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  1. It's a video game. From the same developers of Genshin Impact. And no, this game barely has any ecchi. While Kafka is definitely popular for her sex appeal, she however is also fully dressed, barely showing skin, but that probably adds to her appeal anyways, and some people just like dominant woman.
  2. Because Mona is popular enough to be given a 5-star variant. That's pretty much it. For fourth girl being Shinobu has to do with GH most likely as they have teased an Itto parody a long time ago, and the counter that makes perfect sense for him is Shinobu. Besides, these girls have been decided to appear on Mega Event a long time ago, even before Furina is revealed, and their arts are probably conceptualized already so they cannot just change it immediately. Besides, Shinobu is still a popular character despite being not a major character (all Genshin characters are popular basically.)
  3. Wiki maintainer here (I've always had an account here, yes, but I'm barely here but anyways...) To explain things, the former format of the wiki is a very painful to edit. I don't even edit that category for over half a year, but in my notepad instead, then just copy and paste it there, because it's so slow. At the same time, I have to take note of various rows, columns, paddings etc or else it'll go tangled and shit. There's also one more tiring parts, which is typing the girl's name again and again, from their own pages, to what event they belong, and then to the Harem page. Twice. And also of course, variants, especially for girls who has way too many alts. It's even more annoying if they have a really long name, which is more common nowadays due to girls having a lot of variants. I don't know if you guys noticed but I mostly update the Harem page really really late. It's demotivating to update that clusterfuck. But now, I can update the page in under a minute 'cause it's easier. I also found out that if I keep the format, the wiki will look ugly because a Table of Contents will somehow show up and I have not found a way to hide it. But with the current format I did, it's no longer the case. HH wiki adopting the GH harem page has always been the plan in mind but I can't proceed because girls icons needs to be with their rarity background. Using the GH background with icons that uses Rarity backgrounds looks really ugly. I try to find a lot of way to make it work but unfortunately none of them looks barely satisfying. So I compromised and decided to use the icons with no rarity background. One more thing, I'm gonna be hella busy for next few months. With my busy schedule, I'd rather to be able to update the Wiki quickly. And the new Harem page is helpful in that regards. So yeah, this new Harem page will be there to stay, and unfortunately for those who likes the one with texts, I apologize. Unfortunately, I'll lose my mind if I had to keep that, so I removed them. It looks pretty now anyway. It has a cute background. That should be all. 😊
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