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Everything posted by Mr.Goodfellow

  1. Just now went to my Inventory to see what I have for enhancements and what I need to further enhance some of my girls and I notice that all enhancements are now in a row by type AND in order by rank. THANKS!! This made seeing what i have and finding what I need MUCH easier.
  2. I agree with Kenrae. While PoA still has its flaws, it's far better as there is no "competition" and everyone has the same equal chance at all the rewards no matter what timezone you live in. Some can choose to spend kobans/money to get the extras or not. But, if you DO CHOOSE to invest in the extra rewards, you KNOW you will get them. With the Contest Event, you can choose to spend/invest to win, but still you are not necessarily guaranteed to get the rewards or any return on your investment.
  3. Harem Heroes (Nutaku) = 0 girls and only get boosters or books (avatars not available) Hentai Heroes (Live) = 0 girls and mostly get avatars, rarely do i get a book or booster Hentai Heroes (Test) = 0 girls and mostly get avatars, rarely do i get a book or booster
  4. I find it interesting that for this "EPIC" days event, most of the girls are of legendary status. This seems more like a "Legendary" event. lol
  5. Only 5 rolls so far = 2 gave a girl and others were random boosters. Don't remember if any provided Ymens or affection. Even though it seems i've been far luckier than most here, I will not do any more Gacha until the cost drops OR the non-girl rewards are significantly increased. The cost of of not getting a girl is just too high for what little you get.
  6. Thanks for the info in this thread. I've been wondering the same thing about that booster and thought it was WAY too expensive for what it seemed, but wasn't sure how it actually worked to make an informed judgment call on it. I've searched for any other thread on this topic, but couldn't find it. So again, thanks Op for asking and thanks to all who replied.
  7. Just completed level 1400 (2nd stage) and it gave me 200 Kinkpoints instead of the 400 Affection.
  8. Refreshing my screen once again seemed to do the trick. Thanks!
  9. Am I missing something here? My event doesn't look like the one posted above. A pic of my event is below.... I've been stuck with a full bar on stage 1 for over an hour. I am actually at stage 11338 in the Office. Leveled up every girl i can in effort to make SOMETHING happen - and nothing works. Hovering over the pic of Lyrsa and it says it's Spring.... And what's with the timer counting up negative time and resetting to 0 when it gets to -60? So not sure if I'm missing something, or if my Event is broken.....
  10. I agree with you in that it is not a true zero sum game like what Z-Wave mentioned, but the fact that it forces some people to lose out on such highly prized rewards makes it seem like it is. The point really is, every event up till now, all players had equal footing in obtaining rewards. Some may get the girl before the event closes and some may have to spend some kobans (at their choice) to do some battle refills to get her - but if you did spend the kobans and resources, you know you can and will eventually get her before the event ends. With this new contest event and the way it is designed, there will ALWAYS be a group of players who lose out even if they invest in trying to succeed. Players can do the event like any other legendary 4-day event and just let lady-luck happen (get the girl or not). But for those coming up to the end of the event and they do not have the girl yet, they can choose to spend kobans and/or money to get the girl (like any other event) - HOWEVER - the way this Contest Event is designed - a player can spend those kobans/money and still not get the girl. And those who are in a timezone that favors the reset, they can potentially (ALL FOR FREE) get the girl AND some really cool other rewards too. That is completely not fair, and unbalanced.
  11. Not necessarily easy. Due to new reset timing now, some contests I have a very difficult time placing in the top 25. So if we miss 1 contest - we don't get the girl. While others who are in a better timezone, get the girl and a ton of other awesome goodies. There is no "Positive Spin" that can be put on how unequal this contest event is or how unequal contests are in general. Upping the rewards for a contest to make an event like this only makes it that much worse for those players who generally struggle in contests due to the inherent game mechanics. Normally, I just slough off constantly losing out in contests because the rewards are "okay" and not really "awesome." Now the stakes are higher with legendary girls and orbs and that makes it much much much more disappointing knowing that a large group of players do not have an equal chance at winning them as everyone else. There needs to be better balance brought to Contests for ALL players instead of Devs rewarding a certain group of players and alienating another. Again - HORRIBLE idea for an event.
  12. I really hate this idea. Due to the reset time switch, I now live in a timezone where the reset happens at an ungodly hour of the morning while I am asleep. I can NEVER EVER win a contest anymore or even place a high rank because those who are up around the time of the switch are are able to to do the extra things to take the lead. If this event goes forward as is, an entire player-base will never ever see the girls. I already hate that there is 0% chance I can get the good "normal" rewards - this is only adding insult to injury. And also as mentioned above, if people devote a lot of time and in-game resources, and even real money, into this event - you are still not guaranteed a girl. Someone who is awake during the reset and can devote more resources than you will knock you out of the running. This contest concept is a HORRIBLE idea.
  13. So they gave us a new code to use to help make up for the Leagues.... I can't find where to use it? I see other special offers that cost money, but can't find where to go to redeem the code they gave. I am probably overlooking something completely obvious, but where do you go to enter the code?
  14. In addition to my post above, there is 1 positive I can say - I do like the X button in the upper right corner for easy going back to main screen. That is very handy.
  15. Agreed. Not a fan of the darker look. It used to be bright and happy. now it's all dark and gloomy. I also agree that it is harder to find and identify the different levels of missions - it was so easy before to see the white vs green vs yellow. It's much harder to find the mission/time you want.
  16. Just started new event where we have to complete the puzzle to progress. I completed the puzzle for Stage 1 and it is not progressing me to Stage 2 automatically as the instructions state it should.
  17. First of all, the Gold Card is 4500 kobans for $10. Not 5400. Again, it's 2.5x what you get for $3 on the monthly card. For $10/month, they should offer 6000 kobans and the 10x battle and 15x league spins. That is a fair upgrade and comparable to the current standard/silver card. But again, the pricing is off for what is currently being offered. If people want to spend $10 / month on this deal - more power to them. I don't really have a use for the one-off purchases of kobans, but it's nice to know they are there if i need them. But even then, I will not spend $10/month on a browser game. I might consider $5 or MAYBE as high as $7.50 for appropriate conveniences. But $10 is too much for what this is. I'd rather use that money for some other PC or console game. I enjoy this game and it keeps me entertained and i don't mind shelling out a couple bucks to show some appreciation to the devs for their work. But if they're gonna up the deal, at least make it comparable to the existing one. If you like it, great. I'm not a fan.
  18. Still, not really worth it. I can already buy X amount of kobans per month for X amount of money whenever I need it. The Monthly card is there for convenience of collecting Harem money and $3 USD / mo for the time investment is worth it. The few kobans you get with it are a bonus, in my opinion. But $10 USD / month and really the only added benefit that is useful to me is the 10x battle spins - and an occasional 15x spin when I wake up in the morning. Sure, even more kobans are great too... but again, I can buy those separately when needed. I don't mind shelling out a few more $ for convenience... but $10 USD is a price point that is too much for what is offered.
  19. Gold Monthly Card seems way too expensive for what you get. you get 2.5x the kobans, 10x battles (useful), 15x league spins (only semi-useful). With regular card being $3 USD. the Gold card should be 2.5x times that = $7.5 USD. I'd love the extra kobans and 10x battles spin convenience, but NOT at $10 USD. That's absurd.
  20. I've had several 100-shard drops. The last, I had 91 shards already collected which gave me 91 gifts! Didn't think that was possible, but apparently, it is.
  21. Thanks for your thoughts. And true, fun is defined by the player. My main account (Nutaku), i started 8 months ago and am now level 213. It was going fine until about level 125 when gear started drying up. RNG began to be more fickle. But as you said, this is a game of patience and I am a patient person. However, a couple months ago when the devs made leveling up easier, I am now out-leveling my gear more rapidly and literally cannot compete in the arena anymore -- it takes 2-3 days to complete the dailies because I cannot get opponents close enough to even battle -- that's not fun. I should be in Sexpert 2 (or maybe even 3)... but I just got demoted from S2 because I literally could not compete -- that's not fun either. I see lower level opponents with higher stats and egos passing me by -- an insult to the injury. I don't mind losing... it's gonna happen. It's what makes the challenge fun. But when all you do is lose and you can't keep up with the lower leveled opponents or even your own leveled opponents, that's no fun. And it's aggravating when all it would take to improve it is a little bump in the drop rate of the monostat gear. Also, I started 2 new accounts (1 on Hentai and 1 on Test) in October. They are levels 93 and 84, respectively. Currently, the Hentai account is much more fun to play as it had lucky drops with gear and I can at least compete in the arena and complete the dailies, and can also compete in the Leagues (sometimes i win, and sometimes I lose) -- this is fun. My Test server account is scrapping for any gear it can get and is having a miserable time in Leagues... but at least the Arena dailies I can still complete in 1 day if I pay attention and don't miss any turns and use boosters. But I can progress and I feel like I'm going somewhere -- this is still fun. My Hentai account is 53k ego -- that's 6000 under you and we're relatively the same level. Every level up you get 100-200 Ego. I am sure your gear is not all up-to-date either but even if I was your level, I'd still be ~53,800 ego and well under-geared compared to you and couldn't compete at all. But I am in Wanker 3, doing right well, and will probably be promoted to S1. I will probably have a difficult time in S1 but I don't mind the challenge -- if I can compete somewhat and my account can grow and progress forward and not stall out like my main on Nutaku did. ....So I do have a semi-veteran and newbie take on all this. But despite defining what is fun and what is not fun.... It's a fact that the game is unbalanced when it comes to gear. We used to level up at a slower rate, but it took a long time to get the gear to give us our power. But when we got that gear, we could use it for longer since it was slower to out-level. People were more powerful for their level ranges. Right now, we are leveling faster and there was no increase in drop rates for our much-needed monostat gear. So when we do get our miracle gear drops, we out-level them way too fast. And if you have NO luck with the RNG, you're screwed and fall significantly behind -- not just bottom of the pack, but completely not anywhere near the pack. This needs to be fixed to keep players interested and not drop out of the game.
  22. ^^This... all day long. I cannot compete in the Arena or in Leagues due to being under-geared. I had a miracle drop of a monostat just yesterday and unfortunately, it didn't replace any of my lowest level gear, but it boosted me about 1800 Ego. I figured if all my other gear were up-to-date, I would have about 15,000 more Ego. But right now, i cannot compete with most who are around my level. The devs made it easier and faster to level up - which is great! - but they didn't account for needing the gear to drop easier and faster too so we can have a more enjoyable playing experience. If everyone had better access to the gear they needed - yes, everyone would be bolstered - but everyone would have a better game experience (win or lose) as they would feel their character is at least progressing. Right now, this is just a miserable experience and I feel like I'm stalled and not going anywhere. I actually cringe every time I level up as I know my gear just got a little worse, I'm not going to get any improvements anytime soon, and I'm going to be facing higher level opponents with even higher stats than me.
  23. Yeah, that's a whole separate issue that's being discussed / complained about / debated in other threads. It's hard to see anything on a cellphone.
  24. You earn 1 challenge turn in 35 minutes. The timer in Leagues will show this once you start.
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