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Everything posted by borov

  1. I didn't get any compensation for kinkpoints, it was close to 90k
  2. than recalculate earned points in todays contest, someone has already earned tons of points before the patch, while others will not be able to earn anything
  3. why do you need to be so provocative? are you mental vampires? why can't you say right away “my dear friend, you need more than 6 victories for the dark lord, but 5 victories increase the level of completely different villains” ??? thx a lot junk
  4. so kindly quote the place where it is written, since you're not lazy
  5. sorry man i don't like riddles so what it was when yesterday win finalmecia 15 times and she up 3 lvls, huh? P.S. place for the trolls under the bridge
  6. how many wins do you need to lvlup a villain in 2 tier? 6 wins vs dark lord and he still 30lvl (before, only 5 wins were needed)
  7. mouse with x3 click button and no need in autoclicker😉
  8. сommunity managers like russian bears hibernate until spring😆
  9. what about other charm like hardcore idle, know-how idle, charm idle? seconds on boss will be useful if you have
  10. I just started playing when the first event was already over and that's why I don’t have Abrael. Will girls from events be added to Gacha or will we meet them later?
  11. Yes, it can be considered my tactic, for me the difficulty was 2000 stage, where I needed a lot of rewards to lvlup my Bunny. At the start of the event I had a 5000++ stage and Louis from gacha(but she's useless) helpfull bosters Manly sweat and Exciting flirt, later at 1900++ event stage unlock Mojo energizer. Got Sa-Lee 3days ago
  12. It's probably too late, next time try to make as many resets as possible(or when you can't go through the boss stage right away), at least 5-10 times per day
  13. I have this charm and the system says no more other charm (next costs 1.75A1)
  14. So Bunny's sex toys now ranks 1st among useless сharm. can't find full list of charm(new here, what about old once?), someone have any link?
  15. Thx Got her too (very tough grind of rewards after 1990 stage) But the fact that she's at the very bottom of the list makes her use uncomfortable P.S. that ring-thing very powerfull charm got it just now in main office via price 7B
  16. same for me... seems like it's going from here
  17. So... bleah... find solution on my own. Some "shaman dancing" and i did it. It was another f**ing unannounced update, but after this one i'm need to clean cache (i'm cleaned browser cache & flash player cache, reboot system. & only after that manipulations game begin work normaly) BUT WHY I SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ANY UPDATE WHITHOUT ANNOUNCE?
  18. After entering the game 3 minutes pass and I see this message, no matter what i'm do or not, no matter what browser. It started 12 hours ago and is still happening
  19. Seems like it happen after any update, but you don't know about it & continue playing long time without refreshing game-page & when you do it.... "Booom"... your progress lost...
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