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  1. Me too. Tried with different browser software and cleared any cached files.
  2. I've gotten four 100 shard drops since the attraction system started (2 event girls and 2 common girls). It's definitely possible, but like all RNG, you can get really unlucky and never see it.
  3. The increasing drop rate is an interesting idea. I think there is merit there, but you also can't ruin the girl's rarity too much. A way to satisfy both would be to have it effect drop rates for troll girls and perhaps revival events. This way, event girls remain rare overall. Perhaps have it increase the min shard amount only and only offer a few expensive levels. I think it could be doable, and I think it is a neat idea. For me, I'd like to see something in clubs that continues to encourage community building. The investments is a start in that people are putting their money into the club, but I'd love to see more. Perhaps some kind of "raid" style system where the club bands together to take down big trolls for rewards? I know there is essentially no groundwork for such a system in place, so maybe it's a pipe dream, but the point is some kind of nifty goal that I can work towards with my club members.
  4. 134 battles to get 103 shards for Virginia 112 battles to get 109 shards for Spring Lola
  5. And all the threads complaining about drop rates before this change clearly shows that people were not satisfied with the prior situation. Yet, neither actually shows what the entire userbase thinks, just the vocal minority on the forums who are skewed towards being unsatisfied anyways. If you're satisfied, you're not as likely to create an account and start a thread about the system. This system definitely provides more clarity on where you are towards getting the girl--which is part of the issue apparently. I can see the argument about this system being less exciting, but I'm surprised there are many people who cannot get the girls in an event like the current one. I've already gotten the rare girl from Donatien and am 20 shards into the uncommon (with no refills this event). I've gotten every girl since the attraction system went into place with I think 3 refills total. If people are using their total allocated free battles and are unable to get at least one uncommon/rare girl during the event, then I agree shard drop rates should be evaluated. I just have not seen that personally.
  6. I just want to throw out a suggestion. Given the importance of league rewards and the amount of time (and potentially kobans) that goes into leagues, I would like to suggest timing major changes with league cycle endpoints. For example, changes that increase the potency of boosters should not be release a day before the league ends. This can dramatically alter the outcome, and assuming you control the timing of patches, should be easy to avoid. Also, as was noted in a prior thread, the timing of the attraction system release in the final stages of an event was poorly executed. Basically, please try to implement major changes cleanly if possible and take into consideration the current game cycles in play. Thank you.
  7. I definitely agree with this. I do it, because it does give a bit with the daily rewards, but the arena overall is pretty minor and feels barely worth the effort of logging in so frequently. My idea suggestion awhile back as to make winning all three battles at a given point worth a little bonus. But, suggestions above might work too. Also, since money is so damn tight in this game and we lost money due to the shard implementation, maybe some kind of increased monetary rewards would be appropriate to give the arena a bit more excitement.
  8. I only found out because of this thread, but I didn't really say much because Kinkoid replied that it would be fixed. That was kind of lame. It would have been better to not say that so people would not have assumed it would be fixed and would have made more of an effort to let people know. Just saying.
  9. Are you talking about common girls or event girls? If common, then are you saying you never went multiple weeks without one dropping before? I didn't get a drop from Finalmecia or Roko for over 2,000 battles. I was at 2,173 to be exact before the new system. I legitimately just never assumed they would drop in the old system and never went back to old bosses because it didn't seem worthwhile to get less money for girls that never dropped. With the shard system, at least I know where I stand. Still, I get that dry spells suck, and maybe the shard system makes them even worse since you know you need many more "hits." If you are talking about event girls, then really? You have not gotten one yet? I know everyone's luck is different, but everyone in my club got the event girls in this event (or at least everyone who talks which is most). Seems like the uncommons are not too bad to get, rare take around 150ish battles and legendaries 500ish? Data is still new, but it seems crazy you didn't get a single event girl in the new system if you've been battling consistently. That sucks, hope your luck improves. On the thread topic: Last event: Loving Bunny - 106 battles, 104 shards total. Loving Lupa - 127 battles, 100 shards exactly. I didn't keep detailing information, so maybe this is not too useful.
  10. I'm usually willing to give the event pachinko a try if there is an event girl I like in there, but I've been freakishly lucky. I've gotten 3 girls in 4 event pachinko tries since it's inception (2 of which were the event legendary). It's at a point where I'm legitimately reluctant to even use it again since I know my luck has to turn. I do think that if the 25% chance I read about on the forums is accurate, Kinkoid might consider re-examining it down the line. Given that it is event limited, includes things like affection gifts and avatars, maybe upping that chance to something like 40-50% would be better. It doesn't seem too outlandish considering it costs 1/3 of the guaranteed girl and is more of an event "bonus" pachinko.
  11. To be fair, designing survey questions is not as easy as people think. Creating good questions requires you to have experience creating surveys and with data analysis (so you've seen the ramifications of poorly worded questions). It's not really a skill most people ever use or develop. To the OP: The 3rd question has essentially 3 negative answers and 1 overly positive one. I tried to submit without answering that one, since I don't agree with any of them. It wouldn't let me.
  12. Are those 50 fight dry spells happening against event girls or common world girls? I think that might be the confusion. The drop rate for the world girls is still pretty low, which is to be expected since you'll fight those trolls so many times. In the old system, it was super, super low as well. I personally have not seen a dry spell of 50 for event girls (didn't follow legendary that closely though since I got her early). For loving bunny, it took me 106 battles to get 100 shards through normal drops. My longest dry spell was 13. My longest dry spell for a world girl might be over 50 though.
  13. But the jackpots are still there! I've gotten 2 in the past week alone. Noomye and Fabienne. Just because you didn't get one in the 10 days this new system has been running doesn't mean they are not there. You don't even know how much their chance has dropped by. Given what we know about legendaries, the chance might not have even dropped that much in the new system, since it was damn near impossible to get before. I'd say similar in regards to the common girls, since it wasn't uncommon to go 3-4 weeks without getting one. I've gotten 2 common girls in 10 days in the new system.
  14. If you're saying that you got a free drop every event in the old system without refilling at all, then I don't believe you. I don't believe you got every legendary event girl without spending kobans. Although, if you want to get girl drops in every event, then I would suggest not wasting kobans to get Karole's girls as you mention doing above. You say you have nothing better to spend kobans on, then complain that event girls in this system are too hard to get. That's kind of a silly stance, since using those kobans on event girls makes you more likely to get them.
  15. All you guys in your D-leagues 😛 I can instead tell you of the plight of us low levels. We're constantly tiptoeing around you big fish, waiting to get a nibble. I just promoted to S3 at level 205 and am the lowest level by about 30, haha. I had purposely stayed in S2 around 16-20, but saw a weak group and figured, "What the hell, let's see how high I can finish." Managed to finish 4th! Anyways, so if anyone is in my S3 league, feel free to take it easy on me. I can't bring myself to completely tank, so I'll probably end up in the dreaded 61-75 window... I will say, I'm amazed at how many people don't switch to single stat gear, even in S3.
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