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Everything posted by Ben9

  1. I think her new art is a big improvement
  2. I never joined a "good" club as frankly I'm too lazy and antisocial to bother chatting much to people, so I'd probably get kicked out at some point and lose my donations. So I made my own and have almost levelled everything up to level 10. But is there any advantage I'm missing out on from having a 1 man club? And is there any other advantage to increasing the member cap other than the obvious one? I'm sure this info was around somewhere when clubs were first introduced, but I can't see it anywhere now.
  3. The autoscroll is both unnecessary and very annoying.
  4. Reskin looks fine to me, as its slowly updating the whole UI to match the already updated parts. Not a fan of the huge koban spend button though, is making it bigger supposed to make people accidentally click it more? Or want to click it more? I hate this kind of coercive UI design, it reminds me of the tiny X you get on ads that make you accidentally click them instead of close them.
  5. Oh right. Well I was talking about affection not XP, as I don't really agree with intentionally levelling girls XP by rotating them around unless a XP contest is on. Its better to buy books when you can, and level XP when the XP contests are on and you think you can rank high enough to win kobans. Kobans are everything. Affection gains for free are great though, as they're never in contests. So having a battle team of two maxed girls and a third who needs affection, wait till the third gains a star and rotate her out for your next lowest affection girl, is a pretty solid strat for getting free affection. Thats what I used to do before I maxed all my girls affection.
  6. Can always leave one levelling as your third girl, their impact on the fight is negligible
  7. My strategy (level 379 now but been doing this for months) is to just rank as close to 16th in D2 every week as possible. Its easy to do, good value for kobans (next best would be top 30 d3 but thats way harder), don't need boosters so its cheap, and I get to win most fights so decent XP. Sometimes need to waste a few battle tokens on the final day to avoid going higher. I very occasionally try and top4 the D2 if it looks like an easy enough group. But tbh it often backfires as so many level 400+ players do that too, and finishing 5-15 is much worse as it means losing XP for a week to leave D3 again and also gives less kobans over the two week period. So I rarely bother anymore unless I feel like its a guaranteed shot, its a lot of effort for little or no reward. There sadly is no strategy that will propel you into the top d3 group other than keep being active and earning XP and hope other players go inactive. Game is designed that way.
  8. Yea thats true. I meant it more like you can instant close it or if you don't bother it fades away after time. Tbh I ctrl+r or hit the home button after most actions anyway as its so much quicker than clicking through all the screens. The only thing I don't do that with is league battles as the result screen is the quickest way to keep track of the points you won.
  9. I'd rather remove them altogether, but if we have to have them I'd prefer them as a smaller toast notification, eg a non-blocking alert overlay that either fades after X seconds or requires you to click X to kill it. Then they won't interfere with page load times.
  10. Doesn't matter to me at all no, but its still a bug in the code somewhere I guess so might matter to Kinkoid
  11. Some good luck for me today! Alexandra dropped 😁
  12. For 7200 kobans and some annoying jumping through hoops on the sequence timing etc the rewards for the event are actually pretty good compared to other events. I think what lets the event down is the big jump between getting the easy girl + early rewards, and paying 7200 to get everything else due to the ticket paywall (unless you started with a lot of tickets and many champions unlocked to manage cooldowns). It would be a lot better imo if structured in a way that had several separate tier paths each with harder challenges and bigger rewards. For example, if there were four tiers of challenges, all separate, and all costing kobans apart from tier 1 which is free. Each tier had the same challenges, eg champion fights, but just higher requirements to complete them. Tier 4 could still cost 7200, with 2 and 3 at a lower price point. You choose which tier you want to unlock, and the higher ones automatically unlock all the ones below. And you could upgrade your tier for the difference in price at any time, if you were doing better than expected. This would mean anyone unlocking Tier 4 would have an event that plays out the same as the current one, but it would also mean players that were less prepared, lower level etc could choose to unlock Tier 2 or Tier 3 and get a more appropriate set of challenges and rewards, and still feel they actually completed the event by finishing their tier. And of course there would remain the incentive for some players to spend cash to go for higher tiers than they could otherwise achieve, which is what Kinkoid hope to accomplish with the ticket paywall. But it would feel like more of a choice to do that rather than feel like a necessity, which judging from the reactions in the forums makes it feel a bit of a slap in the face to some players.
  13. Don't have an answer for you but there is a definite possibility imo that the reason the ticket requirements for these events are so ridiculously high is that so many people have huge stashes of tickets. Devs may consider the requirements quite reasonable as they have access to that data.
  14. You wont have to redo anything, it just unlocks additional rewards
  15. Why does being higher level increase the probability your equipment will be useful? Everyone else who is higher level than you now, will still be higher level than you when you reach 500, unless they change the XP gain system significantly. So in relative terms the usefulness seems no different. We get free equipment often from orbs too, so its not like everyone else will be stuck with outdated equipment either...
  16. Ben9

    Arena rewards.

    After finishing the first 16 wins I've now started fighting opponents to deliberately lose, so that I tank a bit of mojo and get slightly easier matches for the next set of 16 wins when they refresh. Seems like a pretty broken system if losing can have better benefits than winning.
  17. Ah yer that makes sense, it was the guys holding 500+ tickets that I was scratching my head over.
  18. Are you guys just swimming in ymens or something, why wouldn't you use the tickets they're worth at least 500k each
  19. Muranes attack power has wrapped to the next line, see pic
  20. You can make multiple accounts on the same email, no need to delete the old one
  21. Just look in the profiles of the girls. Several of them have tags.
  22. You can create @email.com addresses at mail.com. Just select the domain when registering.
  23. I found 11 redeem codes so far. Idk if thats all of them. Registered but no free girl yet.
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