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Everything posted by Redbeard

  1. I thought he was going to give an opportunity to change leaders. I have been thinking about quitting as well... but, taking the club with him was Shitty thing to do when others really wanted to stay.
  2. Trust me you will not beat the higher levels in D3 because of this change. You can beat players higher level than you but, it will not be because of this change. This change will widen the gap. I don't think you understand the resources that higher levels have and the advantage they will have right from the start.
  3. I am going to be at level 449....
  4. This shows the disconnect between the players and the development team. Dating Tokens did not come close to breaking the game. They were a nice little addition that allowed players to not have unfinished girls on their list for years on end. So, few were given that players were did not get that many from them. I myself got a Mythic that I already had 73 shards for and a 3 star epic I had almost finished not game breaking. I would like to know why the team thinks they should not be in the game? The answer again in $$$$$$$$$. They think that players were not spending it because they could get it later. Hence all the talk of exclusivity.
  5. Too many different systems and resources needed now. It is kind of like the developers see a game with a certain system and say let's put it our game. With no synergy or reason for putting it in the game. We have increasing activities and girls. Instead of increasing our chances to get the resources to play in these games they decrease the resources. I think that Kinkoid thinks more girls, activities, systems and less resources for the players = $$$$$$$$$$$ for them and maybe they are right and the whales that spend tons on this game will continue to do so no matter what. I however went from buying the season pass and an occasional bundle too not paying anything and refusing to spend another dime until things get better. I hold out hope that the developers have a grand strategy in mind. Not optimistic though.
  6. Thanks, Bomba. Congrats on the win. I remember discussions about "someday" competing in D3. It's funny I told the club. I was in your league and, that no I could not beat you. Not worth it to farm anymore. 5-15 in D1 is my goal now. I think the 4th was some 480+'s in the league not really playing well. We still have Pun days in the club occasionally:-).
  7. I got royally screwed. I won D2 I lost out on about 7,000 Kobans and, shards for the new girl as I guess I claimed in the middle of the change. I sent in a ticket and, got the same response. I don't want 10 kisses and 10 wisdom tokens. I either want the Kobans or the shards. It was given to others therefore it should be given to everyone.
  8. A good club will also help with game news. We discussed it in our club with reminders to use your tokens.
  9. This is going to be the end of free to play for the upper-mid players like myself who rely on winning D1 and D2 in order to play most events. I am undecided if it is good for the game or not as it seems like the lower level players will get a boost but, is it enough to really make a difference in style of play etc...
  10. I have yet to get a good grasp of the new system. I am leaning towards the right system is keep balanced 80-90% of the time and only change for "special" cases who have maxed out a certain element. I may be way off. Right now I am balanced with my power as high as I can get it. Getting way more 24-25 fights than I had before. That could be a small sample size still, trying to figure it out.
  11. I have had an 80 battle drought before, it happens. I have had also had crazy things like 5 5 shard drops in a row.
  12. A Person who has a 3AM changeover will most likely not start the first mission until 3 or 4 hours after the change. Where the person who has a convenient time gets to start right away. This also affects personal scheduling. Someone who has a change over at say 11 PM will have a much easier time scheduling time then someone who has the change at 3AM. The person with the 11PM deadline can plan much, much easier.. Your, argument is good and, is true in a virtual world. Yes, all have 24 hours but, those with better time zones have more "effective" time. In my opinion. It of course is not impossible for those with bad times zones to finish just more difficult.
  13. Splitting it into 5 makes a massive difference. An example: I have 1 8 hour mission. I can log in go into work and when I get home it is finished or close to finished. . With 5 missions especially for those who are in a non favored time zone when the game resets are going to have issues logging in at the right times. Especially when they go to an hour each. 4 was bad enough.
  14. It is quite easy to see what Kinkoid is doing. Kinkoid feels that they are giving away too many girls for free. Orbs to get Pachinko girls, Tokens etc.. They are slowly cutting off that supply. I kind of wish they would just say so instead of giving lame explanations. Example: "we are trying to fix the rarity of the girls?" Huh? Kinkoid broke that long ago by making every other girl Legendary in order to get us to spend more resources to level the girl up. "The thrill of the chase?" Exclusivity? The thrill of the chase only works if a person feels connected to something. With so many girls coming out it cheapens all of the them. Exclusivity, is just Kinkoid speak for give us cash for a girl.
  15. I swore we still had other orbs. Maybe I was in a time machine.
  16. I will give an example: I fight dark lord. You used to have a chance to get an orb etc... Now it is only a ticket and cash.
  17. I should say world bosses. No it has not forever been the case. They added orbs when you fought the world bosses.
  18. Did anyone notice that ALL of the other rewards were taken off the boss girls? Leaving only Tickets and Money as other rewards. Basically rendering the other rewards useless for higher level players.
  19. We need to travel to the other side of the waterfall.
  20. It does seem each anniversary is getting less and less special event orientated and more of just another month with some anniversary themed girls. The girls are well drawn. It just does not feel like they are doing anything special at all.
  21. I agree, the changes made have made it nigh impossible for the non-whales to keep up with the whales. You are basically going to need 7 fully leveled Mythic girls, not to mention leveling up all of the girls who will be blessed. Saving my Kobans, I was able to get a Mythic in my class every few months and play in all the events and at the very least be decent in the Tower. I think that will now be a thing of the past.
  22. For the love of everything holy. Give us a way to sort our girls! I don't have the inclination to search 600 plus girls eye color.
  23. The Good, I like the story. The Bad the art not the art of world that is fine. The art of the girls. I know art is personal taste. The faces are off putting at least to me. Everything else works. Although, you might want to think about lower the contest requirements. A donation contest at those levels is hmmm... Just don't have the contests until you can match them to the level of the players. I am liking the gameplay I just don't like the faces of the girls that much. Not sure if I am going to stick with playing the game.
  24. I agree with what others have said: The faces of these girls are just not that attractive in my opinion. When looking at body type most female superhero's in comics are mostly in shape but, not ripped. Look at most of the female X-Men. In shape but, they don't look like the spend 16 hours a day in the gym.
  25. I think this is a great add to the game. It give those of us who have finished everything available on the main quest something to do with our energy besides buying more tickets. Most who are high level have more than enough tickets. I see no problem with the energy costs as we have two weeks to wait until the next chapter of the man story comes out. The side quests were not designed for the eager beavers who can't control themselves but, for slow consumption as we wait for the next main storyline chapter to be released.
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