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Bang Boss player hp is bugged. 2 other possible bugs


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When fighting Neferkitty, rather than dropping consistently, my team's hp/energy fluctuated. it never dropped below 80%, and didn't drop at all for at least the first 20 fights. I initially assumed this to be a result of being at player level 593-594, and being much stronger than the boss, but when the total eventually dropped, and then recovered after another 1 or 2 fights, I knew it was a bug. I kept fighting, eventually recruiting the boss. I only used 1 of the 3 teams which I had set up. I hadn't been keeping an eye on my kobans, so I'm not sure if this is related, but my koban total appears to be somewhere in the range of 500 to 1000 short of what I think it should be. This could be from the party automatically draining kobans to maintain maximum hp, or it could be due to my having used more kobans than I thought, while trying to recruit Matcha, and/or finishing Tower. If it's the former, it's either its own bug, or part of the hp bug.


Clicking on either edge of the home screen now opens the top right menu (the 3 horizontal lines, not the harem button). I don't recall seeing it in the patch notes, so either I missed that announcement/line, or it's an undocumented change, or it's a bug. If it's the 3rd, consider it reported. If it's either of the other possibilities, my feedback is that it's annoying:P

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It's not a bug; it's a mix of healing (Which is a fixed value, unless you do a critical hit, in which case it's 2 to 3 times the usual heal) and boss getting stronger after each fight.

So even if initially you can out-heal the boss, eventually she will hit hard enough to bypass your heal; unless you do a critical hit (critical heal), that will again be higher than the damage from the boss.

So, seeing your HP going up and down is totally normal. Just normal battle mechanics.

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That you hp fluctuated is because the healing from your sensual girls is not allways able to negate all damage neferkitty do to your team. In most times a player with a great harem and 100 sensual girls in it and with 2 or more sensual girls in his team will be able to heal all damage away that neferkitty can make, only if the boss make crits it could be that the battle ends before the healing absorb all damage. So, no bug.

Only if you have an exhausted team with 0% ego left you have to spend Koban, no automatically drain of Koban.

The opening of the menu if you click beside normal buttons is a known bug since some days and reported in the forum and on discord.

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