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Youta Tada

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Everything posted by Youta Tada

  1. I wonder if this will be just in this event event or maybe there will be more rotations later.
  2. "Happy Day to All the Women of the World (ARE INCREDIBLE)" All the girls are incredible, but the one that caught my attention was Lady Meta. I'm very curious to know who is hiding behind that mask, for that reason I would present myself before her with chocolates and flowers to know her better. Lady Meta is Incredible. Hentai Heroes ID :1184556
  3. I found interesting and innovative (I would have liked to have discovered it before). Also the game is very addictive (I don't know when i'll leave it ).
  4. Then, a legendary renaissance could happen within 2 or 3 months (It would be great).
  5. Well, maybe it's because the game is very interesting and addictive at the same time. In my case, I am really interested in knowing the new details that are presented in the game, view the contributions and opinions of the other members and also participate in it (althought not very often 😎 ).
  6. Regarding the girls event, if there were advances and sometimes not (with the previus system). That's why as i said before, I prefer the new attraction system because i see my progress in getting a girl.
  7. If there was progress but sometimes not (much bad luck without having a girl or spending many kobans for a girl). With regard to the amount of affect that falls, i would also have liked his fall to be constant but not, everything depends on the RNG system.
  8. I don't see it that way, at least with the new system you can see the progress of getting a girl, although sometimes it depends on the amount of affection that falls or maybe nothing (depending on luck). Personally, I prefer the new system of atracction since I can see my progress, not like the previous system where I burned many kobans without the certainty of getting a girl.
  9. Very true , Personally i prefered to do individual battles, it is the best option since this will save some kobans.
  10. It will be because before I had not had much luck. In the epic event, I spent 10 000 kobans and only won 1 girl, but I got Fabianne very fast.
  11. Today was a great day for me, since I was not so lucky for a long time Thank you!!! 😁😁😁
  12. Great !!! Today I have been very lucky. 😁😁😁 I also got the Jackpot too early.
  13. If Fabianne is very beautiful, attractive and seductive 😍😍😍 . She is also well designed and the animation is great. With respect to the other legendary girls, She is one of my favorites.
  14. Then, this new system could be ready once the Valentine 2019 event ends.😔
  15. I just hope they implement it in the game soon. It is very frustrating to depend on an RNG system.
  16. I cling to the sex expert 1. The sex expert 2 is very hard to earn XP. I would like to have more level.
  17. It's very frustrating to spend 8000 kobans and all free fights and only get Agatha...It is the worst event I had. I hope to have more luck in the next events.
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