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Ol Sheriff Joe

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Posts posted by Ol Sheriff Joe

  1. En réponse à ton message :
    - 1 - C'est impossible et n'arrivera jamais en jeu, pour des raisons simples de triche possible.

    - 2 - Est-ce que le profil du héros ne permet pas déjà ça ?... une photo avec un groupe de filles dans un décor choisi ?

    - 3 - Je n'ai rien compris

    - 4 - Alors, d'abord, euh... pourquoi 'mamelue' ?... Ensuite, est-ce que ce n'est pas déjà le cas des filles mythiques ?... (ou je n'ai rien compris à ce que tu veux dire ?)

  2. Hélas, Lucifer, c'est impossible

    Tout ce que tu peux faire, c'est reprendre de zéro le jeu sur HentaiHeroes... Vu que tu viens tout juste de commencer, ce n'est sans doute pas la pire proposition. Il peut te sembler terrible de 'perdre' 15 jours de jeu, mais HH est un jeu de longue haleine, et tu pourrais jouer plusieurs années... Ces 2 semaines seront vite oubliées dans ce cas

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  3. - What happened?... I heard gunshots all week long... Yet, we were not under attack this time, weren't we?...

    - Nahh... Not really indeed... The Ol' Man just... Well, you know, the Ol' Man just thought something serious was brewing in the silence of the first few days last week... Paranoid as he is, our Ol' Sheriff just took upon himself "to rid us of the scourge of Hell that's trayin' ta invade our belov'd city"... So i guess some poor kids from nowhere got the fright of their life...

    Anyway, a few of 'em did seem to play the Marshal's game, up to a certain point... And kudos to them for the gut show... They've clearly won their beer at the saloon after we finally managed to explain to the Sheriff that they were just plain out o' towners ^^ - So, good game, @SexeBond, @Bullfrogand @Dalgor, cheers to you!  

    Capture d’écran 2023-02-23 à 12.54.27.jpg

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  4. After weeks and weeks of cleaning the small town of all sort of baddies, it was finally time to rest. The Ol' Marshall was already smirking at the perspective of "watching over"  the ladies of the saloon...

    But Fate has its way to kill any and all your dreams... This week, she took the face of the Man of Law's faithful and long time friend, his deputy @Darkyz_

    " Hey Sheriff, as i perfectly know you'll be bored to death before we reach the week-end, what do you say we see who's the fastest gun among the two of us?... I shared the idea with @Toys4Twatsand he said he'd gladly play the referee"

    " Are you kiddin' me?... For once i was gonna peep.. err.. rest all week long, and you want me to run around, flashin' steel and bringin' thunder and lightning just to entertain each other?... Naaahhh.... I'll pass, it's no use anyway, and you don't need to train, you're fast enough to care for yerself, don't worry... "

    Sweat was already running along the Ol' bastard's spine... He knew perfectly well that the issue of such a matchup was certainly not guaranteed, and he dreaded the loss of face a defeat would imply...

    " I assure you, i'm fine as it is... And my beard needs a trim... yeah, i booked a beard trimming so it won't be possible, kid "

    " Aww.. that's too bad, i just heard the hairdresser cut himself badly last time you went gun blazin' in the middle of his shop... am afraid your trim will have to wait... See, the stars are aligned, it's the perfect time for a little bit of fun "

    What kind of fun can that be?... He's as fast as a rattlesnake, and he's got the shiniest colts in the West...

    "But maybe, you're afraid, Joe?... We never know, I could catch you off guard..."

    " Af... what! The Ol' Man is never afraid! Never Ever! You just got yerself a good ol' one on one, Dark'!

    " Okay, see ya at dawn, then..." The Deputy was smiling, he didn't think it would be that easy to lure the antique man into a friendly matchup.

    And man, what a duel it was. Bullet for bullet, hour by hour, the two gunslingers gave their best shots, under the watchful gaze of the third Bunnycorn, who didn't miss a heartbit of the action... And it's by a hair (luckily not trimmed) that the Ol' guy managed to save the face... Hope you were around, 'cause it was simply epic!!

    Capture d’écran 2023-02-09 à 12.59.57 - copie.jpg

    (and kudos to Petr for his fourth place^^)

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  5. Nearly a week already!

    Hey Ol' Man, wake up and move you ass! you didn't tell the crowds how you did repel the hordes of outlaws last week! And you know the issue that sums up your adventures is the best selling paper of the week... So, help me feed my family, and weave one of your insane tale of the West... 

    Well, Well.. I didn't speak 'cause i slept through the week, all I remember is a pair of guys i never heard about before doing some shady business 'round the saloon... So I swallowed a bunch of pills, and went to bring the fear of the intrument of justice to these baddies... They tried well, i guess, but i know my town better than them, and pretty soon, KKJay, Atrox and Rex were roaming the desert, once again, in search of another prey... No doubt, some of them will be come back sooner or later, though, but for the time being, our walls are safe.

    Capture d’écran 2023-02-02 à 11.34.04.jpg

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  6. As the Ol' Marshall was leisurely swinging back and forth in the antediluvian rockin' chair sitting on his porch, 'watchin' over the city' (as he liked to call his spying on the coming and goings of the saloon ladies), his trusted deputy @Darkyz_ arrived in a cloud of dust and unsaddled at the speed of a rabbit in heat:
    "Hey, Sheriff, there's a fellah out south who pretends he's yah... Same outfit, same hat, same creepy pervert dartin' ey... erm... i mean same shiny pair of guns... Looks like you have some challenge in town"

    Rising as slowly as his old carcass allowed him to, the real Joe just grabbed his holster with the right and his antique winchester with the left, and walked in the direction of the only place were a stranger would come to, in his little piece of civilisation lost in the hot desert...

    It was tense, it was sweaty, days and nights, the city resonated with the sound of gunfight and ladies screaming... Until, on thursday mornin', the Ol' man wearing a shiny star came back to his friend, who had kept the city clear of danger while he was 'on the hunt':
    "It's okay, Dark... wasn't easy... but with the generous help of Lola and Salem, i managed to distract this pretender... i have noticed he had a thing for a curvaceous body, that's what signed his doom... I sent this @[FDGN] ~ Joe back to the badlands, but he was a though customer, to say the least... Now, with you and the other Rabbits, the city is in good hands..."

    Capture d’écran 2023-01-26 à 12.59.57.jpg

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  7. Just remember folks... A few weeks ago, Cuntkiller was thrown out of the city with a bang...

    The next day, another bandido, the Master Horndog just came riding in from the outback, all guns blazin', telling everybody who would be listenin' that he had ingested enough weird desert mushrooms to wipe out the poor Marshall's city...

    Well, one long and sweaty week later... the star toting Ol' man of Law sent another jackal back to the sands he came from...

    Capture d’écran 2023-01-05 à 12.11.50.jpg

    Weary and tired, rest was nonetheless not an option, as just as one bandit was told a lesson that four tooks his place...

    Luckily, this time, the Sheriff could count on an other legendary colt swinger to side with him, as @govenants was in town, playing Doc Holiday's partition in this OK Corral revival partition...
    In front of the two veterans, @Testiclese@Kenraeand one "non mod" challenger, just_havin_fun, brought their might and experience, (or just pure hunger for victory for the last one) and assaulted the pair from all sides...

    It was long, it was hard, and it was cruel, as Govenants took a vicious bullet that let him crippled and bloody in the middle of a backalley... His efforts were not lost for everyone, as, when the dust settled, a faint flash came from the star adorning the jacket of the last man standin'...

    Another week, another victory... the Ol' Rascal knew his town too well for the newcomers... and, at least for another week, peace would reign in the small town...

    Capture d’écran 2023-01-12 à 12.54.09.jpg

    ... of course, all of that could very well change as fast as the bramblebush's direction in the wind now that a new man arrived in town... Another "mod" guy, obviously seeking revenge for his pals... We'll soon know now what @DvDivXXXwants, and maybe, if we're lucky, maybe we'll know why all these "mods' guy are converging on small a small piece of the desert that calls itself a town...

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  8. Aaahhh. These younglings... not even a speck of beard, and they already play at the Big Boys' table... (Well, Safi, you'll escape the beard's excuse cause you're a lady, but that doesn't change a thing!)

    What can I say? Welcome to the last flight of stairs, Little Orca, we're waiting for you up there in front of the 2000th door :)

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  9. Well Well Well... my my, it's been a while this Ol' Man didn't come here to brag... or just sum up his last batch of sleepless nights, watching over his lil' bit of the Ol' desert he calls home...

    (Have to say, to be completely fair that two recent outlaw raids from a certain Scarlet did bring quite the fever to the city, and it tooks ages to rebuild eveyone's confidence in the Marshall's ability to protect people...) 

    So, last weeks saw the city been assaulted by the likes of Cuntkiller (a first time), Erin, Ezekiel, Nardi Legend, Didish76, wanting to do the same damage the Nordic Disease did... but each time, the recoverin' Sheriff proved to still be standin' when the dust settled...

    Last thursday, though... an angry canadian Cuntkiller came into Main Street clamorin' he would get his revenge... And judging by the Mythic 6-shooters he was handlin', it was quite clear he was meanin' business...

    On his side of the street the Ol' Man, clinging to his older artillery, decided he would trust his uncanny ability to defeat bad odds (as long as they're not named like a plague...), and so... after an exhausting week of sleepless watches and dirty swings from both sides, the Old beat the New...

    But don't believe it will always be so... the desert brings every week his new spawn of young and hungry bandidos... And some are already on quite a few 'Wanted' posters, 'cause their aura starts to precede them

    Well done CuntKiller, was a nice week battlin' you^^

    Capture d’écran 2022-12-29 à 12.55.51.jpg

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  10. Oyé ! Oyé ! Braves gens de Forum Town !

    Ce n'est pas tous les jours que ça se présente, c'est même un événement plus rare que d'avoir deux fragments d'une mythique lors d'un tirage x10 sur son vilain Troll gardien ! C'est une opportunité comme il ne s'en présentera pas deux, disais-je... C'est l'occasion d'une vie (de joueur de jeu hentai)...

    C'est le moment ou jamais ! Les infernaux Red Hot Bunnycorns ouvrent les portes ultra secrètes de leur terrier à une pincée d'entre-vous !... Alors, serez-vous la prochaine terreur des ligues, faisant trembler les foules et tomber les filles à la seule mention de votre Club ?... (et aussi vu l'odeur certaine de potage à la carotte qui vous accompagnera désormais partout)

    Est-il encore utile de présenter les seuls et uniques Lapins Mutants Garous Cornus (et tant d'autres adjectifs descriptifs plus ou moins inutiles) du Haremverse ?... (au cas où tu arriverais tout droit d'Alpha du Centaure en exprès, (ce qui est la seule excuse valable pour prétendre ne pas les connaitre), c'est le Club 1081 sur HentaiHeroes.com)

    Alors, si tu as l'âme d'un grand vainqueur de Ligue, d'un immense collectionneur de filles, si tu veux rejoindre une belle et grande famille dans un beau terrier. Lâche-toi. Écoute ton cœur. Tu sais que tu veux toi aussi appartenir au club le plus redouté de la galaxie... Oui, de toute la Galaxie ! et même au delà...
    C'est simple, répond à ce message 😃

  11. il y a une heure, Mighty Thor a dit :

    I think, they do it for team mates.
    Maybe they would have to wait too long, till their boosters expire, so they change their team.
    I just don't understand, how it is possible for only a short time with the whole snapshot-thing.

    That's an advanced  jutsu that only the most elite of the contestants have mastered 😎

    il y a une heure, Mighty Thor a dit :

    Anyways - I must be better this week, if I want to reach Top30 again.

    Something tells me you needed one more point than the guy who finished 31th, so it would mean 5266 points... Don't you think? ^^

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  12. Le 06/10/2022 à 21:59, Bigka a dit :

    Clairement, le nouveau marché est beaucoup moins pratque et ne ressemble même plus à un marché sans les vendeurs. 

    Sans la possibilité de passer d'une fille à l'autre pour offrir des objets; ça devient très ennuyeux d'augmenter plusieurs filles. 

    Je dirais que c'est surtout un changement de présentation de l'interface qui va nécessiter une adaptation. (et comme je trouve pas que c'est particulièrement intuitif, ça va peut-être prendre un un petit moment), mais il n'empêche que, ergonomie mise à part, la refonte est un très grand bonus par rapport à l'ancien truc qui était lent sur un ordinateur et carrément inutilisable sur un mobile

    Reste cette histoire de lenteur évoquée par certains d'entre vous, et que je ne saisis pas...

  13. Bonjour 8its

    C'est tout à fait explicite et mentionné dans les CGUs du site du jeu (onglet 'parametres', 'parametres du compte') :

    "10.3 Le Fournisseur n’autorise pas le transfert de Comptes. Vous n’êtes pas autorisé(e) à acheter, vendre, offrir ou échanger un Compte ou Identifiant de Connexion, ou proposer d’acheter, vendre, offrir ou échanger un Compte ou Identifiant de Connexion, et toute tentative d’agir en ce sens sera nulle et non avenue et pourra mener à la suspension ou clôture du Compte et ce à la seule appréciation du Fournisseur."

    Voilà, tu sais tout ^^

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  14. Il y a 7 heures, Mighty Thor a dit :

    Only in my dreams! 😂

    It would have been interesting to know, if those about 153 points (9 x 25 minus 9 x 8 points) had made the difference between Top45 and Top30.
    But I tend (wish?) to think, it would have been pretty much closer, but just enough anyway.

    For you information, then, the Sheriff's spies network confirmed me that the 31st contender this week (klm19) had a score of 5265...
    that's 130 points below your final score... Guess, your good eyes and perfect timing earned you a few kobans, yeah... :)

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  15. il y a 18 minutes, Mighty Thor a dit :

    Here my very late report for the first week of my comeback in D3

    Here I wanted to reach Top45, hoped for Top30 - and could finish at rank 27.

    But fortunately I was in the same D3-group as @Ol Sheriff Joe - Howdy and congrats to you for your win!
    So you can see the top rankings in his post - Thanks for your screenshot and table and your always enjoyable reports!

    Thanks for the kind words, Thor, i'm very glad if my reports are welcomed with enthousiasm 😊

    Congrats for your top30, probably due to your keen eye in spotting opportunities, and see you soon at the top!
    (*which means face to face with the Marshall in Gran' Street at sunset* :))

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  16. Well... let's report a bit earlier than the usual Marshall's way (which is to get out of his nap at the last minute before the following league, when everybody's already forgot about the whole affair)

    So! I told you it would be the Clesh of the Titans, and it's with a lot of apprehension that the brave Sheriff  awaited his renegade burrow partner. A lot of cordyceps and a ton of AME boosters later...


    Looks like the RNG goddess won! At least she favored order above chaos, (which is quite surprising for a fickle mistress... Well, it means that she really is surprising, all the time)

    So, (yeah i know, you're burning in anticipation, and i'm not delivering... that's the priviledge of being old and patient... i can wait, and i take delight in making you do the same... )

    But, i'd better stop taunting you before you simply skip my post...
    So, after a very very sweaty and shaky week, the Ol' Bastard managed to earn his 99th victory in the D3 Leagues! Few!

    Congrat to Frostburn1, of course, for his amazing performance (and a big pat on the shoulder for the worst luck ever week he had to endure)
    Congrats also to ThunderWolf, another Rabbit from Hell, who stood holding the candle all week to cash in more earnings in the end than both contenders reunited ^^
    And Good Game to KalosX, who fought for the last top spot with a sad Cryo, who missed the fourth by a pinch...

    Capture d’écran 2022-10-13 à 12.36.29.jpg

    Now it's time to rest and sleep a little bit... (or not, as Shin (and his impressive 55 victories pedigree) may very well want to disrupt the hard won peace next thursday)

    PS : i just realized the old tabloid is a bit outdated, the real final scores are slightly different, but the order of the top players stayed the same -, so here is the real Top15 ^^:

    joe 500   7186
    FrostBurn1 500   7165
    ThunderWolf 500   7099
    KalosX 500   6951
    Cryo 500   6897
    rayley 500   6885
    playaboy 500   6302
    Dalgor 500   6211
    Schattenengel 500   6192
    dark 475   6125
    Pornbird 500   6077
    Barf 500   6062
    freaky 483   5969
    Jumpy 500   5915
    benes 500   5910



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  17. Well well well, if it isn't the Ol' Marshall's time to gloat... again!

    So, what do we have here?... a though pairing, at least, that's what the Sheriff thought when he saw in his league the young renegade Relampago... His long experience (and more truthfully, his intensive network of spies and informants) had told him the young one was not to be taken lightly...

    In the end, after swallowing cordycep after cordycep just to  keep his fighting spirit up and ready, Ol' Joe still stood straight, and ironically, it's from Shin, who he had completely overlooked that the only competition came from...

    Congratulations to Julien for his fourth place, and a gentle shoulder tap to cypion31, who ended up in the worst place possible...

    Capture d’écran 2022-10-06 à 12.54.03.jpg

    And now, onto a new week of sleepless nightmares... 'cause this one will be really hard... I present you: the Ol' Marshall vs. one of his own teammates, the infamously sly Frostburn1... let's see in a few days if the young took out the elder 🤠

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  18. je suis surpris de votre réponse, parce que de mon côté, tout est nettement plus réactif depuis la mise à jour de ce matin
    Surtout en ce qui concerne la distribution de livres ou d'objets d'affection... ça défile enfin dès qu'on clique sur un bouquin, on n'attend pas trois plombes que le marché réagisse à chaque clic

    du coup, qu'est-ce qui ne fonctionne pas bien selon vous ?

  19. Well, well, all of that chit-chat just awoke the Sheriff, who's usually sleeping in a corner, in the middle of his girls, 'celebrating the latest', as he says... (noone knows if he's speaking of his victories in the bragging contest named Leagues in these parts or the latest beautiful damsel who dared to join his vast collection of 'Saloon Dancing Ladies'...)

    So, while he's around, let's review his latest billboard :

    Capture d’écran 2022-09-22 à 12.50.46v2.jpg

    Was an interesting week (aren't they all?)...

    Tommy the Kid went to him, bragging that he'd 'see who would be the best between the Ol' Crumpy Coltswinger, and his 'Naïve Youthful Vigorous Outlaw Spirit'... (or something like that, the Ol' Marshall is way too far down now to remember everything that's told to him exactly, he just accepts the challenge when he's given one...) 

    So, a few exchanges later, the dust settled, and the old lion was still standing...

    Congrats to Tom for the challenge, and to -MM- for the surprisingly impressive results ('this one will be the next challenging me in a few weeks... for sure')
    Of course, congrats to YourDaddy for his beautiful 7000+ results

    Funny thing is, there was noone near these 4 on thursday noon... All the contenders were probably hiding in fear of grabbing a stray bullet...

    And back to 'celebratin'' until next thursday, folks^^

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