics and the most powerful rares at level 250+ prove to be good enough until now
  23. I kind of like the artist who made the champions' girls, I like all of then (I had 4 until this morning and now I'm waiting for the league reset to upgrade the 5th). I think he also made girls like Alpha and Omege which I also like. HH have some good artists, I think the biggest problem is exactly the mess they made by mixing different artists with each one making entire events, a bunch of girls that most players would never return to see again because they really don't like them
  24. A girl on hentai clicker have 9 grades(I am not even considering her poses). So you have the 3 main drawings plus the 6 ones from grade 1 and 2, 4 and 5, 7 and 8. And since the game was recently launched, you can expect the total number of drawings to increase since they added 2 more girls and 1 week later(If I'm not wrong) added more 2
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