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Found 10 results

  1. It is bad enough that when i finally decide to make a purchase, the Season Pass: Bountiful Season for $4.99, my debit card isn't accepted, with no explanation why. most of the time i try to play lately i can't, getting "500 Internal Server Error An internal server error occurred." Not being able to play for 2+ hours with "500 Internal Server Error An internal server error occurred." wasn't just annoying it cost me in-game resources & my place in Contests & Leagues' rankings. Still no clue given as to why my debit card purchase won't go through. At this point i feel kinkoid should just give my the Season Pass: Bountiful Season & Season Pass: Spooky Season , for my wasted time & lost rewards... Pachinko/Night Club sometimes takes your Orb then have a server error, so i lost the Orb used & get no items/girl/affection; seems to be an ongoing issue. Less frequent but also bad is doing Champion Performances & not getting Win/Loss rewards but the Tickets are still taken/spent.
  2. Please bear in mind that this here section is for REPORTING BUGS. It's NOT for posting a vague question or assumption just because one thing YOU find weird is happening TO YOU for the first time. Additionally, please check the forum and other resources for KNOWN ISSUES when you're experiencing a tech issue. More often than not, your issue will be on the list, or there will already be a number of previous posts with tips about that very issue. "Bug Reporting" should ONLY be used to report a NEW GAME BUG. Something that's likely GLOBAL and has not already been identified by Kinkoid and/or the community. This is, by definition, VERY RARE. It's NOT the default section to post about any and all tech issue YOU as an individual player happen to be experiencing. By default, most users should NOT post AT ALL in "Bug Reporting", EVER. Is that clearer? For any and all QUESTIONS, including any and all tech issue you're experiencing and would like to check with the community, please use the appropriate subforum instead: QA questions answers Moreover, please note that there is no Support forum. Moderators are not Support (or Kinkoid staff). You're more than welcome to ask the forum community (including moderators) for advice, but at the end of the day, we are NOT Support. We can't look into your gaming account and answer you or assist you directly as Support can. Posting anywhere on the forum is no substitute for sending an in-game Support ticket. To contact the Support team about an individual issue you are experiencing, please send a ticket through Main Menu -> Settings -> Support -> Create a new ticket. Provide your screenshots and as many relevant details as needed to describe your issue: what happens, when, how, for how long or how often, etc. (and also what device you play on, what browser etc.). Cheers.
  3. Now, I was gone for several months; in fact, the last thing I knew, there was a ton of ads for the "On the Prowl" storyline, so, y'know, I'm trying to catch up on all the new features; As the title says, I keep getting these things that LOOK like tickets, but I cannot find out what they're called (the game doesn't tell me anything); I've attached a picture of what I'm asking about below, if I could get someone to tell me, that would be great! Thanks in advance!
  4. Hi, I've only been playing this game for about a month, and this is my first time buying kobans. I was wondering if anyone would be able to answer these questions, as I have a few concerns that I want to put to rest. 1. My main concern is that I don't want to be scammed. Is anyone able to verify the legitimacy of this game? 2. Is it possible to use payment methods such as paypal to pay for in-game purchases? 3. If I was to purchase something from the game, would it show up on anything like a bank statement, or will I get some sort of confirmation email after, etc I'm sorry if I seem paranoid, but I'm genuinely worried about being scammed, or worse. If anyone can answer these questions, it would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
  5. Can we change clubs? Thank you for your answer!
  6. Salut tout le monde, Je lance cette discussion par curiosité. Peut-être que quelques personnes me diront que ce sujet existe ou qu'un semblable existe, mais tant pis. Longtemps hésité à le mettre, je me lance. Voici deux questions simple : 1 - Êtes-vous accro ou non à ce jeu ? Et2 - Comment avez-vous découvert ce jeu ? Voici en ce qui me concerne mes réponses : 1 - Je ne pense pas être accro à ce jeu. Même si cette réponse peut laisser penser le contraire 😂. Ce jeu est pour moi comme un moyen de divertissement pour mon temps libre. Donc il s'agit d'un simple loisir. 🚴‍♂️2- J'ai découvert ce jeu grâce à un article parut sur le site Jeux Actu qui décrivit ce jeu comme un jeu de parodie pour adulte. L'article disparue rapidement du site sûrement dû au fait qu'il s'agissait d'un jeu pour adulte. Enfin voilà. Je vous laisse y répondre si vous le désirez. Et si l'équipe Kinkoid souhaite y répondre il n'y pas de souci. @Lola Kinkoid Merci à vous!
  7. Je vous invite à retrouver ici les questions les plus fréquemment posées sur le jeu et les ligues, et leurs réponses :
  8. Salutations Héros ! Comme la saison de Noël approche, l’équipe Kinkoid voudrait vous offrir quelque chose d’un peu spécial, représentant notre affection pour vous ! Nous désirons que vous puissiez profiter du temps avec l’un des plus anciens membres de notre équipe : Ben Kinkoid. Vous ne connaissez peut-être pas son nom, mais vous connaissez très bien son œuvre. En effet, il est le magicien qui transforme vos fantasmes les plus fous en réalité et il peuple le jeu de ces créatures de rêve que vous séduisez ! Il est notre premier artiste, celui qui a donné son style si particulier au Haremverse. Et vous allez pouvoir lui poser toutes les questions qui traversent votre esprit pervers. Le 7 décembre, pendant une heure, il va participer à un Q&R, en anglais, sur le discord officiel du jeu. Venez vous détendre et vous joindre à lui. Pour se faire, rien de plus simple que de cliquer ici et de créer un compte. Nous vous rappelons juste que c’est un Discord anglophone, donc il vous est demandé de parler anglais dessus. Pour résumer le tout : Quoi ? Q&R, en anglais, avec Ben Kinkoid, l’artiste ayant créé Hentai Heroes ! Où ? Sur le Discord officiel anglophone dans le canal #Dev-questions Quand ? Le 7 Décembre, à 18:00 (UTC+1) jusqu’à 19:00 (UTC+1) Une traduction du Q&R sera fournie sur le forum quelques jours plus tard. Nous espérons vous voir nombreux ! Votre équipe Kinkoid.
  9. Can someone explain me why I got all this stuff in the tower of fame, I didn't even knew this was a thing
  10. How do I customize the look of my avatar? Changing items from the market doesn't do it. What am I missing?
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