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Everything posted by renalove

  1. Since the event duration is half of the Golden Anniversary event, the total rewards from the event cards are also half. Why are the prices of the event cards the same? P.S. I took it on the 2nd day of the Golden Anniversary event, so the instant rewards are double.
  2. I got the other two. Barbarian Lola and Cheshire Kelina.
  3. I clicked Equip button twice to use 2 Legendary Cordyceps, but 1 Legendary Cordyceps and 1 Epic Chlorella were used. Each time you use one selected booster, the cursor moves to the first booster in your inventory. I'm sure a lot of people would be upset if that happened on the main server.
  4. The same thing happened to me, one player disappeared. And I have already fought him 3 times. I checked the point history of the script and the points already earned from him were not lost. Also the same thing happened on the test server, 2 players disappeared. I am wondering why multiple players disappeared at the same time. These codes work on the browser console. You need the community script (hh-plus-plus). Show disappeared players: (function(w){Object.entries(JSON.parse(localStorage.HHPlusPlusLeagueResults)).forEach(([id,data])=>{if(!w.leagues_list.some(e=>e.id_player==id))console.log({id,...data})});})(document.querySelector('iframe')?.contentWindow??window); Show the point history of the script: console.log(Object.entries(JSON.parse(localStorage.HHPlusPlusLeaguePointHistory)).map(([id,{points}])=>[id,...points].join('\t')).join('\n')); P.S. The name of the disappeared player is Alucard. So I am not in the same bracket with @Ravi-Sama.
  5. Here is my drop rate graph. The first day, my drop rate was 10.26%. The second day, my drop rate decreased to 2.40%. After the last shards refill, my drop rate increased to 4.64%. After 30 minutes, my drop rate increased further to 11.71%. Who would believe that the drop rate would not change? For the next event I will ignore contests and fight when the drop rate seems to be higher.
  6. I was going to get Golden Lupa as my 7th mythic girl. I had 5 shards before the event. I also had 5 sandalwood perfumes. Yesterday, I fought 78 times and got 16 shards (8 drops). Yesterday's drop rate was 10.26% Today, I fought 851 times and got 76 shards (38 drops). Today's drop rate was 4.47% I did not make a mistake. I suspect my drop rate was changed to low. Now I have 97 shards. Unfortunately, I had no more koban.
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