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John 1039

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Everything posted by John 1039

  1. I will calculate my averages probably after this year's last event, so likely no need to include my data points.
  2. Yes, that appears to be correct. Just checked by increasing the craft level at the same stage and the Mojo on reset value increased accordingly.
  3. How is the Mojo Catalyst supposed to work? Is it +X% of Mojo received per Reset? I appear to not be receiving any. My Mojo Catalyst is at +276%. Reset (1): Already had: ~30B Reset amount (shown in Forge): 7.05A1 After reset: 7.08A1 Reset (2): Already had: 623.97B Reset amount (shown in Forge): 4.90A1 After reset: 5.53A1
  4. By-the-way, the French part of the forum now has a separate Clubs section (announcement).
  5. You must be new here. Don't hold your breath. Given that Kinkoid has already given a response on this, it is extremely unlikely they will do anything more. They probably consider this issue already resolved and done with. Unless a huge number of players suddenly start complaining again - and this doesn't appear to be happening anymore - they have no problem simply ignoring it.
  6. Which game can do that? I think you're probably confusing two different things. Already used email addresses on one website/database can be checked, but not whether that address exists in other databases or not. Usually, this can be done only through verification emails.
  7. So basically, 0 defense makes the fights significantly much more difficult, but wait, the possibility to draw from 12 different poses will make drawing the Champion's favorite pose quite unlikely... Well no, bad news on that front too. Has anyone collected stats on this? Others have posted similar experiences. Doesn't seem exactly random. It would appear that the changes were entirely negative.
  8. Can confirm Selena is available now. Unsure but I think this wasn't the case earlier.
  9. The only official "solutions" are these. I doubt those work for everyone. You should've connected your hh account with the user id in link before reaching lvl. 3000. Maybe try forging and reach lvl. 3000 again, and if that doesn't work, try with another email and this time connect it before reaching lvl. 3000.
  10. If past experiences is anything to go by (which it is) support tickets are probably going to be completely useless. You guys will have much better luck manually using the link approach. Go through the previous pages of this thread and you may come across it.
  11. Definitely easier to say for an ~400 level player. You're playing a way different game than most of the players, who can do nothing but to feel extremely frustrated by all of this.
  12. Last time I had logged-in was about two and a half days ago. I had kept previously finished 3 contests for a few days (don't know exactly how long) but had cleared all of them just before the new Contests were supposed to generate - still didn't get the new contests. Also had uncollected Leagues reward, but I doubt that was connected.
  13. Looks like daylight-savings time change is going to be tomorrow. No Contests ending, no Event starting/ending - this time the change should be fairly uneventful.
  14. The suggestion may be appreciated, but it's pretty much a certainty that the devs wouldn't bother with this. They might be persuaded to not bother with the changing theme at all, but going through the work of including a toggle, trivial as it may be, is almost definitely never going to happen. The most efficient option is probably to personally hide those backgrounds permanently through Script Blocker or Style browser extensions.
  15. Is it 30 for everyone else too? I think mine was 26; definitely don't care though, just curious.
  16. Already fixed. No news about any possible compensation though.
  17. Appears to be working now. Confirmed:
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