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Everything posted by MisterCat

  1. In general the shard drop rate has gotten very very low across the board. I would expect soon a pay-to-win offering by the devs in order to cash in on the frustration this is causing the player base.
  2. I don't think I'll get her. Two days into the event and I have 1 shard. And no kobans to do refills. The shard drop rate is just too low, not even sure if I'll keep tilting at this windmill for the next two days. Followup: With 1 hour left in legendary days, I ended up with 29 shards. I used no refills (no kobans to spend), so no chance to get her at all. This is one of the more unpleasant consequences of the current affection system
  3. Devs, Given that there are a variety of Bunnys out there (Bunnies?) it's possible to make a profile harem picture with just Bunny (and perhaps Lupa, cause she's such a close friend) and family. You could set up an art contest to let players post their best, most artistic arrangement of the most famous of harem girls. Give out a few kobans to the winner :) And perhaps a signed picture of Bunny via email for taking part in the contest.
  4. I don't know if a clicker would provide enough game play to be worth the time involved. There should be some minimal game play beyond just clicking a button. If HH has made something that other elements, I'd be willing to help test it out and provide feedback.
  5. Karole is nearly to level 300, and I've barely made it half way to even getting one girl from her. While I sort of like the attraction system, the amount currently given out for Karole is just too little. Needs to be bumped up quite a bit. To make things worse, since the attraction is given out more or less randomly, Karole will be roughly level 900 before getting the last girl. Oh, and she gives no money, either.... And 50 days later, here's my progress. Only another 40-50 days and I might actually get a girl from Karole. Needless to say, I'm in the camp that thinks Karole's drop rate needs to be upped by a fact or 4 or 5. It really sucks the fun out of the game. Strangely enough Rin won the shard race. She dropped on 5/30. Roughly 95 days to get one drop under the new system. While I do like the shard system, the drop rate for Karole (and I assume the boss after her) is much much too low for fun gameplay.
  6. Superwoman. She just looks so ..innocent. Would be a lot of fun to introduce her to lust and sex. Hentaiheroes ID: 519872
  7. I just got the final star for my harem today. Assuming that Karole is as stingy as ever with her affection gems, it's going to be a while before I get a new girl to pamper. I'm not sure what order I'll use when getting them leveled up...legendary first? Charm first? Date of seduction? Any suggestions?
  8. Just got to that step...yeah, nothing like having the devs rub in the insult. It's not like we weren't already having to decide whether to fight Karole and when the planets aligned just right, get a couple more affection points. Karole is level 225, and I've collected a grand total of 45 affection points across 3 girls, none have dropped yet. By a huge margin, Karole is the least favorite boss, when she should be the best. These sort of decisions by the devs suck any fun from the game.
  9. It seems like the devs have added insult to injury by deciding to put in a $3,000,000 charge for lube in the Like a Suppository quest. Karole doesn't provide any cash, just affection items, and taking away that much money just seems mean spirited.
  10. 17 million to go... Just upgraded Norou to 5 stars...had the gifts, but not the $18,000,000 for the sex android...
  11. Pressing the Challenge button in ToF leagues does nothing, does not load the combat screen.
  12. The RNG god was with me tonight. I got Vivia on the 1st spin!! And now I have to go through the rest of the girls to see which is the next most attractive
  13. Epic Pachinko 10x result Lupa has always been one of my favorites two of the equipment items were better than what I had, so it was a good 'spin'
  14. So to update the experiment, more mojo has been lost. The number of losses has slowed (a little) but remains about 4 in 6. My conclusion is that the algorithm for matching players isn't flexible enough to allow players to use leagues to easily level up non-5 star girls (ie, non-optimized for league fights). Not sure if I find this as a fault in the game design or not. And before anyone jumps in, yes, I haven't bothered to buy much for stats or try to obtain uber-gear or any of the other things to improve my league standing. I only care about winning fights to get XP for the girls in my battle team and more affection (though I'm nearly complete when it comes to affection, only 3 stars left to buy). My goal is to have all my girls at top star level, then as that is complete, to level them all up to max level. Should I ever finish those goals, then I'll start spending cash on my stats.
  15. This has been the result of nearly all my arena attempts lately: I reshuffled my team to give girls besides my 5-star charm squad, and have dropped hundreds of mojo, but Arena opponents don't seem to adjust in difficulty. I just get more losses and it takes days to finish the 'daily' quest now. Anyone else seen this result after changing around girls? Please don't respond with 'you can do better if you do this or that', the question is about how the game responds, not how to min/max the game from the player side.
  16. Having played for a while and seen many events, this one is starting to seem more stingy than most on girl drop rate. Like any 'slot machine' game, it's only fun if you win sometimes.
  17. Are the girls available for the current Christmas event the same as last year?
  18. Navigation of the Adventure map with it's two pages is always a little awkward. This is especially true when you're doing an event with girls on the first (left) side but you're high enough level to have made it to the higher(right) side. I would like the to go back to the side I saw last time. Either that or add a new menu item to let us choose which one to go to.
  19. This bug happens to me, all the time. However it got worse tonight. I was having to use kobans to finish the last couple of missions in the last minutes before reset, and it preventing the present page from loading. So not only did I not get the 150 koban gift for finishing the missions, I'm out the 60 kobans I spent to skip the times on those last missions. Could I at least get my kobans back?
  20. I would think that income from a girl would be higher for the more rare girls. With the exception of some of the 1st few girls like Bunny, income is the same regardless of rarity/level/ect. This seems odd to me.
  21. My arena team omega does not earn experience after winning a fight because she's reached an affection level that makes her ready for upgrade to the next star level. I agree that she should not earn affection, but she should still earn experience.
  22. Nothing at all after nearly 5 days. I don't think I've gotten a new event girl in a while...3 events counting this one.
  23. Put me in the very large camp of unhappy players that didn't get any of the event girls. Having been through many events, this is a 1st, so I have to agree with the people that say the drop rate was lowered. Fruitlessly clicking on the 'perform' button without success of any sort isn't a fun experience at all.
  24. So in the background for the current event, there is a Love Hotel. I've always liked the backgrounds and you generally find an easter egg if you look closely. Anyway, I got to thinking...what would go in the Love Hotel? My answer is: short side stories/sex scene with the girls. Perhaps a 5-10 panel scene that features a bit of story (and sex, of course) concerning each of the girls. Since we just took a survey of the most popular girls, that list would make a good development order, since it might take a while to draw/script/publish What do you think should go in the Love Hotel?
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