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Christmas Revival! General Discussion!


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I'm really happy about how these events turned out so far!


Last event I got Leia/Cattle (and that Sith girl I don't really care about) and now Bunny. 3 event girls in a short time span, what's there not to like?

Now I can go back to saving up some extra cash again :)


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52 minutes ago, Damoncord said:

Well I just got Christmas Agate.  Doesn't help I've been grinding Dark Lord since the event started, but I REALLY hate that guy.

Screenshot 2017-12-19 21.47.41.png

Keep trying on Bunny! B|

Don't fight on the arena, trust me, use all your combat energy on Gruntt. Sooner or later she will join you. :D

In my case she took a little more tries than Agate, but she finally drop. ^_^

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Another daily to go!
Jingle all the way
“Jackson II”, the latest connected sextoy, has just come out for the Christmas holidays. This object should please all your girls. But only few are still available! You’ll have to race to provide enough for all your girls.

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On 12/18/2017 at 2:48 PM, DreadNORD said:

This event is really generous for girl drops... I got Agate only after 10 hours of Dark Lord grinding. In previous events it took at least 3-4 days to get first girl.

Generous my a$$. You were just lucky. I've been playing non-stop and putting my alarm in the middle of the night for another round of 'farming' to not waste any Combativity points ('cause I really want that Bunny), and so far still nothing. :(

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On 12/19/2017 at 12:40 AM, masca10 said:

Hi again! :D

Aaaand I get Christmas Bunny right now! B|

Gorgeous! :xxD

I hope all of us could save the girls w/out problems from Dark Lord and "Pain in the ass" Gruntt. ;)

They deserve better! HAHAHA! xDxD

Some people like @Damoncord or @Fappinator they have some trouble to get event girls lately, which, on the other hand, I don't understand why happens this. :S

In the Sci-Fi event I could get the girls in the first day of the event, same with this event as well. B|


I'm not sure if I should take posts like this as givers of hope, or source of frustration? I never get more than 1 girls per event, and even that towards the end of it (if at all).

Maybe they just have better drop rates in the Spanish version? :(

Or are you a paying customer and farm more often? Or devs tweak your chances because of that...

Edited by Zam
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1 hour ago, Zam said:

Generous my a$$. You were just lucky. I've been playing non-stop and putting my alarm in the middle of the night for another round of 'farming' to not waste any Combativity points ('cause I really want that Bunny), and so far still nothing. :(

Definitely generous. You're now totally ignoring the alternative situation which is: "The drop rate can be considered a problem only if you don't get any girl within one month". Yes, there is randomness involved but the odds have definitely been (slightly!) adjusted in our favor as well. Also: the event just started so you really have no reason to complain just yet. Save that for the (hopefully not happening!) moment when you don't get any girls after the event is over.

See, during the sci-fi event I really wanted leia/rey. I didn't set any alarmclocks but I did start fighting the boss several times a day. And only after the event was more than halfway through did I finally manage to get her.

Also: the special daily missions so far never lasted for longer than 3 hours so far. That accounts for something too I think. During the last event some took you 6 to 7 hours, which can be quite challenging if you wish to complete all daily missions.

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8 hours ago, Zam said:

I'm not sure if I should take posts like this as givers of hope, or source of frustration? I never get more than 1 girls per event, and even that towards the end of it (if at all).

Maybe they just have better drop rates in the Spanish version? :(

Or are you a paying customer and farm more often? Or devs tweak your chances because of that...

Take it as you want, pal. O.o

The only thing I do is keep trying until the girls drop, I use all my combat points on that task. I don't fight in the arena during the events. B|

I wish that it would be like that, but no. The spanish version it's nothing more than a translation, not an independent game. xD

I've problems to pay my electrical bills, so NO. My idea to become a Patreon I keeped it in a drawer, at the moment. -_-

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19 minutes ago, Sombre said:

It's really important, because it seem than it's a drop rate of the 14th days events (long event) and not a drop rate of the short event. 

It's already Day 3 and still nothing in my side.

Unfortunately just 7 days :(

And you're right. The drop rate is the same as in 14 day events.

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Haven't said it yet today, so make sure you do them.

Save Christmas presents
The Grinch is angry because he has no harem. As a payback, he decided to steal all the christmas presents.
Go to its cave to recover sex toys, lingerie and other small delicacies important to the hearts of all.

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6 hours ago, Sombre said:

Could people stop to show their christmass drop ? We all know than you will drop bunny or agate... it's not fair to show this for people who have difficulty to drop it.

It actually shows people that have not gotten them yet that they're actually dropping for people so if you keep trying you can get them as well i normally don't get event girls until the last day of the event anyways so it's good to encourage people to keep trying if i did not keep trying i would not still be trying to get them on the last day of the event so i would not get them.

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