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Everything posted by indeed777

  1. I'm still a bit strapped from the overabundance of events that appears to be our new default and this creature is hideous, so I'm sitting this run out. Legendary Contests are still the absolute worst though.
  2. There is one small mission open in the next zone, you can do that. You can convert 60 to a ticket in the champions arena, but, yes, it's going to be hard for you (and me, I'm in the same boat).
  3. Sure, it's a great bargain for me. But for the guy I knocked down from 25 to 26 who walked away with nothing and is now facing an uphill challenge to get the girl probably is less pleased with my fortune.
  4. I was going to come in around 35th with normal play which would almost all but eliminate my chances of getting the girl, so I ended up dropping about 1200 kobans on refills to power my way into 1st. It was more than I needed to spend, but I was afraid that people would jump up past me while I slept. It worked out; I'm now done with this terrible event.
  5. Hard to disagree when the moment you connect to the website the computer's performance just stops. The worst part is that no one seems to want to fix it.
  6. I think this is spot on analysis. The only other thing I would add is that the reward system is out of whack. Why is it more valuable to finish 16th in one league rather than 46th in a higher league? this encourages you to not get promoted to the league that you might belong in. This drives me nuts; no one intentionally throws matches to avoid promotion to EPL to stay in the EFL.
  7. I hate this idea. This is primarily a single player idle games. And now we're basically throwing in mandatory PVP? No thank you. I predict that there will be an incredibly amount of complaining when this goes live on the main server.
  8. Yeah, I was about to be furious as well but I appreciate Kinkoid making it right.
  9. The OP's poll is biased, but seeing as I logged on to see if anyone else found these notifications to be extremely annoying, I don't care. Let us disable these notifications that just slow the game down please.
  10. The actual mechanics of this event aren't too bad. The worst thing about it is it happened immediately after the legendary event where you're encourage to blow all your kobans meaning you might not have 7200 for the unlock. I'm not constantly logged in, so I'm not always grinding champions so I have a stockpile of tickets; money is primarily valuable to me for buying affection items and promoting girls so I always have a huge backlog of inventory items; the way leagues are structured you're encouraged not to get promoted as you get better rewards in the top of a bracket than the low to to mid range of the higher one so it shouldn't be too hard to win PVP fights. Yeah, if you're someone constantly logged in and grinding the game or brand new I could see a couple of issues. But as a F2P my biggest regret is that I dumped most of my kobans the week before in legendary days.
  11. This mirrors my experience almost exactly.
  12. Yeah, I think it's the same bug as last time. The corner pieces are particularly prone to bugging out if they're the last piece placed.
  13. I'm another one with the league bug.
  14. This is great event. Two new girls and a variety of previously pachinko exclusives on a wide range of bosses: there is nothing to complain about here. If the two new girls stick around as permanent pachinko drops going forward this will have been a perfect event and a great model for new pachinko girls going forward.
  15. I started keeping track around the Prehistoric event. 1037 with Roko. Although, I think it might have been worse when I first started a year plus ago.
  16. I had 493 pulls with zero drops. I've had worse luck before, but it's not great.
  17. I like numbers and I know that the devs absolutely hate transparency so recently I've started keeping track of the amount of attempts its been taking for things to drop. While I realize sample size is an issue, it still feels better just comparing things to my own historical averages. This one took 745 pulls and I got 8 bracelets, 5 flowers, 4 lingeries, and 7 chocolates before they dropped. That's the worst luck I've had since I've started counting (admittedly recently) outside of Fredy's common drops. But if my average keeps trending this way, well, this won't be fun anymore.
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