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Everything posted by Noacc

  1. Molly! No, no, I'm unhiding that post 😂 I love it! @lepidocter The post It made me laugh a lot 🤣 Dude are we having a mental breakdown or are you voicing dissatisfaction? Jokes aside, do please, leave a feedback if you are not happy with something or believe things can be improved! We* always appreciate feedback for the game. Honestly I lol'ed a lot 😂
  2. Yes, it has been fixed! Thank you guys for your patience. Our devs tell me that it was quite hard to catch that one^^
  3. @Xemnas Guess who wrote the flavor text for that. 😄 (GH as well, lul) More flavor text and affection scenes, pictures will be included from time to time. To entertain the community more 😊
  4. It should be all good now! If anyone still has issues, refresh, relog and clear cache. Should be cache for anyone who still experenices the bug. Otherwise it is fixed.
  5. @Kenrae Thanks! It should be all good now! If anyone still has issues, refresh, relog and clear cache. Should be cached for anyone who still experenices the bug. Otherwise it is fixed.
  6. @Pelinor Harsh! 😂 Some players appear to like Boss Bang tho :< Anyways give me more* feedback it is always welcome x)
  7. Oh. god. Mobile. I doubt I can be of help T_T @UshioN Can you tell me your system? iOS, android?
  8. @Rylarth That would be for future updates - to cap the Champions.
  9. Yes a mistake. Thank you for reporting it! Tomorrow the text should be fixed
  10. Content changes are hard to document. It can be a bug, misclick or a change. Thanks, I'll contact content to see what is up.
  11. @lepidocter One more great addition to the topic, thank you.
  12. I'm creating this not-so-pleasant topic due to recent outburst of some threatening to file a "Chargeback". The short version. Chargeback is done by a user when there is a Fraudulent activity on their banking account. Chargeback is a security process which is not intended for the purpose of protesting game updates such as balance changes or newly introduced game features. When a product is used and a chargeback is created, the Fraudulent activity comes from the user. Metaphorically speaking you can't visit the cinema and demand your money back for not liking the movie. Or eat a meal at a resturant and not pay the bill. Chargeback is dangerous for every company and often may result in lawsuits (which neither party would want). Futhermore, it is very easy to prove when a product has been used by the owner of the banking account. Chargebacks also heavily harms the reputation of the company with it's payment provider (Especially with adult content sites) Threatening us with chargebacks will not be tolerated (especially when provoking other users to do so) and will be considered as blackmail attempt. Simply put it's not legal. Chargeback is neither a right nor a commodity. It's a legal action, and a heavy one at that. And we will answer seriously and legally. From a moral perspective this is also highly disrespecting all people who work on that project - all the programmers, artists, community managers, designers, customer support and etc. Threatening to chargeback is disrespecting everyone's work and livelihood. It is not only a procedure that involves the users and a certain company, but the bank as well. The account will be suspended and the high bank fees will also have to be the user. It's fair to provide feedback but there are ways to do it without blackmailing a company.
  13. Something that I forgot to mention - We will try to push this change faster. ( No due dates, don't want to give false promises for next week)
  14. Copied fresh from discord 🎉 Dear Heroes, Thanks to your recent feedback on the Club Champion changes we have reviewed formula to match the playstyle of both active and not -so-active players. We would like to share the table of calculations and the latest formula: Here are some examples of different participants counts and Impression% done, see the numbers in the three formulas: *We are comparing the calculations of the OLD vs NEW formula.* And here are how the formula for newst calculations are done: ROUND(SQRT(Participants)*0.6)+ROUNDUP(Impression%). With these changes we would like to encourage equal participation, communication and teamplay in defeating the Club Champions. Our intention is to stimulate more people to participate in the performances while also reward the activity. Of course the two won't be not necessarily connected (Which was the case in the OLD formula). We want more players to have access to the girls if they are in an active club and participate in the Club Champions’ performances. As a difference to the OLD formula, the newer ones are stimulating more participation and more equal participation. Thank you four your feedback. Don't forget to leave your thoughts Kind regards, Kinkoid PP We are also looking for ways to cap the level of the Club Champions, futher improving their balance. PPP On Table 1 there is a very specific corner case where the return is -6%
  15. @Discgear Tomorrow I'll create a topic on why threatening with a chargeback and making a chargeback on a product you have used is considered a fraud. Which may lead to lawsuits and believe me no-one wants that. Don't try to take piss with this and don't try be smart about it by comparing with empty threats or Cat Videos. I'll also take this personally so do not provoke me.
  16. Insta banned. I'm gathering feedback on Club Champions. I'll start off with an explanation why Call to action is forbidden and why harming the company will get you permabanned (Pretty self-explanatory, right?) and it can get way worse, believe me, you don't wanna go there. In case of charge fraud the account is insta banned with almost no chance of appeal. (That is the good part) I'll leave this comment as an example. You are no longer welcome in the community. At least for a bit. Second, I've gather feedback and provided the specific issues for the Club Champions to game design. Second edit, with one more person that I've missed from all the commotion.
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