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Everything posted by garadron

  1. First impression after seeing her poses is that I'm not really impressed. I feel like the girls made by the previous artist looked unique when compared to other girls while Santa Claudia feels super similar to a lot of L5's we have in the game already. I'm in no rush with this so I'll probably get her on the last day and maybe the scenes will change my mind.
  2. I don't even want to know the odds of having 4 Mythic item drops and 3 of them being a "helmet"...
  3. Well well well, looks like we have a change in artist for Mythics, we'll see how the new scenes will look.
  4. Are they reducing the number of C1 girls per month or what does this weird sentence mean?
  5. I got my first from MP and upgraded it right away. I'm HC so it's perfect (not worrying about Theme for now): I then got my second from MP and of course it's the same slot lol: Edit: and a good drop from PoA:
  6. there was some payment issue on Nutaku and a notification said: Maybe they accidentally compensated hh.com as well?
  7. Thank you for fixing the bug that caused ! to be constantly shown on Adventure/Side Quests. Little thing but it was surprisingly irritating to see
  8. Looks like no luck, although I might wait for reset just to be absolutely sure: and it's already in looking at MP rewards
  9. For some reason I just decided to go for her straight away instead of waiting for natural regen. I've started with 20 shards I got from her original MD. 2 more girls to go and Revivals will catch up to Norou when I started gathering Mythics. And I hope I'll be able to see more revivals for the first 10 girls I'm missing currently That said, good luck everyone!
  10. I tried disabling the script and going to the bottom of my list and it took me 5 minutes and the game is lagging like crazy on that screen haha I really think that the game should have a "sort by level" so it can load the lowest level items from server first BEFORE this goes live but we all now that'll never happen. Do you know if the inventory list resets after levelling once? cause scrolling even for 1 minute per level per item to get all upgrades sounds abyssmal
  11. This is the part that worries me the most. I have so many items in my inventory that scrolling down to load them all would probably take 30 minutes...
  12. so there's even more inventory management without proper inventory management implemented into the game and according to Q&A you MIGHT add actual inventory management after the feature that requires it is rolled out to production? just checking
  13. that's a nice view to have. Girl XP daily and gems Cumback combined with me finally unlocking lvl 700 for girls
  14. I think the game didn't get the memo that they're putting side quests on hold because it shows me the ! as if there was something new and it doesn't go away
  15. Is it me or this new version of Uma looks more like her mother?
  16. Scarlett maybe? Same hair and sword
  17. it's kinda funny that with the new League girl we'll have 3 girls based on some version of Aphrodite (SMITE, Hades and now Record of Ragnarok) although I have to say the breast holders' poses look weird to me for some reason As for the rest of the patch - it's a shame we're losing some content but if we're getting higher quality of what's staying I think this is a good trade off overall.
  18. I'm guessing monthly. There's pretty much 0 work required to rerun this every month - no new girls etc. And it would be nice to have that shop available as often as possible. I wouldn't even mind if they'd just change it from an event to core feature
  19. stage 1: no stage 2: no stage 3: also no I guess the game really doesn't want me to get a busty weregirl
  20. And it's done, I had to go for her today because of a busy schedule on the weekend so she could've been cheaper with some more natural regen: And finally I'm at 50% of all released Mythics (12/24). @DvDivXXXmentioned in one of previous MD's or MDR's that they might start reviving 2 Mythics during 1 revival once we get to 24 girls and I guess if we were to get let's say Bunna and Undercover Valentina this month it would be wiser to go for the older girl, right? There are 3 girls still before MDR catches to where I started getting them: So if revivals would go Bunna/Valentina, Estelle/Finalmecia and Alexa/Lenaelle, then I'd fill up that 3 girl gap but for the next one it would be Matcha/Norou and while I'd start getting the older girls here, I'd be missing the first 3. And if I go for Bunna instead of Valentina, who would be revived for the 2nd or 3rd time I'd just have to wait until "double revivals" catch up to Valentina/Venus and I wouldn't risk that this might be the last chance to get the oldest Mythics.
  21. I'm not someone who looks at details like that and my brain mostly skips feet when I'm looking at let's call it "full body images" but after reading that comment and scrolling back to @Ravi-Sama's post with Venus' painting I don't think I could unsee it now lol
  22. As it should considering Venus = Aphrodite and the one in game is based on the one from Hades
  23. Yup, it works just like Market reset. I woke up and started checking everything and if it was independent the next reset would be at server reset but it started counting another 12h
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