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Bots in contests


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If you refer to the Cumback Contest with Gem spending: In 12 minutes you can easily awake 5 5* Legendarys at lvl700 and have to use 2000 gems each - what means that you gain 72.000 points per girl so a total of 360.000 points

If you refer to the Daily Contest "Symbiotic Harem" (at .com, don't know which one is active at nutaku): Claiming a XP reward from Season or PoV can be enough to reach more than 300.000 points.

So in both cases there is no bot needed to gain so much points in a short time.

For future comments it would be helpfull if you add at least the name of the contest you refer to or (better) add a screenshot of the contest.

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8 hours ago, dtjones1105 said:

Noticed today that new contest requirements had only been active for 12 minutes and three people were already above 300k points.  Impossible.  Remove the bots from the app...it is pathetic.

Please don't assume the worst when you clearly don't have all the info in mind and don't just to conclusions by giving us "Feedback" that's really just you venting against an imaginary thing, in this case.

It's better to ASK in the relevant subforum first (I've moved your thread there this time): https://forum.kinkoid.com/index.php?/forum/29-qa-questions-answers/

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