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Everything posted by Lemus

  1. Acrobats Fanny and Fione Magician Crystal Fortune Teller Carine Sword Swallower Liu-Yeng HH 787060 Finally, these beautiful girls are again like themselves and blood tears no longer flow from my tired eyes when I look at them. Thank you, less than a year has passed as we speak. Especially for Fanny and Fiona, it was a shame such cuties were, and then they went to the circus, contacted clowns and acrobats, got on a crooked path, started drinking, smoking, swearing ... but it turns out it was just a dream, there was nothing and that's it let the bad stay in the old year. Well, yes, now I am sure that your hands will reach "you know who", but just in case, I will write in big letters - MAKE SHINA GREAT AGAIN!
  2. Something interesting on the test server. By the way, I haven't forgotten yet, they added free +150 in sex friends on the main server, you can pick it up right now.
  3. It seems to me that the reason is that the peculiarity of the tower in the game is such that the real competition takes place only in the d3 league, and for the players claiming places 1-30. If a player does not fall into this range, then it is easier for him to go down a league below and tank in 16-30 places, so he will receive more rewards and more experience from which victorious battles in this league he can spend much more, which means he will not remain in level from the rest of the players in their range, which is very important. But for tanking, the class for which you are playing or the presence of a mystical girl is not important, since the percent of combat effectiveness that she gives will not help at all, and her price is very serious. I will even say more - most of the battles during tanking are conducted with a specially weakened team in order to win the battle but get a minimum of 16-19 points, so there is an opportunity to conduct more battles and gain more experience. Now back to the top 30 of the league d3. This is where every percentage that improves the battle team and every point received in the tower standings is important. Here is just a simple fact with which it is useless to argue - the most points will be received by players of the "know how" class. The reason is simple - the peculiarities of the mechanics of battles in the game when against weaker opponents this class gets more tower points, and such opponents will have at least half or even more. Even now, when other classes have a mystical girl, and charm also has a special move bug, these classes are still worse for the top 30 of the d3 league. This does not mean that it is impossible to play with them there, not at all, but the statistics are such that by changing the class from "hardcore" or "charm" to "know how" you will get more tower points (again, this is true for the top 30 d3) To summarize, what I’m talking about, the bottom line is that the mythical girl of hardcore or charm is a pleasant, but completely optional necessity for these classes and her presence will not particularly affect the player's success in the tower. But the mystical girl I know how, for players who compete in the first half of the d3 league, this is just a "must have" without options, otherwise you will lose your competitiveness, and this is unbearable for solid players. That is why in a month there will be a serious battle between wealthy guys for the first batches of fragments, since serious guys who sit in the tops of the last league will have funds even without donation. "These are the pies, little ones."
  4. Well, this time there are even more shards left at the end. But in a month we will have a "knowing how" girl and the battle for her will be much more lively, I think. Something like that -
  5. And in my opinion Estelle is beautiful. I like the poses, and the pictures for the stars are also excellent, I recognize the hand of the master who draws a story for us. By the way, I hope they will add a sequel this Wednesday, it’s very interesting what will happen there with Bunny and Lupa. By the way, the morning shards were taken apart for almost 4 hours, I would have known that I would have slept for a couple more hours.)))
  6. Dear comrade, maybe this is not my business, but I am going to give a little advice - you can upgrade the club without donation pretty quickly, especially now, when new accounts have 5 bonus codes for gold, and also a section for sex friends. You just need to spend a little time. And for 150 bucks, treat yourself to a mystical girl on the holidays - "you deserve it." (Although, of course, it's up to you how to play, yes)
  7. Seems Yes. In any case, we will soon find out for sure.
  8. The bonus code was given for only a survey about social media. There you had to correctly indicate your id in the game and then you should have received a game message as in the picture below, look for it in the messages of the game, you may have missed it. (the code is obscured because the moderators forbade it to be displayed here, there is a whole drama about this on the previous page).
  9. Additionally 4 old codes are still working (at the time of this post). If you are newbie or missed them then you can use. And I congratulate everyone on the holidays. TRIX - 2760 RUDEGAMERS - 2760 MixedMami1980 - 1320 hentaireviews - 1320
  10. https://twitter.com/hentai__heroes/status/1342473690806681600
  11. Everything is fine in the tower too, so we fixed this strange bug. When I look at these three animations, I get dizzy.
  12. Tohsaka is so beautiful and recognizable that even with size 5 (or even larger) boobs she can be drawn perfectly. Unless, of course, the crooked-handed worshiper of Satan, who outraged the beautiful Shina (may he be cursed forever and ever), takes up drawing. But I still believe in the best, although I am always ready for the worst.
  13. It seems that the girl looks good, let's hope that it will be so. But to be honest, of the entire fate franchise, the most beloved character is Tohsaka Rin. I would like to see her here some day.
  14. Exactly. I don’t understand what surprises you in this? The concept of the game has always been exactly this - if you want to get all the content, then you have to donate to the game, and if you are not ready to do this, then you save up the donation currency that you receive for free for the gameplay and you yourself decide how to spend it. This is how I got the first 5 star legendary girl - for three months no spending of gold, but only accumulation. Then there was a burning ass when it was possible to get it only at the very end (there were no shards before, but there was a severe random, you could spend everything and generally be left with nothing). And then there were 2 months of savings to open all five stars. Actually, why should it be otherwise for the players now? Yes, lately the pendulum has swung strongly in the other direction, we were simply overwhelmed with gifts and resources, bonus codes for a bunch of gold are worth what, or here are the places of power from which tickets and orbs simply pour in, finally devaluing the usual money in the game, but for some reason I don't I see kilometer-long topics on the forum that would curse the developers for this - everyone likes everything, but it was worth introducing a super-expensive new girl for whom you need to save up for a long time, denying yourself other joys, so a howl immediately arose throughout the forum that this was robbery, deception and rip-off. The French have even called the theme something like "make a revolution." Well at least the guillotine is not yet offered to be pulled out of the museum and used for its intended purpose.))) I will not say that I am completely delighted with the mythical days. For example, I really do not like that I have to "jerk off" the unfortunate bosses again by hammering the battle button hundreds of times knocking out fragments, and now I still have to do it at a certain time. "Annoying," as one anime character used to say. And the price, of course, is severe, no doubt about it. But with all the shortcomings, for me there is one advantage - this event does not change the global game concept of the project as a whole. As far as I remember, it was always necessary to torment bosses for the sake of girls, and there were also super-expensive girls for pvp. The concept of the game has not changed, but for some reason everyone was terribly excited by this and were surprised, like virgins in a brothel. I will not say that this concept is ideal, it is rather a compromise between the players and the creators of the game and it is unlikely that something will change here. Changing the global rules in the game is generally a difficult and dangerous thing. Why everyone was pissed off by the seasons - that they changed one of the deep rules of the game, that experience and girls can be obtained without donation. And when the seasons were changed to their current form, they agreed that it was not worth doing so, although, perhaps, they did not like it, but the "concept" was returned to its previous form. Now the players do not like the situation, but again, now, most likely, we will have to bend over and live with mythical girls at the cost of "two months of game abstinence". This is the way, this is the price. In general, if you take a little aside, then changing the deep concepts of the project is a very difficult thing. You can crap so badly that a hundred assimilation machines won't rake it out later. There is one moderator bitten by bees running from topic to topic, screaming about justice and the concept that all players, regardless of their playing experience, have equal chances in pvp. And even I agree with him in many ways. But reality can be much more unpleasant than sweet fantasies. I suspect that in his wet dreams he sees how he, after the introduction of "equality", smashes Georgette in pvp and takes first places in the leagues. And the reality may be that there will be a lot of newcomers who have pumped 400+ in a month, from which already those who have been striving for this goal for two years will go nuts and already they will arrange a hysteria on the topic "I spent two years rubbing my time and money, and you all it was flushed down the toilet, damn you. " And then there will be massive departures of players and thousands of altos for fake pvp battles, I have already seen this in games where they tried to make "equality". Oh, again I was "carried over the bumps". It's time to round up and go watch the new episode of The Mandalorian. Well, just in case I said too much again and set fire to the wrong butts, I love everyone, and you are all wonderful. Otherwise I would not have written all sorts of abstruse sheets of text here. Here's a gif with a bear and girls as a gift, and two more days off. Enjoy.)))
  15. 15k was a preliminary analysis. Now it is already obvious that you need to have 20k to get a girl with a probability of about 95%. Expensive.
  16. Well, this is the point - you save up a resource and decide what is more important to you. A mystical girl who will give a small boost in pvp or a dozen ordinary girls. And if you want everything at once, you have to donate. This is one of the principles of monetizing ftp games. By the way, it should be noted that HH is an extremely democratic game in this regard - you can still get top content in it without donation at all. In most modern browser and mobile games, this is basically impossible, there, upon reaching a certain line, it simply becomes impossible to play without investing real money and take the best, especially for pvp, you can only buy using a credit card and not otherwise.
  17. "Wanted and could" is exactly what I mean. You bought / accumulated about 20k gold and you are determined to get a girl. Most of all, I was afraid that a "circus with horses" would begin when for each shard it would be necessary to fight as if against the Germans at Stalingrad, all six reinforcements would rush into the game on an alarm clock and furiously hammer the button cursing everything around. But this did not happen, I am therefore glad that such nonsense did not happen. Now about the price and strength of the girl. Now, if there was a linear relationship, that would be a failure. The mythical girl costs about three times more than the legendary 5 stars. Now, if they made her three times stronger, then everyone who does not have her would be left out of the game. Actually, all these formulas for online games have long been calculated - the growth of the strength of the top content of the game should occur in geometric progression relative to its "price". Simply put, in order to increase the strength by 10%, you need to make ten times more efforts than the previous 10% (the numbers are taken conditional, just to explain the principle) this approach guarantees interest in the game as nerds and donators who have room to develop, and casuals who, with much less effort, remain competitive. Yes, they will lose the conditional 7 out of 10 fights, against a nerd, while spending 100 times less effort to achieve this level of strength. This is what I call balance. And to some extent I see this in the mechanics of new mystical girls. Well, let's count how much you can save in two months. 150 * 60 = 9000 are daily rewards. 120 * 30 = 3600 let every second day you take 2-4 places in the contests. 300 * 8 = 2400 is a reward for 8 weeks in a tower that can be easily obtained from level 200+. 840 * 2 = 1680 two months in seasons. This will already be 16680. And there are still 9 days of the classic event and 5 days of the orgy event when they give additional gold. I'm too lazy to look for the total amount, but let it be about 50 per day, we get 50 * (9 + 5) * 2 = 1400. As a result, without really straining, it turns out 18k, which is most likely enough for a mythical girl, and if you try a little more or buy a little more for a donat, then it will be enough with a guarantee. So there is no need to tell fairy tales about the year of savings, it's only for those whose hands are growing out of their ass, but you are not like that, right?
  18. That's how old I am. You, most likely, then sucked mother's tit and dirty diapers, and I was already dancing to such hits as a teenager. It was a golden time, not like now! (mumbles like an old man and dashingly lets out a whisper)
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