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Everything posted by ShadowWeaver

  1. I was going to say the same. The girls in the story are usually limited to the event girls, so having Windia in multiple story parts and not an event girl is bizarre. She seemed to be important.
  2. I feel the same way. The characters from Rosario Vampire are a halloween event waiting to happen, instead fans get a mythic that will shut most of us out of having her.
  3. I think if you contact someone here on the forum that they can arrange for the leadership of your club to be changed. Then with the issue of inactive players, this pressures club to get rid of them as soon as possible. So how long do you give them to be active? My club was trying to give a couple of months because players new to club can have a hard time figuring out things, including even the chat. Life can get in the way as well. For example, a few years ago I had a medical emergency and spend three weeks in the hospital. How many clubs would feel they had to kick me for disappearing for three weeks.
  4. Not everybody can get into a fully active club with a bunch of strong members. So let me guess, who cares about those people? They're probably not whales anyway so they don't matter. I joined a low level club with newer players so I could help it and them grow. However I can't carry them now as I am free player so I can't waste kobans on a bunch of rest skips. Then again as I'm a free player, I don't matter. By the way, what a wonderful attitude to have as a moderator. Telling people everything is fine and to quit their clubs to find "real" clubs, really classy.
  5. The contribution point are not for stats. Just like how you get them from contributing to stats it just shows you are helping the club. Some club require a minimum amount of activity to avoid being booted with contribution being the way to show activity. I like that this gives another way to contribute as once stats hit level they require kobans and that can be hard for free players. They do need to tweak the numbers on the champion though. My club only has maybe 3 or 4 heavy hitters and I'm the heaviest, but I'm a free player so I can't afford to pump kobans into resets and we only had 13 of 23 hit it at all. We didn't finish it because of this. So the numbers need to consider that not everybody is active and not every club has a whale or two to carry them through.
  6. I don't know how they do it but they keep one upping themselves in stupidity with this event. First there's the obvious cash grab that the event is with the limited shards at limited times (not going to even touch their "fixes"). Second, it's an event within an event. Now we add a third absolutely stupid level by having the girl on a villain who already has an event girl. While you might think that means you can get the regular event girl while you funnel them your money, you need to remember that people who are going for the regular event girl with no intention of going after the mythic are taking those limited shards away from people who are going for the mythic. Better spend your money as fast as you can to compensate.
  7. This event is just another example of how wrong things have gone on this site. The event is epic days and it offers 6 legendary girls. There's not a single epic girl to be found. Yeah I'm old, I've was here before legendary girls existed. They were special back then being released only every 3-4 months, now I have 125 legendary girls. Don't tell me that mythics are the new special ones now, they're just a monthly cash grab. Things are just getting so bad that they can't get anything right, not even something as simple as epic days.
  8. My thought is that they are close to shutting down. There's been a lot of new ideas (almost all horrible) in the last few months and mostly they seem to be cash grabs geared towards whales. I've seen a few games go down this route and behind the scenes those games were on life support and only lasted a few months to a year tops by pushing it. This event was of course a horrible idea and of course it was immediately penciled in to be monthly. I know I won't touch it at all. They could have at least left the art work up for the event that was already occurring. The girls no longer are standing beside the bosses that have them and the altered tier 1 boss art was removed. It makes it look like the boss doesn't have an event girl and is a bit confusing.
  9. Even adding 1 more day to this event would greatly improve it but frankly it needs 2 more days. And of course this event (and frankly seasons) goes against the established story of the haremverse. It's a place where people come together in pleasure and the only people who stand between players and any of the girls are considers villains. So both make us all villains. If you want to bring up champions keeping us from girls, well none of the players are official champions.
  10. I know what the word exclusive means. I didn't say they wouldn't come back but consider this, it makes no to have them come back except behind the pay wall again. Why would you put something behind a pay wall and then some time later bring it back for free? Sure that would be great for free players but then the ones who paid for it be pissed that they were suckers to fall for the obvious cash grab when all they had to do was wait. As soon it happened, everyone would realize that there's no reason to pay and the cash grab becomes useless. Do you think they are that stupid as to at any point sabotage their cash grab?
  11. The patch note just confirmed that the girls are exclusive to seasons. So if you are a free player and you want to get all the girls, pay now or you might as well quit because you'll never be able to catch 'em all. Has a single line in patch notes every been such a big fuck you to so many players before?
  12. I'm getting the same which really sucks considering I'm on a PvP stage is the PoA. It adds an insane amount of time to do those stages if leagues don't work and may make it impossible to complete PoA. So if this isn't fixed quickly, I'd like my 7200 kobans back.
  13. The only slight positive for me to come out of this badly designed event it that it encourages me to use my orbs. They let me get a 3rd and thus the girl. That plus the girls I got from the epic orbs and finishing off Piper from Jackson's Crew and I got a total of 12 girls in under 12 hours. I would say that was a pretty good run.
  14. So everybody is back to being villains again I see. This event goes against everything that is presented in the story that they tell. A story about heroes and their friends coming together. A story where all work together for the mutual pleasure of all. A story where the ladies can choose to be in whatever harems they want and only villains stand in the way. Now we all stand in each others way like those very same villains we once stood against. So the event makes no sense in the context of the site and at times makes the site all but unusable and takes control of getting the girl out of your hands (you might not get the girl because of other players). That sounds like a very bad event to me and even has three strikes against it. I'm sure they have better things they could be doing than pushing bad new events like this and PoA. If they must continue pushing this bad event at least add a day or two to it so that one bad day/grouping doesn't result in you not getting the girl.
  15. I'm glad people are reporting on the number of shard drops because I thought I'd finish Ria first (already had 69 shards) and 42 battles later, not a single shard has dropped.
  16. The pop up notification for the PoA stuff might actually be useful if it tracked your progress instead of just telling you the action you just took.
  17. Honestly this event seems to go against everything the lore of the haremverse is about. It's all about free love and sex. The only people who come between you and getting girls are NPC's and they are referred to as villains. In this event we are all standing in each other's way competing to get the girl. In essence we could all be called villains for considering the presented lore. So Hentai Heroes is now Hentai Villains. Even if you want to point out contests or PvP, none of those prevent you from getting girls. At worst it's a bit slower because you are getting fewer kobans, but it doesn't prevent like a villain tries to.
  18. I think the town background for this event is perfect. All those golden apples. "To the fairest" ... this terrible event idea in a nut shell. Perhaps their next new horrible idea should be honest and just be called "give us money".
  19. The event was not fun. It was more like a job because you had be there constantly to catch those timers ending. Then you need to save up all those different resources so you need to change the way you play in general. This makes the site as a whole less fun. So "not fun" are two words any game developer should dread. An event that is not fun is a failure, but one that negatively impacts players outside the event is beyond a failure. I did get all four girls but I pretty much hated every minute of it and now I have to be afraid to use site features because I might screw myself in a future PoA event. Afraid to do things, there's another phrase that any dev should dread. I also heard a few players in another thread about the event say they were considering spending less on the game because the event and that is something that any dev should truly dread.
  20. See there's your mistake, you do stuff. Sadly thanks to this new type of event, the proper way to use the site is to do absolutely nothing unless you absolutely have to. This type of event is so stupid. Doing things like leveling your stats or girls, using site feature like champions, you know regular site usage, are things that can screw you over in this type of event. I still can't figure out what made them think an event where normal site usage can screw you was a good idea.
  21. Tonight has just been a nightmare trying to use the site. I've had numerous timeouts, trouble finding the site, and even secure connection failed. An error occurred during a connection to www.hentaiheroes.com. PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem. Anytime I press a button and it actually does what it is supposed to, it is extremely slow (20+ seconds) and the times anything works are rare. This is on windows 10 with firefox. Edit: Now seems to be working fine an hour or so later.
  22. It's not working for me as well and my newest contest is show off in the casino.
  23. ShadowWeaver

    Ideas Main

    A simple suggestion, make the collect all button permanently purchasable. Cost wise I think 6000 kobans would be reasonable. It is equal to 500 uses of collect all and for a user who does all their daily missions it's 40 days worth of the 150 koban bonus. It would be a huge quality of life improvement for the average user while still taking over a month to earn.
  24. I used a lot of my saved kobans as well on the event pachinko. I was happy to do so as it seemed liked a great time for it. Now they decide to blindside us like this and I went from happy to outright pissed. So assuming the site survives (note crap like this is not a good way to ensure survival) and we have a similar event, I'll remember this and won't spent my kobans for fear of another screwjob. What happened today was a mistake and a very big one. It is also one that can't be fixed. Sorry, there is one possible fix and that would be a very large amount of free kobans. Can;t give combativity, people have already spent the kobans. Can't extend it, people have already spent the kobans. Can't just give the girls, people have already spent the kobans. Even giving kobans is a problem because what's the price of a legendary girl: it's random!
  25. Really, dropping 2 new legendary girls with only 2 days left in the event. Why weren't they put in from the start. I had all the girls that the bosses had for the event and could have been going for these 2 new ones. Sure you gave us 200 (really only 180 because mine would have been a full 20 anyway) but given legendary drop rates that's barely a start and with very little time. Yes they are going to epic pachenko but things introduced as a free event should have a reasonable expectation of being obtained for free.
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