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38 minutes ago, Chthugha said:

Don't expect any reply soon, Zorba, I've been informed she will be on a mission the coming week.
And no, she didn't run for cover.
They always have the weekend off, so you could've known that in advance.

sounds like running for cover with extra steps :D

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Actually, to be fair, the artwork is constantly improving so congrats to the artists.  Viola's 'reverse strip' was a nice touch.  I won't spoil it any further.   She is VERY VERY pretty in the way Hari is in her Winter Chill version.

To be somewhat off-topic (sorry!)... Jesse, since I have your attention(?) some constructive criticism (nothing to do with the last event which riled up so many people).  Have you thought about offering your services in editing and proof-reading the script to the story from a woman's perspective (I'm serious)?  In my humble opinion, this is where HH is weakest.  Great and clever artwork is let down by a weak script, non-credible and discontinuous storyline and many spelling/grammatical errors (I'm talking about the English language version here).

Two obvious examples:  (1) Justine's affection scenes in the Loving Moments event.  It was meant to be in honour (my spelling is UK English, not US English) of Valentine's Day, but retained the cardboard cutout, single dimensional original Justine character (manic, obsessional/possessive and dangerous nutcase).  I wrote some alternative affection scene scripts which offered a new direction to round out Justine's character (it was removed from the forum - off topic perhaps)  I wanted to suggest a more vulnerable and uncertain side to her (she was brought to tears by our hero standing up to her and suggesting a different path, that she's actually beautiful and sexy (and she really is to me in her more cheeky side and not the wide-eye maniac - moved so far beyond the Himoki Toga parody).  She could be presented as someone who could get whatever she wanted through another route. (2) The development of the Lenaelle character in Plain of Rituals...  I won't spoil it for others not there yet by being specific, but let's just say that there was no character development or script continuity whatsoever.  In my opinion the outcome was a huge disappointment after all the hints which could have led to so much more promise.

I'm not a woman, but I understand that most women I know don't share the Hentai message of cum-covered nymphos demanding unrelenting sex from cocks that would cause them real physical damage.  They want more romance and the full-on sex and nudity prefixed by a romantic lead up.  It doesn't need to be so blatantly pornographic and many men would also respond positively to this kind of lead up to sex (actual real-world stuff that can be a real turn-on for most of us, men and women alike).  One can have romance and deeply focused eroticism that appeals to both men and women without the excessive pornography that celebrates 'women as sex objects' as the sole presentation.  This is actually a terrible role model for young men who might come to view such interactions with women as normal - and I'm certain as night follows day that some of these young men are well under 18 years of age!

Three of the accounts I run are owned by women in this household.  They started playing when they heard me shouting: "YESSS!!  Woohoo!!!" whenever those amazing random drops occurred (a truly outstanding aspect to the game in my opinion and my main reason for playing).  Curiosity got the better of them so they started their own accounts, but, being typical females, they soon became bored, and indeed disgusted, by the storyline and some of the artwork so they passed their accounts on to me to manage.  One switched to Everlasting Summer which is much more in keeping with her passions (not really a game - more a romantic visual novel - but pretty appealing and with a stand-out music score).

I do know women play Hentai Heroes and at least one enjoys it for the reason most guys like playing it, but they would be rare, I suggest.

HH CAN do it - I know.  You have hinted at this potential a couple of times that I know of: (1) the Loving Moments Daily Mission script where a strangely sad and withdrawn Bunny captures our hero's attention.  Instead of sex he offers her the gift of a soothing and loving massage.  Puzzled at first, she responds with a tender kiss and a close cuddle, proving she really does love him a lot and this has also shown in the number of times she's come to his rescue out of the blue (the adage of 'Love is as love does').  The other is in the same event with Loving Arcana's affection scenes.  In it she is passionate, appreciative of our hero's character and love, and she is also exquisitely and mysteriously beautiful - brilliantly drawn as a true sorceress and with the most lucious lips of any of HH's girls (much better than the original Arcana), top quality artwork and truly in keeping with Valentine's Day.  The script was, again, a little weak and derivative, however, tending to slip back too deeply into the sex emphasis without much context (given the Valentine's Day theme).

Now, I've had my say.  Thank you for indulging my lengthy post which was VERY off-topic(!).  Is there a forum where suggestions like mine could be expressed and taken notice of?  The game is excellent overall, but, if you take what I have written the right way, it could be made truly great and with much wider and lasting appeal.  I realise the changes I suggest cannot easily be made in retrospect, but, in any new worlds, characters and their affection scenes, some of it might be readily implemented.  Nor do I feel that, with a small staff, HH would not be able to achieve it.  It doesn't need total upheaval and too many extra resources to achieve it.

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35 minutes ago, jelom said:

I also got the two bosses' girls in the first day of the event. ¿luck?

Well done!  I got Viola (she's so pretty!), but I haven't seriously tried for the other one yet.  In another account where I was trying for Viola I got Solveig instead, but have now cleaned Ninja Spy out of his regular girls so I'll have a clear run now.  The blondie with the headgear doesn't do much for me, but I don't know what class she is or her stats.  I'll take pot luck.

Overall, I think players will be more satisfied with this event than the last cowpat!  I suspect, though, like me, they'll now regret blowing their kobans in trying for Levitya instead of saving them for Epic Pachinko.  At least I was a bit more sensible in my know-how accounts once I learned what Levitya's class was and can have a crack at playing EP in these accounts near the end.  Ironically, I got the grey-haired beauty in all my KH accounts where I wasn't really trying for her.

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7 hours ago, GameRaven said:

Did I see that right? In this background our Harem is basically the Colander Asylum? I knew it, we're all crazy!!

I think 40 pages of mostly desperate and angry vitriol re. the last event suggests that, yes, we are crazy.  This might be Justine's permanent place of residence perhaps.  As Hannibal Lecter would probably say: I't would be a good thing to get to know her in real life.  Now, wouldn't that be something!?

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Speaking of 40 (48 now!) pages of desperate and angry vitriol, does anyone find it interesting that Jessie made time to pop onto this thread and ask us how we're enjoying this new event?  Yet the 48 page monster is still free of any developer response to the myriad of legitimate criticisms?

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2 hours ago, Chthugha said:

Don't expect any reply soon, Zorba, I've been informed she will be on a mission the coming week.
And no, she didn't run for cover.
They always have the weekend off, so you could've known that in advance.

Just like last time, eh.  I've left a lengthy and constructive post for her to consider - as a woman.  Off-topic, but useful perhaps, but I expect it to be removed before she gets to read it for herself.  But if she's not in the office I guess she won't read it anyway.  No I didn't know in advance she was off on a 'mission' because some people do work over Easter and, yes, the post was sent.  We  had a right to assume her post was sent in real time.

Now I know.  I long thought (because of the tone of some of your posts and some of the 'insider' information you supplied) that you're not just a run-of-the-mill member like most of the rest of us, but someone with very strong links to management.  A kind of spy, perhaps.  I don't mean to be rude but it would be nice to know your position in advance next time, otherwise you might be accused of having a conflict of interest in this forum.  I'm not angry, just expressing an opinion.  I don't much care either way, but it would be nice to know who we're dealing with.

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@Chthugha , I just wanted to thank you for this comment. A couple of days ago I got a warning point for posting a picture of the moment I got Levitya, I didn't understand what the problem was since I had seen other pictures of her so it didn't make sense to me that my picture would be considered a spoiler while others weren't, but I never considered that Sheheramazond could still be seen on the background. 

8 hours ago, sawyer said:

--Edit by moderator--
First of all, congratulations with Hildr!
Second: unfortunately the battle system has poses of girls on the background that aren't allowed to be shown on the forum.
We are only allowed to show pictures of the original poses.
That's one of the rules I will have to enforce.
In your case we can clearly see Sheheramazond in her full glory.
Now I understand that on a phone it's not always that easy to crop a picture to remove the background.
You can do two things next time: put the picture in between spoiler tags like I did now for you, or take a screenshot of the acquired girl in the harem page in the original pose.

So if you can do that next time, I would be a very happy moderator.


  Reveal hidden contents





Nevertheless, I find this rule kind of silly, because if looking at the girls at their battle posses is a spoiler, aren't we getting spoiled all the time while battling bosses? They show the girls since the very first fight, even before it's possible to get the three of them. And Sheheramazond is the Alpha of the very first boss, how could she be considered a spoiler?

Any way, about the event, I love it. I only worry that I might empty my koban wallet trying to get all the epic pachinko event girls. D:

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1 hour ago, BananaJoy said:

so after everybody posted their girls i will do so too ^^




One of those girls looks a lot like Judy Book, I notice.  I take it she was in Epic Pachinko.  Good going!  I got ticked off for spoiling too and now know why.  It won't happen from me again.

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3 hours ago, YoyoHH said:

Speaking of 40 (48 now!) pages of desperate and angry vitriol, does anyone find it interesting that Jessie made time to pop onto this thread and ask us how we're enjoying this new event?  Yet the 48 page monster is still free of any developer response to the myriad of legitimate criticisms?

Apparently she's gone on a 'mission' and that she doesn't work weekends.  The posting must've been done 'on-behalf' then.

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6 hours ago, Zorba the Geek said:

Just like last time, eh.  I've left a lengthy and constructive post for her to consider - as a woman.  Off-topic, but useful perhaps, but I expect it to be removed before she gets to read it for herself.  But if she's not in the office I guess she won't read it anyway.  No I didn't know in advance she was off on a 'mission' because some people do work over Easter and, yes, the post was sent.  We  had a right to assume her post was sent in real time.

Now I know.  I long thought (because of the tone of some of your posts and some of the 'insider' information you supplied) that you're not just a run-of-the-mill member like most of the rest of us, but someone with very strong links to management.  A kind of spy, perhaps.  I don't mean to be rude but it would be nice to know your position in advance next time, otherwise you might be accused of having a conflict of interest in this forum.  I'm not angry, just expressing an opinion.  I don't much care either way, but it would be nice to know who we're dealing with.

You want to know my role I had?
Absolutely none.
I am on the discord server, that's why I know more than the regular Joe in here.
I've been playing since the very first week, and have been on the discord for over a year.
That and my activity here is why Jessie kept asking me to become a forum moderator.
I didn't have the plans to even do it to be honest, but she kept asking.

Did I have "insider" information? Not more than any other active discord user.
Did I have "insider" information now? Yes, because she had just appointed me as Moderator, and I need to know those kind of things, so I can bring them to you people.
I cannot help that others think I'm part of a conspiracy, and frankly I don't give a damn.
People will believe in conspiracies anyway.
Instead of that you can also just spread the word that in the weekends Kinkoid and Jessie are off duty and enjoying their weekend.
If we are allowed to enjoy our weekend, then so are they.

Right now I am a moderator, and I shall do my best to make the voices on the Forum heard.
I'm just a player myself, and I shall stay just a player for a long time.
Anyway, I shall make a sort of introduction post later this week, right now I don't have the time to do it.

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1 minute ago, Chthugha said:

You want to know my role I had?
Absolutely none.
I am on the discord server, that's why I know more than the regular Joe in here.
I've been playing since the very first week, and have been on the discord for over a year.
That and my activity here is why Jessie kept asking me to become a forum moderator.
I didn't have the plans to even do it to be honest, but she kept asking.

Did I have "insider" information? Not more than any other active discord user.
Did I have "insider" information now? Yes, because she had just appointed me as Moderator, and I need to know those kind of things, so I can bring them to you people.
I cannot help that others think I'm part of a conspiracy, and frankly I don't give a damn.
People will believe in conspiracies anyway.
Instead of that you can also just spread the word that in the weekends Kinkoid and Jessie are off duty and enjoying their weekend.
If we are allowed to enjoy our weekend, then so are they.

Right now I am a moderator, and I shall do my best to make the voices on the Forum heard.
I'm just a player myself, and I shall stay just a player for a long time.
Anyway, I shall make a sort of introduction post later this week, right now I don't have the time to do it.

Okay, point taken.  I'm rather glad you replied in a matter-of-fact way.  Thanks.

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No luck in this account with either of the girls so far.  It's early days though.  I've just picked up Kalissa so I have her to occupy me now (oops!  That didn't come out right!).

No, I didn't get a combativity refill in this or any of my accounts.  How does it show up, by the way?  I wonder how they calculate the entitlement because I had no success in this account trying to get Levitya and used a heap of kobans in the attempt.  Is it for people who spent 6000 or more without success?  I'll be interested to know, too, whether I get these random drop event girls within the 14 day deadline.  If not, I wonder whether the RNG drop rate is somehow tied to my account.  I don't think it is, but it's worth considering, considering I didn't get the combativity refill.  I had a lot of success in the last three events (not counting the last April Fool's joke) so I might be regarded as living too much of a charmed life.

Edited by Zorba the Geek
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Did anybody get kicked offline during the "Super glitch" last night, had just got Rumiko off of Ninja Spy, then everything went sour!

Attempted to get back online, but, never was able to, the site had "disappeared" off the US server.

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15 hours ago, Blain said:

Artwork is top-notch with all the subtle references (names of 5 buildings, Flash fast fugging, Harley silhouette, BatMan by the BatSignal getting a BatJob)

Upset to learn that I used 20 combat points 5 minutes after the event started, went to sleep, and woke up to the news on Discord that there was a bug preventing drops after the start of the event......again. And the compensation was sent while I was asleep, so it wasn't really compensation, just wasted refill points. Guess that's my fault for living in the United States and having a normal sleep schedule that was cited as a reason for lowering the possible daily combats from 72 to 48 in the February 7 patch.

Another comment here for the fantastic artwork for this event. My fav bit being the bat-job as you’ve brilliantly put it.

I got really lucky with the combat refill, I’d just done a battle and was on zero, loaded up the main page and saw 20 there. It sucks for you, but it really benefited players in Europe.

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