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Everything posted by test_user

  1. Wow, thats a fast turnaround for the next quest. Thats great. But the big news is that 1 roll epic pachinko has been improved. I'm much more likely to use it now even though I'm trying to save kobans for anniversary event next year. Good patch
  2. Glad to know it has been both observed and reported. Thank you. I hope they are able to find the cause of the problem with both things like that and why the server doesn't like the league reset.
  3. The issue I'm thinking about at this point is what happens with those match resets. If someone was ahead in points and gets to rebattle people that were already defeated, then they will get a score that is impossible for someone to reach right? Someone in my league had 39 points already when the battle counts seemed to reset. Has anyone else noticed this in their league?
  4. Looks like stability is slowly returning.
  5. Took me about 40 minutes but the server finally let me get my 15 battles in. It sort of looked like all the opponent battle counts reset as well but people retained their points. I've actually beat 5 people total but the count makes it look like I only defeated 3 people in the league.
  6. Even the sluggishness a week ago wasn't this bad. Is this related to the leagues?
  7. I lost a ton of matches. My level and stats were outclassed by a ton of people so I'm still in "wanker" league and couldn't get promoted. Didn't really come close this time either. Maybe I'll have better luck this week.
  8. Logged out and back in and still nothing at the moment. Maybe at the next refresh? I'll have to log out more frequently. Usually I only turn my monitor off at most so its not like I have to re-sign into the game all the time. And have the info saved on mobile so I don't really have to log in there on the chance I do play from there.
  9. Thanks. I'm trying to get her without using refills so until the end of the event I'll be attacking Edwarda endlessly and hoping I can manage to get Tachibana
  10. Finally got Tanned Marina. Going to try for Edwarda's girl now too but at least I won't end the event with no new girls at all.
  11. No luck against Donatien so far. Been battling him since the event started. Still holding out hope until the end of the event
  12. Halfway through and still nothing I hope the back half of this event has more luck in store for me.
  13. Man, this completely captures the sentiment I was just about to post about.
  14. No, luck yet but I'm hoping I can win both boss girls with only natural fights and no refills
  15. I spent all my kobans getting 4 girls from Roko Sensei. I'm hoping that non-refill fights by the end of the fight will let me get one more girl. And good lucky to everyone still trying to even get a single girl from a boss. I've also gone poor by upgrading the girls affection levels as well.
  16. Increased chance to win per battle probably is a low number but it doesn't even factor for event girls. Only boss girls get a better chance as time goes on.
  17. Spent the rest of my kobans. Got Bunny's Mother and Deitra. After today I'll start saving them more seriously. Since I couldn't do a 10x roll of epic pachinko even by the events end I decided to spend it on refills. So I managed to get at least 4 girls from this event while forcing sensei to level up for when I am ready to focus on fighting him again after this event.
  18. Windia and Juin Lelierre. I used around 2k kobans (maybe about 1900) on refills before I got them. Not sure if I want to use the rest of the kobans for even more battles or just start saving them a lot now. Surprised I managed two girls in the amount I refilled. But I think if I had just used only the time based fights that become available then I would have gotten no girls during this event.
  19. Its rough seeing so many girls left to earn yet not have any success so far. I hope I don't have a repeat of the last event where I get no girl.
  20. Does anyone have confirmation of this? I think it is true as well but I was hoping that each girl would have a separated RNG for the boss battles
  21. I had been under the assumption that a drop rate for the girls was separated so there was still a really good chance to get a girl during this event. If they are all locked into one drop rate together then I guess this will still be tough
  22. Thanks, this is good reason not to try single spin. I considered it for a bit because I wasn't sure about buying kobans. Still unsure about that so maybe I will not end up with anything besides what I may win from bosses. I expected better success so far considering how many girls I have to get. But its only the first day anyways.
  23. Solveig has more stars now? I'll have to go take a look
  24. I wish the event was long or gave kobans in missions. I thought they would. Looks like I probably won't have enough at this point to spin for a guaranteed girl in pachinko
  25. They are not. That is why I had said I can't focus on PvP until I have the equipment to make it lopsided to my own stat. I'm noting that I'm starting to see more people around my level that seem to have those numbers by having equipment for their stat. I'll be changing stuff up soon enough to get better at PvP. Thanks for the tips
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