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Everything posted by Franka

  1. With a bit of planning, I got a Season girl, the KC girl and about a third of the way through MD, picking up both PoV girls for 2500+ potions. I'll pick up the slack from the MD girl tomorrow then leisurely cruise the rest of the points.
  2. I can hardly complain about a feature that gives me a 5* girl for ~3 minutes of clicking. So, good job?
  3. Yeah, I was only missing the two new girls at the start of the event. This was the first time I had all of the old ones though.
  4. Well, it's better than 0. We'll see if it's possible during the week.
  5. Good thing I saved all those XP rewards. (The position held for that last minute.)
  6. While I'm doing well, this one is just badly designed, because it puts you in direct competition with other users over a limited amount of resources. This does not appear to be the design philosophy behind any of the other PoVs.
  7. After 70 shards of D.D. I had two items drops from champion, then she dropped in pachinko. I guess I'm happy with the 70 gifts though.
  8. Two top 4s so far, and this spending contest doesn't look like there are any big spenders in my bracket so far. Hopes for a top 10 at least.
  9. 35 shards on day 2, that makes 70 shards. Seems very likely now!
  10. I want D.D. and Kumiko. Let's see if the Champion revision favors me.
  11. Ohh, ohh! I didn't have Dusty! 93 orbs to get her, what a steal!
  12. 1100 broken in first try, 65% without boosters. Not sure how much harder 1200 will be, guess I'll know in ~10 days or so.
  13. With 928 girls currently in my harem, I see maybe 2 girls available in a year, it feels like. I've taken to spending 300 orbs during contests, mainly for the gems. That extra confirmation click when there's no girl available is a pain in the ass though.
  14. Blasted through 1000 in my first try (99.99%), thanks to Nutaku blessings I guess. Just in time to boost Scorpio to lv550 with a training daily event. Nice.
  15. I got 60 shards, then got her in pachinko on the last day.
  16. Well, it took 400 champion tickets plus natural regen and some Season rewards to reach 2500 in less than a week. And time. So much time. Would not have been possible if I wasn't working from home and could set a 15 minute alarm clock. I do NOT want to go through this every PvE iteration of PoV, but I gave it a shot this time to see how bad it was. Just forget about getting to 6500...
  17. Looking at the leaderboard is discouraging. I'm afraid those super spenders will skew KK into thinking "everything is good, or on the easy side." I mean, it's great there are people keeping the game funded, I just worry what conclusions might be drawn by those in charge.
  18. It's like every new idea is somehow worse than the one before it. Well, back to sheer luck gacha then.
  19. Definitely the art style. I'm all for redheads and glasses and the combination of those, but man, that art is so wonky.
  20. Well, this will be the first time I actively ignore an event. Shame about the missed girls, but these tasks are ridiculous.
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