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Zamioc Yuki

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Everything posted by Zamioc Yuki

  1. Things are different for players that reached the end of the story. It's or they spend their energy x60 for 1 champ ticket or they saved it for the scroll coming soon, maybe tomorrow so they're off day shorter for this PoA. Just ignore it
  2. Hey @Amithindorexxx! I opened a topic on the forum where you can find redeem codes => Note that every redeem codes expires quickly. Most of the codes listed there have already expired. I just added the last one. Enjoy your gift Subject close
  3. Hey players! We have a new code found! P.O.V. => 1 x10GP orb Go quickly use it before it expires!
  4. It's 2 PoV and it costs 3600 each. So 7200. Same as PoA. Sad truth. You still have the option to ignore stuff. Stop with FOMO (fear of missing out) and just enjoy the story and the free content you can get. Use kobans wisely to pleasure yourself and don't compete by paying for anything. It's not at all. But I still want you to remember that Christmas is not only in this game. You can enjoy the Christmas festivities all around you. Don't let this event kill the joy this end of the year can give to you
  5. One Mythic guy is proposed every month during the event Mythic Days it happens around 2-5th of each month and last 3 days. This guy is super exclusive and cost around 12k to 25k kobans as troll refills to get him. You can lower the cost to 11k if you buy santalwood perfumes and use it only for the Mythic Guy. The are planned to have a revival but right now, nothing official is done currently for their revivals. If you can't afford it, pass it with no regrets.
  6. In our club, we went for the discord solution, but other players, and newcomers have to go there and it can be quite intimidating for them. It's not very practical to switch between the two ways either. It's a good suggestion. Let's see if something happen
  7. No nombers or any datas have been released. I have taken this number from the club champion feature x)
  8. You've got the legendary 0.1% chance on that one! Congratulation!
  9. Bonjour, Je fais partie de l'équipe de modération sur GH et je viens de voir ton signalement. Je fais parti aussi de l'équipe de traduction de GH depuis il y a peu. Je peux peut-être t'aider. Pourrais-tu apporter de la documentation là où tu dis trouver des erreurs pour qu'elles soient corrigées stp? Prendre des screens par exemple et les modifier pour souligner, surligner etc; simplement dire qu'il y a des soucis dans la traduction ne suffit pas
  10. The more you'll play this game, the more you'll have 3 ⭐ guys that have legendary grade. They are by far the most "commun" guys if I can say so 😅 For the legend, they exist because it's the way the studio to test new artists that will join the design and art team and it's a reward for them as well. In my opinion soma arts are very cool but that's just a matter of personnal taste In the game, 1 ⭐ guys can be used anywhere. After testing it just after the awakening update, they are good early game because they are cheap to upgrade and train so you can run more PoP at max rate sooner. You also unlock all the features (club, league, champion etc) faster in you farm Dark Lord and run some great Pachinko. Focus on the 3 5 ⭐ starter guys (Bunny, Red Battler and Gary) to max their affection so you have money early game. Then, along with the different monthly events, you'll get new guys that are not common, they'll have better stats and will replace 1 ⭐ guys. It means that other time, you'll no longer use them. Be patient, play and enjoy the game
  11. Classic Event missions have the longest timer's range 💀
  12. You need to introduce your club more 😛 Do you have a picture of your club? It's upgrades? Do you have a discord where you can do extra activities with the members?
  13. We were talking about that yesterday on discord. All timers are randomly chosen in a range of time for every players
  14. You can find the social media links here: 1: hit the "follow us button" 2: pick patreon. There is also discord, twitter and facebook
  15. It's pretty fast to each lvl 10 once you use your energy which is done 10 min after starting the game.
  16. Problem solved then? Did he got his rewards?
  17. I went for the patreon which includes a gold card and the season pass
  18. You mean the bundles with the 3000 gems of each type + the mythic books we've got after the awakening update? For what I know, those 3k 💎bundles are availiable for 60 days starting at the update release. After that period, no new players will benefit those bundles
  19. We're actually using HH calendar most of the time. The calendar has been posted on HH discord by a community manager. My apologies for not having put it there Here is is! So from December 1st to 10th, we have the Classic Event (that has his own title), then from the 10th to the 14h: it's Epic Days or Legendary Days (both events are alternating with each others), then from the 14th to the 19th it's Orgy Days (where you can find all the past classic events AND GH get 1 last legacy event it's missing to match the number of events that HH already have), then from the 19th to the 23rd: it's the Legendary Competitions and then from the 25th to the 31st: it's the Path of Attraction (that has his own title). All these events are the main events that happens in this order in this order and around the same dates. Some months can have 1-2 days without no events happening so it's chill and relax time for the Main Character In additions to those events, from the 3rd to the 6th, we will have the Mythic Days with one exclusive guy to get. This event is very hard because you have to refill the combativity a lot and burn a lot of kobans there (around 12k to 25k depending of your luck). Without buying anything that can provide kobans in game with real money (like the gold card, becoming a patreon member, raw koban, bundles etc) It's almost impossible to get the mythic guy every months so you can ignore it. From the 9th to the 11th and the 23rd to the 25th, you'll have 2 cessions of Kinky Cumpetitions with a different guy to get for each. Kinky Cumpetitions is also an event where you need to burn a lot of koban. From players feedbacks, season give around 1 shard every 2 fights, so you need around 200 kisses (the season's money) to be able to claim 1 guy. In addition because it's Christmas month, a second "5 days event" is planned at the same time as Orgy Days and this one is going to be a surprise! And finally, what has been announced with the BDSM update, the Path of Valor is about to show up in the game. It has been put live on the test server today and announced on the HH discord and will come live next week on the next game update. It'll happen twice in one month (14 days event each), will have 2 guys you can get (one for free, the other for 3200 kobans, similar to the Path of Attraction but for what I've seen, you'll have to do various things to get potions and it's way less expensive than Path of Attraction). The first will take place on December 10th to the 24th and the next one will start right after. There is a complete version of the monthly calendar that exist with all the event and the names but this calendar is a patreon goal reward that patreon members get when a certain amount of money per month is reached. I hope I answered your question as complete as possible. Zam~
  20. Thank you very much Harelielle! You're an awesome hunter!
  21. Hello minespatch, check your bundle chest at the bottom of your screen. One is free everyday till 12/05 Merry Christmas month! 🎅
  22. When I was under lvl 280, I used to ignore this contest. Now... It's so hardto have enough money to get into it x) Higher level will eventually dry off as well 🤔
  23. Maybe it is because it's how the harem page is loaded. If you reach the "end" of your harem, just clik on the last guy, it should load the rest
  24. PoA is a place to spend your season's rewards, mostly. If you don't save and calculate when to spend it, you can have bad surprises. Adding extra CP/Kisses/Worship on PoP could be a good idea but I don't think that in the end it's gonna work well on the game's balance
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