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Everything posted by Oliver66

  1. On nutaku if you get the PoA 2nd row of rewards that's pretty much all your monthly kobans gone every month so unless you're spending money for kobans you pretty much need to ignore it or forget just about everything else. The 5 tiers on leagues that it shows in the default amount we don't acctually have anyone in sexpert 2, we hit sexpert 1 about 6 months into the nutaku version being released and have been there for about 3 years now. Here is a link to the games wiki showing all the rewards available for all 9 tiers: https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Gay-Harem/GH:Tower-of-Fame The purple boosters are % based and actually provide a lower boost for players under level 300 than the yellow epic boosters do. Even at 300 they're only better than the epics if you've managed to max out your market stats. Out of curiosity if you have 50m saved up have you managed to max out your market stats? Normally most players don't manage that until after they hit lv250-300. As for the battle system the switch from 3 to 7 was actually only the first of several planned stages. The new system is call "BDSM" and is overly complicated and very few if any players really understand it since they added the elements component to it. I'd definitely recommend starting and playing the 2nd account. Chances are in a few months when you have it established and are earning more free kobans than nutaku could ever hope to provide you you'll make it your primary.
  2. This question was asked during a recent Q&A and a dev said there are no plans to add more slots at this time but they are looking into improving the books/affection/booster temp pops that were added.
  3. So much to reply to, here we go. Your problem with seasons is largely because you're playing on nutaku. GH on nutaku has a significantly lower player population than gayharem.com and because of this as you progress in season tiers you'll have less opponents and the higher you are compared to others the less mojo you get. So instead of getting 20+ per battle in the beginning you'll dwindle to 1-5 per battle. Leagues is also that hard on nutaku due to player population. We're stuck on sexpert 1 which is the 4th tier and means all the 400+ players are stuck there. On the main server there are 9 tiers unlocked so lower level players can advance a lot higher and have chances at a lot more koban rewards. I'd highly recommend fighting as many league battles as you can even if you lose because its the best source of XP which is the most important resource in the game. Kobans are pretty much the most important resource and your limited koban rewards is also because you're playing on nutaku. Leagues is by far the best source of free kobans and nutaku just can't keep up with being stuck on sexpert 1. As for what to spend your kobans on I highly recommend upgrading the 3 permanent place of powers. Probably the single most helpful investment you'll ever make. At lv9 you can win 3 x10 great orbs, 3 mythic orbs, 3 tickets or 10 shards per PoP. The great orbs will solve any money issues you were having and the MP orbs will get you a decent amount of free guys over time, I've probably gotten 50+ guys from those orbs. Tickets generally become a useless resource but if you're having problems with running out upgrading PoP to Lv10 will get you a 4th ticket per run. Those prizes will also help you win other contests like pachinko or donate(from selling all the equipment the x10 great orbs will give you) Events definitely vary greatly in resource cost. Mythic days is meant to be expensive and will cost a player 10-20k kobans and KC(kinky cumpetition) (my most hated event) is incredibly expensive for what you get out of it. Other events like the 9 day classic or orgy days have the same drop rate but the amount of shards you can win differs. Classic is 1-8, epic days 1-5, legendary days 1-3 and orgy days 1-12 shards. If recruiting guys is your biggest concern orgy days is the way to go. The best advice I can give for solving most your problems would be to switch to gayharem.com. You'll lose all progress as the servers don't share data but long term you'll catch up and end up in a much better place than nutaku can ever provide.
  4. The red mythic books unlike the other rarity books cannot be given to a guy if it will level them beyond their current level. I never use them myself but I believe it's around level 300 you can use them to upgrade guys from lv1. It might work sooner on a epic or legendary guy who require more xp to use. I'd just hold onto it until you level high enough to use it.
  5. The app is old and doesn't function well on any device. If you play on mobile devices it is highly recommended to skip the app and just log in via a internet browser
  6. I'd recommend double checking you're signed in on the correct site that you originally made your account on, whether it be gayharem.com, nutaku or erogames because those sites don't share data and you'd need to start again there. If you're on the correct site double check you typed in your email correctly. If you're 100% sure you've done both those things you can send a ticket via your new account in the in game menu > settings > support and send in a ticket. They'll likely need your email in order to check for you. Otherwise you'd need contact a dev directly as they'd need your email.
  7. I believe you have to go into the games menu > settings and turn off animations. What happens then is the background will stop changing every few seconds but it will change every time you return to the main screen.
  8. I enjoyed the new event up until I realized there was very little room for error. I'm pretty much going to have to choose between getting the event girl or having a shot at the gotcha girl.
  9. Please add a confirmation for the reset using kobans feature because it's incredibly easy to waste 2500 kobans by accidentally clicking it
  10. I'm of the opinion that the devs lowered the drop rates back when the new revival system started. I know they'll just tell us it's bad luck, but I've been playing for a year now and have mulitple accounts and chat with other players on discord. Across all my accounts I've never had to use refills on regular events or revivals and other than the odd 1 or 2 people having some bad luck that even most the people I chat with got them all too. Then the revivals started and new trends became apparent. A lot less people were getting day 1 drops. A lot more people had to burn kobans at the end of the event. I'm not even counting epic days or legndary days where I expect the drop rates to be lower. Cute monsters I wasted 5k kobans on day 1 trying to get the drop on Ninja Spy because I wanted to farm Roko for awhile since we have so many events now. Didn't get the drop and even had to spend another 2k at the end of the event to finally get it. Christmas event this month cost me 3k kobans to get the dark lord drop at the end of the event. I wasted 2500 kobans during the Calander event and didn't get the drop and ran out of kobans. Now this event I just dropped 5100 on dark lord and no drop and that's not counting the 31k I spent on my test server account doing event pachinko only to get 1 girl and an awful lot of trash to sell. The Christmas event I basically had bad luck across all 5 of my accounts(HHx2, test, GH & Nutaku) averaging needing to spend 3k kobans per account. 1 or 2 events might be bad luck. But every event since they changed how revivals work? I may not be a whale, but I'm done buying kobans and the pass because blowing kobans on dark lord refills is a massive waste of real money. If things continue I'll probably just stop playing all together.
  11. I'm not happy with the new pachinko at all. I had 31k kobans saved up and blew them all and only got 1 girl. To top it off the items are class locked. So the 6 HC mono legendary items I got were all locked as chest pieces.
  12. So many events I haven't been able to farm Roko for more than a day for I don't know how long. Decided to use kobans to get the girls fast so I could have a couple of weeks of Roko farming. 5k kobans on Ninja Spy with no drop. Think I'm just going to skip them now since furry isn't really my thing anyway. Hope my perfectionist gaming mentality doesn't hate me later.
  13. It didn't count the whole last 4 hours. On my GH account I spent 23mil on great pachinko around 8pm 4 hours before the weekly reset. I was given rewards for 6th place which was the place I was in before spending that 23mil. After the weekly reset at midnight I received 6th place rewards but my official final rank was 2nd place. The same thing happened with my mojo, I was in 11th at 8pm and received rewards for 11th place but officially I placed 4th. I didn't really notice it on my HH account because I hadn't placed very high in anything to expect much from the rewards. Ended up missing out on over 500 kobans, 2mil cash, 2 epic or legendary items and 1k xp and that 23mil I spent doesn't transfer over to the following week, it just goes out there in limbo. Its basically a 4 hour black hole that the game currently isn't counting.
  14. What I meant in my comment was that Levitya and Norou should've been released after all girls were upgraded to 5 stars starting with lowest to highest rarity. That way none of the classes would've had a devastating advantage over another. As for your question about people who missed the legendary girls, I imagine that after every class has a legendary they plan on starting the rotation over again. Either by releasing new legendary girls for each class with equal stats or more likely new girls with slightly higher stats.
  15. Have to agree. If anything it would've been nice if legendary days was held off until the five star upgrades were complete so then there wouldn't be nearly as big of a stat difference between the best 5 star girls and a legendary girl. Though, I can understand why they'd do it now. Now that we've all had a taste of just how tough these girls are I'm sure people are going to push even harder to insure they get one for their stat. Plus it would've been fun to have the option to use a bunch of different girls for awhile instead of being forced to use a single specific girl for our Alphas.
  16. True, but that more supports my comments about how charm has had an unfair advantage pretty much since the Juy Sea. If they had been rotating the world girls class Know-How would have a 3.8 five star girl, oppose to the two charm got back to back with Kalissa and Lenaelle. Before the update Abrael was pretty much the only 3.8 five star girl in the game and she isn't terribly hard to get.
  17. Its kinda fun how not even a month ago know-how and hardcore players were complaining for months about the unfair imbalance in favour of charm, now charm players (which I am) are all in an uproar because we've been at a disadvantage for almost a week now. We charm players have had the advantage for months it's only fair we get our five star legendary last. Though I feel like charm and know-how just switched places. Yeah, hardcore got Levitya too, but a lot less people got her than Norou. Charm and Know-how still seem to be in the lead on the boards. I think the highest hardcore in ego is hentai heroes is 6th.
  18. Clothing of any kind for kobans in the store was an experiment they tried for a few weeks that didn't pan out. It wasn't specific to legendary items either, it seemed to just be random what items cost kobans and what items were cash. Legendary stuff can still show up but its just rare and it seems rainbow legendaries are more common than single, at least in the store. I've gotten a fair amount from epic pachinko. As for your lower level legendary items being better than stuff you've been seeing lately, you probably had stuff before they adjusted clothing stats. Legendary clothing use to have higher stats but they had to readjust everything so legendary gear now have lower stats. Revival festival. If you look at Dark Lord and Edwarda they don't have any legendary affection items because they're special drops are the 2 girls unless you already have them.
  19. Its funny, I got both Levitya and Norou on my main HH account, only I'm charm. I got H.A.L. (GayHarem's Norou) on my GH account only I'm hardcore there and GH didn't have a levitya event. The only account I got a correct legendary for my class is my new know-how account that I don't really take seriously.
  20. Once that legendary gets its 4th or 5th star though... My lv166 5 star bunny has 1535 HC, fought a lv166 4-star Norou with 1979 KH. Don't even want to think what her stats at 5-stars will be.
  21. Technically they are. If you have a common girl who is currently on 3/5 stars vs a rare or greater girl on 3/3 stars of equal level the rarer girl will have higher stats. Until the 3-star girls get upgraded to 5-star the 5 stars have the advantage.
  22. Have you raised their star level yet? Because my lv1 2nd star Abreal has 4.81 charm now.
  23. So basically unless you have a legendary you can pretty much stick with Bunny, Julliette or Red Battler? They're all 3.7 in their main stat which means you need a 5 or more to be better. Until you unlock the 3.8 5-star story character. Unless there are other other 5 stars out there besides story characters and the 2 legendary.
  24. Every boss aside from Dark Lord and Edwarda currently has legendary gifts, those 2 have girls. Its part of the revival event so you don't have to specifically fight Ninja Spy to get them.
  25. Actually most starter girls are more expensive. The new requirements are affection’s - 90/225/563/1125/2250 and money - 36.000/90.000/225.000/450.000/900.000. I started a new account a couple weeks back so have been comparing price changes. Unless you managed to not get dark lords drops until 10th+ in your harem the upgrade cost go up by a good amount for 3rd star, Arcana 5th in my harem's 3rd star was 90k. Bunny's 4th star use to cost 135k. Affection does get cheaper for 3rd star 4th girl and beyond but not by a lot. Not saying the changes aren't good, overall they're great. Doesn't affect my main account at all.
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