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Path of Attraction Feedback


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Just some feedback on my experience on the path of attraction and some potential suggestion and general questions.

First up are you considering this as an additional think to the current events (e.g. Orgy Days) or is this a replacement? If it's in addition too that would be great but if it's replacing then my concerns grow. Overall I think the idea is pretty neat but I think some of the numbers need to be tweaked to make it more achievable. 

So I haven't even managed to get past "sell 40 items" simply because, like many people before this appeared, I either used or sold my items immediately. Whilst being stuck at stage two I probably have defeated enough people and villians to do many of the other stages. For people who don't have access to the higher level villians who provide item rewards (again these are usable items which of you get a grey flowers from s Karole fight you'll feel pretty bad selling or using it given the stage of the game your getting a starting item but that's a different thing)  getting said items would be near impossible in 4 days. And that really gate keepers the fun of the path. I am a little worried about the "finish tenth in a contest too" that essentially gives you 3 goes to do if and if you achieve it on the last day good luck doing the other 5 tasks without bankrupting your kobans. Also s little concerned if the even starts mid way through a contest or ends before the contest for that day is completed you're making it even harder. First as people will not be aware they need to work harder for teh contest (which I appreciate most people probably don't do specifically so trying to get people to do that is a good idea) or by cutting out one of the X number of times you can attempt to win. 


My suggestions would be as follows:

During the event have the lower level trolls drop items as well thus means everyone has a fairer chance to get enough items to sell.

 Potentially publicise what the path will be beforehand giving people the opportunity to gear up for the competitions better but personally I think that and the selling items should just not be included. If I had to pick the compete is the worst culprit, selling items can be fixed in other manners or just everyone hordes crap until they need it.

you could extend the time a little bit to give more chance to complete. All of this in 3 days seems pretty tough without significant koban spend.


Open the tree up and allow people to complete it non linearly. Could also be linked with complete X/Y (e.g. 10/12) and give the player freedom to chose the ones they do or do not go after.


Hope some of this has been useful and thanks for reading and the hard work coming up with cool ideas. 



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It would simply be awful to have the trolls drop affection objects when this kind of event is on. It's already the main reason why no high level player go against Karole if they have freed her girls. (or Pandora, for that matter) 
At every stage of the game, but especially in the lower levels, the most important ressource to collect is money. 

Add to that, that the game keeps feeding you object at every corner (daily missions, tower of fame, arena... ) It's really not very difficult to get them. The only issue there is, many players simply don't keep anything 'at hand', in case it could be used later... I have well over a 100 millions of Ymens of unused objets, and a few thousands grey boosters... I never saw any point in selling the boosters for money (considering they're worth nothing), even if they are completely useless in the arena. Now, i feel good I did keep them. 

The only real difficult thing to achieve in this event, as many players already mentioned, is the 'place tenth in a contest'. Agreed, it will most certainly not be easy, especially on the first appearances of the event, every player wanting to catch the exclusive girl. 

As for the timing of the event. I'm pretty sure it will appear in replacement of a regular event, not at the same time. Even if it's been designed not to interfere with a classic one, the simple fact that it 'steals' it's window's interface would suggest to me that we'll get one or the other, at least at first.  


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Could I suggest a mouse over tool to tell you if you have the girl already.

The thumb nails can be small , octopus easy to recognize, white girl dark hair could be a lot of people

So I ended up paying the 7.2K koban unlock for a girl I had

Even better just ensure any girl used is not already in your harem, the pinchinko does this so it can't be that hard.



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1 hour ago, Akhter13 said:

Could I suggest a mouse over tool to tell you if you have the girl already.

The thumb nails can be small , octopus easy to recognize, white girl dark hair could be a lot of people

So I ended up paying the 7.2K koban unlock for a girl I had

Even better just ensure any girl used is not already in your harem, the pinchinko does this so it can't be that hard.

It's confirmed on Discord that this feature is intended to be used for new girls, not old girls, so no player will have them. That was just test server using pre-existing content to test with causing weirdness.

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Just completed the path of attraction, and i also paid the 7.2 kobans for the bonus rewards

I already had the girl Katharina in my Harem, so am disappointed there was no alternative prize

it truth i didn't like the idea of selling my gifts or boosters, but now that we are aware there such an task, its not difficult to stock on useless items

The only 2 task i had a difficult time with on the this event was 15 win /lose against the champions as i hardly touch it since i not played the test server long. I suspect lower level or beginners may find this task difficult . One attack takes out the champ and then i would have to wait 24 hours for another chance to attack, if i didn't have 3 champs unlocked, it would of been near impossible to complete.

I suggest to announce or give players an idea what this new event will involve so those who read notices will have a better chance to prepare for the event

secondly, reaching the top 10 in a contest was extremely challenging , I left my self ranks 6th 3 hours before the reset . i had used kobans to reach this place thinking it would high enough even if i get sniped by last minute hardcore players who waiting for the last 5 minutes to make their move.  the next morning i found myself dropped to 12th place which is rare. but I had consider the fact there be others eager to take on this challenge

 To counter this , I believe it better to extend this event up to 7 days, to give players more than one day chance to get into top 10 places in a contest or lower the requirement to top 15th places

Although i do believe it possible to complete these challenges in 3 days, but there wasn't much leeway for mistakes and it cost more kobans.

An additional suggestion , at lvl 200 one of my task was to spend 2 million gold , I believe higher level players will easily accomplish this, my suggestion is to adjust this to the players level 


hope you take this as feedback before you launch on the main game

Edited by JJdude
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Just completed the path of attraction, and i also paid the 7.2 kobans for the bonus rewards

I already had the girl Katharina in my Harem, so am disappointed there was no alternative prize

it truth i didn't like the idea of selling my gifts or boosters, but now that we are aware there such an task, its not difficult to stock on useless items

The only 2 task i had a difficult time with on the this event was 15 win /lose against the champions as i hardly touch it since i not played the test server long. I suspect lower level or beginners may find this task difficult . One attack takes out the champ and then i would have to wait 24 hours for another chance to attack, if i didnt have 3 champs unlocked, it would of been near impossible to complete.

I suggest to announce or give players an idea what this new event will involve so those who read notices will have a better chance to prepare for the event

secondly, reaching the top 10 in a contest was extremely challenging , I left my self ranks 6th 3 hours before the reset . i had used kobans to reach this place thinking it would high enough even if i get sniped by last minute hardcore players who waiting for the last 5 minutes to make their move.  the next morning i found myself dropped to 12th place which is rare. but I had consider the fact there be others eager to take on this challenge

 To counter this , I believe it better to extend this event up to 7 days, to give players more than one day chance to get into top 10 places in a contest or lower the requirement to top 15th places

Although i do believe it possible to complete these challenges in 3 days, but there wasn't much leeway for mistakes and it cost more kobans.


hope you take this as feedback before you launch on the main game

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