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  1. @observer_x sea shanty fae and huntress hope are missing from the game cause they were the last two girls in my epic pachiko roster and now they are gone
  2. more like the other way around convert ymen to kobans
  3. tried to pledge but card was declined and I really want the book so I hope they decide to sell the book after kickstarter ends
  4. the new way the background fades in and out is really annoying and when it does that it freezes the game temporarily change it back or just create a single orgy day background
  5. this event is just really stupid two day to get 100 shards with only 50,000 shard available every 8 hours for normal players impossible this event was made for whale players those that have real money to spend to buy kobans if the want to continue this kind of event they need to make it month long that way every player has the chance to get the girls and increase the drop rate and the shard drop because for me if I was lucky I would get 1 shard every 10 battles
  6. spent 2000+ kobans for 27 shards this way is really stupid two days for this crap if they want to do mythic days like this they need to make it month long
  7. here is some feedback people hate the fact that we need to use real money to get the season pass why not give us the chose to pay with ether real cash or koban or yemen
  8. same problem with all three the time starts counting down when i click on one but win i leave it it resets to zero
  9. same here i got 57th place in affection but got 24 kobans instead of the 210 kobans and 178th place in money spent
  10. zero

    get more kobans

    @MCP what do you think it should be
  11. zero

    get more kobans

    30 kobans for common items 60 for rare 90 for epic and 120 legendary
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