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Everything posted by mdnoria

  1. And done Mostly thanks to Golden Lupa's MDR which I timed when I had "Beat Trolls" objectives.
  2. So Harmony relics are also defensive and not only offensive in some way. But yeah it seems to not really be this efficient in both categories.
  3. The girl (or shards) for those who obtained her on day 1 (and 2) and didn't claim the rewards immediately but claimed the rewards on the third day (or second) after the patch which transformed the girl (or shards) into orbs.
  4. That's a drum & bass band 🙃. And I will show myself out immediately.
  5. The only ones I see that vaguely fit the description are Sylvia and Taria but that's only considering the clothes because neither are blondes : https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:Sylvia https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:Taria-the-Champion With a google search, I have located a start screen issued from the adventure starring Sylvia here : https://www.adultgamesnews.com/hentai-heroes-review/
  6. Previous league from 08/02 to 15/02 results : ================================ Finished 3rd, and didn't do all my fights but top 4 was guaranteed. I also didn't optimize much during the week as I was on ski holiday with a friend so I preferred to spend time on the slopes instead of on my phone. Wasted nearly a full AME on season fights because I forgot about DP and did not wanted to be stuck on tasks asking to do season fights or gain mojo because of it. Also got the new league girl this week. ====================================== This week league results from 15/02 to 22/02 results : ====================================== I finished 2nd, using 1 LME and 1 AME. Strangely, I thought Rylarth had a shot at top 4 from the lost points I tracked. After the blessings change, I went with a full mythic team but since I could only skill 3 girls, I changed it for a 3 mythic, 3 L5, 1 R5 around the blessed pose instead which seemed to work better.
  7. And the girl is back into the LC contest reward : However I don't know how it works for people who already claimed the rewards yesterday.
  8. All is fine on my side 😋. On a more serious note, switched to English to see if I saw anything wrong but all seems to be in English.
  9. Indeed... You are right. I didn't do the math (my bad). So Hard is +100% coins than easy.
  10. Seems like it, even if Tom's screenshot showed the normal button with "+50% laby coins" so I don't know what to think of it. Maybe the rewards are not yet adjusted and they just duplicated the 3rd floor and they will set the rewards later (I doubt it).
  11. For this last contest, I voluntarily dropped to the top 10%. I will claim the first card the 23th for the MDR which should put me back in the top 5%. I will claim the card, even if I already have the MDR girl because I need to not drop too many points to stay in the top 5% until the end. Also, my kobans stash is pretty low right now, even if I should finish in top 4 this league (or 1st if you @Horsting and Rylarth let met win 😀) so I need to budget my spending a bit and not waste too many kobans.
  12. Pavel also reported it : Also, I haven't claimed the first day reward yet and the girl disappeared from the rewards :
  13. Do a support ticket fast and don't claim the rewards yet. It seems you have been placed in the pool of players who already unlocked the girl, even if you clearly gained only 50 shards of her the first day.
  14. I never read/watched One Piece. Yeah I know shame on me.
  15. Today I lost 3 full teams in the 1st floor on the live server (on easy, 2 full teams before the 1st floor boss). I suspect some things have been merged/pushed to prod that are not documented. I finished my run with 17 girls alive.
  16. I presume that you haven't read her affection scenes text ?
  17. Hi, Go into the monthly pass page, on the exact pass you are paying for, there is a checkbox to uncheck to disable automatic renewing.
  18. Would be interesting to know the laby coins for each floor attained in each difficulty. ie: If you can finish normal but can't finish the 4th floor in hard, is it valuable to not try hard ?
  19. Had the same happening to me after clicking ok after getting the 2 girls from mythic pachinko so I suppose it's a bug related to the reroll functionnality added recently when there is a double date and girls dropping. Closing the error message brings you back to the pachinko home. Yes :
  20. Done. For once, I spent everything on it (all PoV with paid path XP, PoG to 880 points, season XP, all my Laby run). I had doubts reaching 1900 points in PoV but finally I did it yesterday thanks to the previous PoV and laby kisses. 10th needed 5.4M, 25th 2.8M. Also got 2nd in the daily contest.
  21. I just bought Fated Katana for 120 coins (30 shards). I know I will be missing between 30 and 40 shards across all HA girls (was missing 40 total shards last time). I still have 323 coins.
  22. Got her with kisses. I pooled all kisses from the last 5 days (3 laby runs, silver monthly card) before the event started. I missed that the PvP PoV started today and burned ~200 kisses yesterday. LC will probably be a bit harder for me since I probably won't be able to get the girl from the 1st day because of it (and I doubt I could gain 1500 points in the current PoV before Tuesday's reset).
  23. On the subject of random generator, I work in cybersecurity and here are my 2 cents about it. By default, in most languages, the default random generator is not random but is generating the same sequence of numbers because the seed is not random and there are ways to predict the numbers generated. There are attacks based on that : https://owasp.org/www-community/vulnerabilities/Insecure_Randomness More on this : https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/Cryptographic_Storage_Cheat_Sheet.html#secure-random-number-generation Cloudflare, one of the biggest CDN provider in the world is using a lava lamp wall as its random number generator : https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/ssl/lava-lamp-encryption/ to secure internet communications. On the (grey) matter of humain brains, these tends to search for patterns because that's easier to remember/work with things when a pattern is known so yeah there can be cognitive biases. In video games, most of the time, the random number generator used falls in the first category and is not truly random but random enough. That's why there are many speedruns abusing these, the most known ones are the Pokemon ones (no major glitches) where you want a specific seed based on the number of seconds elapsed since the game launch (https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pseudorandom_number_generation_in_Pokémon).
  24. The end of the suffering... I was also really busy at work for the last 3 days so I lost a lot of natural regen because of it... Contrary to veterans, my MyP pool is far from empty (And I'm still lacking some 5 stars girls from it) so these 3xMyP orbs are valuable to me so I suffered a bit more. HA claimable shards and laby (for gain XP tasks) clearly helps a lot. Edit: Spent 216 kobans on skipping the "refresh market" task (3 times x 72 kobans).
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