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Julius Fox

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Everything posted by Julius Fox

  1. You, my friend, sound like you would benefit from a quick perusal of the Performance Handbook thread. It gives a good breakdown of the battle mechanics and can probably answer some of the questions you have about synergy bonuses, etc. And now back to our previously scheduled programming, the blood feud between DvDivXXX and zoopokemon.
  2. Having finally downloaded the script has really opened my eyes. Now I understand all the wailing and gnashing of teeth about RNG. 🤪 Within 6 fights of each other:
  3. Finally! A non-MP pool LD girl as the revival! I'm going to take at least a little credit for speaking it into existence... 😁 Even though Nero is one of the older/weaker L5s, her dual hair color + exclusivity to LD + a scarcity of green L5s in the game makes her worth getting for me. Also, it will make me much more likely to be able to get the third girl from the Seasonal Event. Since SP doesn't give that much of an advantage for LD, I'll get both these girls without SP so I get credit for the extra fights. Then I can use my stored SP for Alt. Finalmecia's revival and next month's MD.
  4. Sweet, I got a piece of Mythic gear from my free MP roll today. And not only is it my first piece that corresponds to my class, but it boosts attack! The only bummer is that I've already fully upgraded a piece for that slot, but I have plenty of old gear and ymen so that's no big deal. I'll consider this my Christmas gift from the game. 🎁
  5. My basic goal in CbC is to try and get Top 15 every day and then strike for higher when I see an opening, so at least I hit my benchmark this week. Although Day 3 was a little shaky since my CC was defeated before I could complete all my fights. I ended up activating a couple of villain fights from PoV to at least sneak above the guy in front of me. It ended up not mattering but just barely.
  6. Interesting that they're back to having four L5s instead of 2 L3s like the Halloween one. I wonder if they made the change because they didn't see as much engagement with the previous SE, or if they're just going to switch off and have four L5s for the the biggest holidays (Christmas, Anniversary) and 2/2 for the others. 🤔 I know that I'll at least be going after the MDR (provided it's Alt Finalmecia, which seems likely) and possibly the LD and next month's MD, so I guess I'll wait until the last days of the event and see if I have a chance at getting Lolop. In the first SE I got 3 Mythics and the LD girl during the length of the event and still barely made it to the third SE girl, so I'm not holding my breath. If there was ever a time for them to start reviving some of the newer LD girls, I bet they would get a lot of action if they did it for this upcoming LD...
  7. I was thinking of going for the win but I could tell pretty early that the top scores were going to be a little inflated due to the concurrent Girls XP DC, so I decided to take an easy Top 15 and save gems for next week.
  8. It was surprisingly easy to get Lady Santa into my harem. All it took was 665 fights (95 from natural regen, 40 from Seasons and PoA, and 530 from refills) and then she shimmied down the chimney and wouldn't leave. 🦆 She's my 3rd Dom Mythic, and 12th overall. Once I snatch Alt. Finalmecia later this month I will have more than half of the available Mythics for the 1st time, exactly a year after I started the game (my Hero's Journey began on 12/24/21). I like her art overall, especially the 1, 3 and 5 star poses (I agree about the lip biting, @Ravi-Sama). I'm a fan of this artist so I'm excited to see her get a shot at Mythics. I also liked a lot of Ben's work but it sounds like he's been inching toward retirement for a while so it's good to know the Mythics are in capable hands. And, let's be honest, the biggest distinguishing feature of the Mythics is that 6th star. There's plenty of 5-star (and even 3-star) girls whose art is worthy of a Mythic, and some of the Mythic art has been hit or miss. But I can usually find a particular pose or detail I like even about the girls that don't particularly strike my fancy, as long as they're well drawn. It's now been 10 months since the last Blue/Sensual Mythic. With 2 (possibly 3) Blue revivals (as well as the potential for a new Blue Mythic) over the next couple months, blue gems are going to be an extremely scarce commodity for me pretty soon so it was nice Santa Claudia landed on Finalmecia!
  9. Ah thanks! I didn't think to look there. In that case I will finish her off today.
  10. Question: Are we confident that this means that the 10% off combativity will still be in effect on the 5th? I know there was some confusion with the length of the Double Pachinko promo recently. I'd assume they would want to line it up to coincide with MD, but I'd hate to be wrong and end up paying an extra 10% on all my refills.
  11. The Good News: My first 4 pieces of Mythic Equipment are all for different slots, and one of them is Rainbow theme! 😃 The Bad News: None of them are my class, and the one with Rainbow theme boosts Harmony... 😞 I've been trying to decide if it's worth it to go ahead and upgrade non-ideal Mythic Equipment in my situation, or wait for better pieces. I can easily finish Top 30 in D2 without using all of my fights, but I'm not quite ready to really give it a go in D3 yet (I want to at least get most of my L5s to level 700 first), so it's not like I desperately need to improve my stats ASAP. On the other hand, I figure I'll probably only be getting 5-7 pieces of Mythic Gear a month, so if I'm too picky I could be waiting a long time. Ultimately I decided that since I have plenty of old gear and Ymen I might as well go ahead and upgrade the pieces I have currently have. It might even spur me to try D3 a little sooner, although I'm going to assume that most players in D3 will probably have full sets of Mythic Gear by the time I get there so maybe that shouldn't influence my decision. Also, it's always nice when laziness unexpectedly pays off. I have so much old gear that I never sold because I got tired of waiting for it to load that even after fully upgrading 4 pieces of Mythic Equipment with my oldest gear, I've still only made it to around gear level 270 in my inventory (I'm currently level 433). ☺️
  12. Well, that was productive! Thanks to Double Date, I got 8 girls from 42 EPx1 orbs! 7 of them were EP exclusive (including L5 Nikki Benz!), and the other was Nice Flynn, which means I don't have to deal with the inevitable frustration of trying to get her from Matsuda for the next 8 days. A true Christmas Miracle!
  13. Best blessings in a while, so I decided to try my luck at Temple 1300. And I finally took the 5 minutes to figure out how to get the script, so I could actually see my odds of winning (better late than never, right 😉)! My goal was to beat it without having to use a headband. With no boosters I had a 0% chance (forgot to take a screenshot). Adding 3 cordyceps (with all rainbow equipment) brought me up to 10.62%. I decided to play around with mono equipment to see how it would affect my chances (I haven't leveled any mythic equipment yet). Interestingly, 5 mono was the only combo that increased my chances; any more or less mono gave me worse odds than 6 rainbow. Made it through on the 13th try with a 14.31% chance (so slightly bad luck based on the odds, but I'll take it). I don't have much storaged worship so I won't quite be able to make it to the next wall with this week's blessings, but 1400 (and then 1500 and the prospect of Capricorn) are on the horizon. All girls were level 700 and full stars (except Noemy, who even at 5 stars was still one of my strongest girls with this week's blessings).
  14. As a mid-game player with a ton of girls in my EP pool, I usually only spend EPx1 orbs during Pachinko contests (mostly LC), but I might have to reconsider my strategy with this new Double Date event. Even if it's just an extra 2-3 girls per month, it would still significantly speed up the rate of emptying the pool, and the chance of getting a CE girl are so low for those with a big EP pool that I wouldn't be too worried about getting one of the "villains" girls. And GPx10 are worth almost as much as EPx1 for the LC pachinko contest, so I could just save a few more of those. Also happy to have another version of Regine, even if she's only 1-star. 😍
  15. My decision to do all my MDR fights on Day 1 to overlap with the contests paid off! I was kind of expecting Francois to snipe me so I'm a bit surprised (but elated!) that my slim lead held up. This is my 10th time coming first in CbC (but first in a long time), so I now have 10 AM Boosters squirreled away for when I eventually promote to D3. I also came in 2nd in the DC.
  16. My 11th Mythic, and second Orange/Physical after Elder Magus Bianca. (Screenshot caught her mid blink, but it kind of looks like she's having an orgasm which seems fitting for this game so I kept it 😆) Total of 799 fights (53 from regen, 66 from Seasons, the rest from refills), similar to what Royal Housemaid cost me. I decided to do most of my fights today to take advantage of the two villains contests. I was going to leave the last few shards for regen tomorrow, but I noticed I was leading the CbC by only a few thousand points so I decided to finish her off. I also had Preya sitting at 92 shards on Silvanus Tier 3, so it worked out perfectly for her to take a few sprays from the 5th Sandalwood Perfume and now I've cleared Silvanus. White/submissive gems are my least needed right now but they'll be useful after Alt. Finalmecia's revival next month. Good luck to everyone still going after her!
  17. Day 4 of LC is my time to shine. 😊 I now have 34 girls at Level 700, so I'm a third of the way to unlocking 750. And since most of my girls at 700 are Mythics and L5s and a lot of the ones left are commons, I'm actually probably closer to 50% there in terms of GXP.
  18. I said I was going to take it easy on Day 3, but I ended up being around my computer for most of the day and I have a huge stash of tickets since I haven't gone after Champion girls the last couple CE/OD, so...
  19. I think the only time I've spent MP3/MP6 orbs on a non-L5 girl was for one of the Regine variants (because I really like Regine), and then she showed up as the Mission girl in OD a few months later so it ended up being a waste. But I learned my lesson and now I'm locked and loaded for those precious L5s (paging Norou....Valentina...Levitya...).
  20. Made up for Day 1 with a 2nd place finish on Day 2. Now I can relax on Day 3 and go for those MP6 orbs with all my saved GXP on Day 4.
  21. Argh I went to bed in 6th hoping I was safe for Top 10 but ended up in the dreaded 11th. Oh well, I have a lot of GXP saved up so I should be able to get her on Day 4 no matter what. (1st was 5.5M, 2nd 4.3M) I like Kyoko a lot. Her little boobs are so cute, and I like the ass tease in her 2 star pose. I don't know the source material (I usually don't) so I can't comment on the parody, but I like her art. If she were any element other than Playful I would probably start leveling her right away, but as is she'll have to get in line and pray for a windfall of precious yellow gems.
  22. Artwork seems fine, she just doesn't really strike my fancy. Which is probably good, because not only do I need to save kobans for all the upcoming MDR girls I want, but I'm going to need all those blue gems for Angelic Lanaëlle and Lovebot Norou (and possibly New Year Estelle or MD girl TBD). Having all the blue Mythic Revivals bunched up within a few months is going to be an adventure.
  23. It is a little baffling that there are more yellow L5s than any other element yet the first villain where you can farm yellow gems is in World 13. (EDIT: I forgot about Dark Lord. But who wants to farm Dark Lord?) I'm in the same boat as you - I never have yellow gems to spare for the older L5s (sorry Tano!). Looks like Beatrix will now have to take a backseat to Hedjouret because of blessings, even though I like Beatrix's aesthetic better.
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