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Is there a point to leveling up?


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Allow me to elaborate:

Currently, i am level 47, and the number of girls is approaching the 100 mark (92 currently), with 45 of them on max Affection: Once i have the 5,4 mil required to 5-star Metal Noemy, that will be the 46th.

In terms of stats, i've got good all-round gear (full Super Sexy Legendaries, all 200+ in all stats), and still a fair distance away from my stat upgrade caps, which i'll focus on once i finish all-starring the Girls since more money = faster stats. Haven't fought in the Arena much because i don't like PvP that much, but most of my opponents there have a fraction of my stats, possibly due to my low level.

The main benefits of getting a higher level are mostly a bigger energy bar (which is worthless as i'm on the 'end point' at Heroes University already) and a bigger Combativity (which, at 19/19, means it'll fill up in 9 h 30 mins, and is hardly wasted anyway). 10x Great Pachinko comes in at 78,500 credits and 4,600 apiece, but i have a good set on me anyway, so...

The only downsides so far is that Finalmecia (lvl 164) and Roko (lvl 146) are somewhat problematic to fight, but i suspect that will be over once i start working on my stats, as current stat prices fall between 500 (weakest stat) and 2,500 (strongest stat).

So, is there something i'm missing?

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Well, um... In your case, I guess Level doesn't matter.

You aren't a PvPer, so that really isn't a problem. Even if you did PvP, it will take awhile before going against people with your stats. You seem to not care too much for the money and you won't be gaining enough affection to matter. So as long as you are able to beat all the Trolls/Bosses, you should be all good.

On the other side, if you are not doing all of the daily missions, you will be missing out on Kobans. If you are doing them, then you are bound to be a high level anyways. Making PvP that much harder (imo). In short, I guess if PvP in none of your concern, you have nothing to worry about.

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The only advantage you get for not leveling up is winning contests at low levels such as being on a higher world level for the villain contest or having more harem members than low level players for the give experience to girls contests.

That is not worth doing since you get more free kobans at low level from doing the daily missions since the koban reward in contests goes up as you level up and you need to do all your daily missions to get free kobans and if you do the event missions and get into the top 4 spots of contests it will give you kobans to do epic pachinko.

Leveling up every 10 levels gives you a free energy refill so leveling up is good if you just want to do the story faster as well the free energy boost helps to win contests that give points for energy/experience gain as well.

The higher your level the better the rewards from the daily missions and arena get as well.
During revival events you get a free set of epic items and their sell value depends on your level so you get more money from selling them as well plus the item from the free daily spin of great pachinko sells for more the higher your level is.



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Yeah, i'm not too terribly worried about the kobans. It's been bothering me for a while that my girls aren't starred up though, so i just want to get that done, then work on the stats.

I can generate around 1 mil credits per day though, so that's nice. It's fast enough to outpace the rate that i get event girls anyway, so there's definite progress being made. I'll probably start doing dailies once i max out.


Or not: This is a game after all, and i like to procrastinate. :D

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well you seem to spend a huge bunch of money on this game (on a sidenote: welcome new whale! :)), having 100 girls already and reaching the end of the story with that low level. i would suggest you to focus on your stats and upgrade your gear more (super sexy items are only the 3rd strongest. monostat legendaries and epics of your class are both preferred over them) so you can easily handle a maxed out roko. you might also need to levelup a bit more to achieve that. i guess at around lvl100 with decent gear and girls he shouldn't be a problem at his maxlvl (290). with that you can endlessly refill your battle points and fight him for cash and refresh the affection tab in the market to upgrade your girls. you can do everything with kobans as long as you are willing to pay enough real money for them and have enough of them. which seems to be the case here.

Edited by Habi
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To be fair, i've been playing for at least a year (Profile created Feb 12th, 2017), i've just been keeping my level as low as possible, mostly to farm the Pachinko for gear as cheap as possible. I first caught up on the storyline back when it ended in Hamelin Town xD

I'm a F2P player at heart. Most of the joy i get from playing games is to see how far i can get without spending anything, so all the girls i have are either from quests, bosses and events. Unfortunately, that also means the Devs won't be getting rich off of me as kobans don't carry a lot of value to me (i have 4,700 of those atm, probably going to save them up until after i get every boss girl), but... that's just how i personally enjoy the game.

As for equipment... The non-Super Sexy stuff i have isn't terribly good. At every item i have being 200-220 to all stats and 300 or so to Harmony, that beats everything under Rare, and the mono Epics i have beat that one stat by +150 or so at best, so i'd lose that gain in defenses several times over (-200 HC and Charm, -225 Endurance and -300 Harmony per item), making it not really worthwhile.

I do have one Legendary parrot (+599 Charm), Laptop (+604 Charm) and Dog (+764 Charm) that really stand out, but i'm KH, and the only item that would be worthwhile is The Answer (+775 KH).

On a related note, it'd be great if i could sort my inventory by quality or HC/Charm/KH value, or have the ability to save separate equipment sets, it's kind of a jumbled mess right now. ^^;

Edited by Makinen
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Well, if you don't care to lose a huge amount of kobans (IMHO the most important thing of the game), i guess there is no point to leveling up.
But remember that we're talking about 54750 kobans/year. Moreover, as natstar said the koban reward in contests goes up as you level up (for me 1st 144 kobans / 2-4th 72).

By the way, as Habi said rainbow equipment sucks, you should buy some good epic KH single stat ASAP.

Edited by Daniele
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i think its more like 70-80k in a year if u count extra rewards from contests and tof too. and i really dont see why u keep ur level low. only for the purpose of items? if u not really an extrem pvp player u dont need care about that anyways. and for that u need have good level too. u get additional stats which each level up.

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