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Everything posted by MisterCat

  1. So I have about 6k kobans. Normally I do a 10x Epic (5400 kobans, 1 girl guaranteed). I don't do the draft because you don't get any new gear and the chances of getting a girl I don't like is pretty slim and 600 kobans is a pretty steep price to choose your girl. Right now I don't see Mythic pachinko as a good deal, the description for it is really vague about what the multiple game versions actually give you for the kobans. To make me further doubt the value of the mythic pachinko, so far, I've only gotten avatars from the free version, no shards at all. What do y all think?
  2. I have to agree with the above posters. Having 0 defense against the Sky Harbor champion is just AWFUL game play. What is the purpose? Just to show that the devs can make a their creations more powerful than the players?. It's not like the last two champions are pushovers...my fights only last 5 rounds when the devs artificially set my defense to 0. Oh..and then the guy conveniently forgets a full 10% of his 11 MILLION impression points. Talk about a stacked deck in the houses favor. Not much fun :( I am starting to regret even trying..
  3. One of the interesting choices the devs could give the players is to fight previous bosses (ones where the player has gotten all the girls) for a chance at shards for a random girl. This serves a couple of purposes: keeps the old bosses relevant in the game even after you have all the girls from them; adds an additional strategy element on some of the contests. Some caveats to make it not so much a give-away. 1. Bosses change random girls they drop shards for every 5-7 days. I think it would be sort of fun to go through the old bosses once a week or so and see if they are dropping shards for a girl I have. 2. You can't get a shard from a boss unless you already have at least 1. 3. Legendary girls exempted, this keeps their special status strongly enforced.
  4. I sympathize with TwistedDark. Even at higher levels (I'm 330+) the last couple champions are a heavy grind. My main problem is the 'forgetting'. As TwistedDark mentions, at some point they forget more than you progress. This seems quite cruel to me, since it creates a strong negative feeling for the game: Unless I play at lot, the progress I've made versus a champion is going to get wiped out. To me, this is a bad way for the devs to build engagement. I'm fine with it taking a long time to work through a champion. I'm not fine with the devs deciding (mostly arbitrarily it seems) to run champions with the forgetting penalty.
  5. While I agree that RNG is RNG, I also agree that the shard drop rates during Legendary days are too low. I say this not because I actually know what they are but because of the psychology of engagement. This game (and many others like it) depends on a several factors to provide 'fun'. For Legendary Days, two are of prime concern : 1) unexpected reward, also call gambler's reward; and 2) return on effort combined with measurable progress toward a goal, which I typically think of as paycheck reward. Note that these aren't the only sorts of fun provided by the game, there is sexual titillation, stories, pretty harem people, contests (fights, leagues, arena, ect) community involvement but this post just deals with those two as they pertain to Legendary Days events. The shard system is generally considered better than the previous system because it involves both gamblers reward (unexpectedly winning shards in a contest) and paycheck reward . The previous system only used gamblers reward. However there are trade offs...previously, there was a very large gambler's reward (getting a girl), which is now balanced by small gambler's reward (getting a couple of shards more often) and the paycheck reward of seeing progress toward a goal. The danger is that Legendary Days drastically lowers both types of rewards, very low shard drop rate and sharply limited time for the paycheck reward to play out. It is made worse when players don't realize the goal is impossible without additional resources (5-10k kobans based on this thread) and feel cheated when Legendary Days finish. I don't know if the devs get a clear feedback on exactly how this affects their yardsticks (size of player base, enough $$ to continue operations) since, except in a few cases, the effects on players isn't binary (playing/not playing) but rather a continuum (spending much money down to checking in once a month or so to see if it's gotten better). To make things even muddier, changes along this continuum might happen days or weeks after the triggering event. As it stands now, I think Legendary Days are rather negative...I personally don't enjoy them, and the general sense I get from this thread is that most people playing the game don't either. People participate, but it seems to be more of a grinding sort of participation to me. I feel this is because the goal (a new harem person) isn't really obtainable in the time allowed without significant payment. This changes the tenor of Legendary Days almost to a haggling session...how much work do I have to put in to reduce the cost of the thing I want. This is inherently less fun than other events.
  6. As usual for these sorts of casual games, I tend to login and play from a couple of different machines. Some have the Nutaku client, some I use a web browser. For HentaiClicker, if I log in with a web browser I connect to a different account, at least in the sense that progress from one machine is not shown when I login to the other. In the case of the web browser I log in with the email/password set I use for nutaku. I don't understand how to use a web browser to point to www.hentaiclicker.com and access the account that the nutaku client uses.
  7. 4 of the 5 top players in the Dicktator I league are hardcore players (7 of the top 10). Does hardcore really enjoy a significant advantage in PVP or does it just seem like it? How do the other leagues break down between the types of players?
  8. Visor is not much fun to battle...he does more damage than I do, and he gets like 10 million hit points. I something like 2 weeks of grinding I still haven't gotten all the way through the 1st trial. It's becoming a drudge. And even worse is that if you decide to not play for a while that wonderful forgetfulness erases your progress since the last save diamond, so the game becomes an obligation...pretty much the opposite of fun. The earlier ones were fun...progress was decent enough and the rewards were beneficial, but Visor has pretty quickly changed that. From a game design point of view, there isn't a lot of ways for the devs to tweak things, though some mechanism so that he doesn't get so many critical hits would be nice. Perhaps some sort of defensive attributes to gear or something? Some sort of random super hit bonus to increase the player attacks?
  9. Fighting Visor is becoming a real drag. Very slow progress. Not sure if I all that interested in trying to go further. The amount of hit points (impression, same thing) is in the 10's of millions, so he 'forgets' a substantial amount every day, just making it more of a grind.
  10. So far I've made it to the 4th champion (Visor) , and it seems he forgets more impression in a day than I gain using one ticket. This seems to indicate that much further progress is going to be the next best thing to impossible. This doesn't say good things about trying to get to the 5th one. I'm level 319, so grinding out a bunch of levels trying to get the end doesn't seem like much fun at the the moment.
  11. I like the avatars, but I agree with your other points.
  12. Sigh...no new girls from the anniversary event, except those only in pachinko. I wonder what percentage of the player base that will be true for?
  13. A bit of feed back on the Champions duels. Currently we get 10 girls in our draft, and there are 5 rotating sex positions. As the duel progresses, each girl always sees the same two sex positions (since 5 is a factor of 10) each time it's her turn. It's nice if the girl's favorite position is what she sees, but this isn't likely, and since we can't see the sex position rotation before the start, it's pretty random if you get a match to the favorite or not. If your girl's favorite position isn't one of the two she sees, she'll never match against her favorite. To get a greater variety of events, change the number of sex positions to 7. This would mean the sex position vs girl matching would be different up to round 70, at which point it starts to repeat.
  14. Straight up. The Ombresse event that just ended wasn't any fun. I could tell from the 1st day the drop rate was too low. I wasted 1000 kobans and got 0 shards today, then threw in the towel. This was a far cry from the events before the shard system. The shard system works well for boss girls since you can see your progress, but for events it has pushed the devs to set the drop rate so low that replaces the thrill of gambling with unfruitful grind. For most people the it seems to have ended with the misery of dashed hopes and frustration from not getting anything for their efforts. I come here to enjoy myself, and this was far from that.
  15. I'm with most the rest of the crowd. 1000 kobans = 0 shards for me. The drop rate needs to be more than 1/100 attempts. It's just miserable seeing your kobans get pissed away on nothing at all.
  16. I agree that the ties in the league system are a problem, and it should not be solved by 'first come, first served'. The other proposals seem a bit convoluted and require a lot of changes. I have an alternate suggestion that I hope the devs aren't too money-grabbing to implement. We should have the server do a league fight between every set of players that are tied at the end of the league, to break all ties. Yes, the 1st/2nd place determination is where it counts for kobans and rewards, but it's nearly as simple to do it for every set of ties. The server runs the fights, and no one can complain that it wasn't done fairly. And since everyone knows when end of league is, you can prepare for the tie-breaking fights just as you might any other. While P2W players who load up on boosters have an advantage, it is no more than they have at other time. Or we can be really fair about it and run all the tie-break fights without any boosters at all. But these are all details, implementing the tie-break fight is the important bit.
  17. Devs, It seems to me that the current league cycle is quite unhealthy. In order to fight all other opponents in a league (100, 300 tokens), you can't miss out on many tokens...ei..you can rarely be away from the game for more than 7.5 hours. While I realize that you can buy refills to allow you to not be tethered to the game, the basic design is flawed. Please let players bank 30 tokens.
  18. The only time it goes above 100 is if you gain a level (10 energy) when you are above 90. In the most recent pause between chapters in the Splatters Archipelago, I gained two levels, so when the chapter opened up a couple of days ago, I had 120. This is better than the old system (refill to 100 every ten levels), because you couldn't go above 100 at all, and if you didn't keep your energy low when you were close to the 10th level, the amount of energy you'd actually gain was small.
  19. I'd probably agree with you, fisticuz, but I'm battling Karole who has a drop rate barely above zero. It's just no fun grinding on her any more. I've been working on Karole for months and have yet to get one girl from her. At least with the event girls, the drop rate is enough to be fun.
  20. Devs, Having been around for at least a year now, I (and others) are seeing repeat events. Most of these events I was able to get all the girls. That means on the 2nd time around, there aren't any left to get during the event. As much as it might be counter-intuitive, it's okay to have event girls with the higher level bosses (Silvanus and later). While I understand wanting to be inclusive on events and put the girls on the earlier bosses, that decision comes at the price of having none later on. I would say that it's okay to put event girls with the higher bosses, even if it precludes a certain percentage of your players (at least till the next time the event comes around). It adds to the long-term play-ability of your game.
  21. Devs, I was pleased to see that the cost per step on the Splatters Archipelago has become more varied (Ninja Sacred Lands seemed like every step cost 28 or more energy). One thing I'd recommend is a bit of consistency...something like new picture costs 20-25, and new dialogue 5-10. This pacing makes it more like reading a comic where you look at the picture, then get a few dialogue bubbles to read before going onto the next picture. Enjoying the new quest
  22. Yes, certainly gaming the system like that works. And I'm sure there are lots of people that employ it. But it certainly distorts the league rankings in odd ways. However more to the point, the comment is to the game devs on a portion of their game that perhaps could use some re-design for a better player experience. My own experience, this week pretty much sucked. A week's worth of the effort to play honestly at leagues, ended up in 80th place. Too low to get kobans, too high to get demoted, so I'm stuck in dicktator I league for another week till I can try gaming the system in a lower league. Even the cash prize is pretty paltry, barely more than one full harem gather.
  23. Me and my Ausi friend would feed her a couple of kiwis ID: 519872
  24. PS Not sure why the above post tagged me as a guest. I've been playing a while.
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