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Everything posted by Alex_i

  1. Thanks for suggestion. Could easily afford using Ginsengs in mix. Anyway, this 1st stint in D3 is more about feeling the waters than maxing performance. I'd rather leave all the better boosters for later. Anyway, I'll go back to D2 (for few weeks) after this or next week depending on the results (top 45 finish would get me the girl after this league round).
  2. This time around ranking based on levels 84/100. Finished 48th with 4496 points (mean 15.14). 45th place would have required 78 points more. Was boosted for ~half of the fights (3x cholorella). Maybe, then try bad boosters for all own fights. Looks like this would have been enough to reach next reward bracket on previous two rounds.
  3. What is the pool of girls for MPx3 and MPx6 orbs?
  4. Had 12 shards from previous round (+regen) and most of the CP rewards stashed. Needed 4 SP + 23 refills. SPs were also rewards so the actual koban cost was just 5.0k - cheapest mythical so far. Also, casually wasted kobans for 2-3 refills that would have been covered by regen 🥱
  5. This was my 1st D3 run. I'm level 450, girls at level 700 and having minimal passive bonuses (harem 420 girls). Went mostly unboosted (was boosted for last ~40 fights), in order to get a baseline for this setup. My ranking based on levels was 82/100. Ended up 46th with 4535 point (mean 15.27). This was 143 points shy of 45th place. Let's spend a bit more this week and see if we can climb few places.
  6. My first mythical. Don't normally have possibility to compete for shards due to work. Now we have surplus of shards during weekend, which checks my boxes. Also was lucky, drop rate 7.06% (708 CP), cost 9.6k kobans
  7. Kinda ridiculous but just clearer floor 1000. Got the girls up lvl 650 and nice blessing gave 3.5% change for success. Been stuck here for long time but this is the reality without boosters. Interestingly, lost only a single fight prior to this floor. One could say pretty steep difficulty curve.
  8. Yes, the team power is very close. But most importantly your team can out heal the damage and mine cannot. The difference seems to be sum of multiple factors: Bigger harem - On average your harem has 18 girls more for each element. This translates into more heal (1.8%), damage (1.26%) and defense (1.26%). Slightly better team and boosters - had just epic boosters (2x chlorella + cordyceps). Thanks for the answers. It was interesting to see what the differences were. EDIT: And in times of equipment I had 2x multi + 4x mono, out of which 2 were 30 levels behind.
  9. Started by testing waters with an eccentric team, followed by filler and then the strongest team. 1st team brought me up to 63 potions, 2nd up to 79 and 3rd finished ~60% HP left. I have only 5 good/decent lvl 600 sensual girls. Next ones would be 5-star common but maybe one could think of fielding them.
  10. @LiliatHow many girls you have? Which booster were used? I have similar levels (lvl 396 / lvl 600 girls) and find the event quite challenging. Believe this is due to small harem (296 girls) and lack of passive bonuses. This time it took 3 teams - one filler and two proper with healing. Could have probably survived with 2 if fought in different order. Previous time it took me all 5 teams. However, didn't then pay attention to team building and used no boosters.
  11. Not being able to purchase epic boosters after level 200 is kinda big too. Was buying them weekly at level 320 as the legendaries don't yet make sense. Of course, not relevant for players at higher levels. Understand that they wanted to make room for the mythicals. However, the level limits for epic boosters should probably be reworked. Also, maybe post the release notes few days before the update.
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