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Midna, Urbosa, Twinrova & More?


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28 minutes ago, Karxan said:

Also, how many girls are in HH now?  Is it updated on the wiki?

More than 1,500 but less than 2,000. I believe so yes.


As for Zelda characters, and I'm saying this as someone who grew up on NES and still fondly remember the arrival of the SNES, and played all Zelda games from that golden age to death, I know exactly Link, Zelda and the big baddie whose name I can't even remember (Gannon? Agamemnon? Backgammon? ^^). None of the others you're mentioning ring any bell for me. I suppose they're from the distant future of Ocarina of Time and other post-3D games. To me Zelda will forever remain one of the best 2D adventure games of all times.

But to each their own and of course I'm aware the world kept turning after my own childhood, and many young and not so young adults playing Kinkoid games now love, recognize and expect or even hope to see a gazillion anime and 3D games characters from after my time.

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yeah, i played the classic 2D games & a lil' bit of the first Zelda title with 3D, but not the newer titles those characters i named.  Yet.  It is from pron & fanart that they got on my radar, & inmhho the hottest of the Waifus from the newer games, which seem to be rather Waifu-heavy compared to the classics.

Ganondorf, Ganon for short, the Gerudo King.  Matt Mercer is a huge Ganon fanboy & got to voice him in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Apparently he gets most of the blame for a curse afflicting the Gerudo elves, in both the lore & the fandom, & may have even made the curse himself -- i'm not clear on that...  There can only be 1 male Gerudo alive at a time, so no new Gerudo male can be born so long as Ganon lives.  So Gerudo women have to seek mates from other communities/races.

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17 hours ago, Karxan said:

but do we have parodies of Midna, Urbosa, Twinrova, or other Legend of Zelda characters?

A simple database search yielded the following results:

Esperance - Midna from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Sylvia - Saria from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Pooky - Beth from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Fairy - Fairy from The Legend of Zelda

Akhates - Princess Hilda from The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

Perhaps there are more. These are the ones I found in ~5 minutes

17 hours ago, Karxan said:

Also, how many girls are in HH now?

At the moment there seem to be 1659 of them, according to the Harem++ script data

Edited by Master-17
Second question
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