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"Questionable" strategy in league


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I know the devs will love this guy, but it still leaves me speechless. In my current league, one guy has already a score of 810, with the maximum possible from natural regeneration of challenge tokens being 345 (as of right now)... meaning he bought at least 155 challenge tokens (probably more), which amounts to about 2k kobans -- all this happens in Wanker II, where the 1st place can win only 240 kobans. Even in higher leagues this would never pay off.

And the best of all: Just by using up my tokens in time, I will be passing him in the end.

So I'd like to know: What do you think of this... behaviour? Sorry, can't put any adjective there, since nothing comes to mind which would not get this thread deleted immediately.

And a question to the devs: When you shortened the league duration, shortened the regeneration time to 35min and increased the max capacity to 15 tokens, you also mentioned making the leagues larger (between 120 and 239). So far I have not seen a league larger than 105 players -- what happened to this announcement?

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In the lower level leagues, there are more players available to make more leagues, so the amount of players in each league will be around 100.  The 120-239 figure is more for the higher end leagues where there are a lower quantity of qualifying player

The top league right now is a single Sexpert 2 league with 195 players in it. There won't be a Sexpert 3 league for several weeks, since only 15 players qualify to promote every week. More Sexpert 2 leagues need to be created first by players promoting up from Sexpert 1, then having enough top 15 players in enough Sexpert 2 leagues to create a single Sexpert 3 league

As far as trying to figure out the motivations of players doing strange things, well, dumbasses gonna dumbass. No point trying to figure out insanity. It will just make you insane also

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The larger numbers in the less populated levels I understand (and I expected this even before your explanation, but thanks for the confirmation); however, this does not explain why we have leagues with "only" 100 opponents, when the lowest number is supposed to be 120. At a guess, the latter number was chosen so that you can't max out your score just by using the natural regeneration (within 7 days you regenerate 287 challenge tokens, adding the 15 directly after the reset you get 302 tokens naturally, so in a league with 100 you can fight all opponents and still have some tokens left), but not my problem if they missed changing that.

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19 minutes ago, Goldberg174 said:

however, this does not explain why we have leagues with "only" 100 opponents, when the lowest number is supposed to be 120

You're wrong, the minimum number of players has always been 100. They discarded the idea of increasing it to 120.

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